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Everything posted by SlamnSam

  1. OK moderator, why can some guy advertise parking space in his yard for his profit but I can't post FREE tickets? Is it because it's called Hammer's Lot? How about I call mine Steal Tickets? Can I then give away free tickets?
  2. Any ticket you buy at the boss hog bowl is going to be outrageous. The tailgating is dismal compared to Buffalo. The fans here are fair weather and of the beautiful people group. When you go to cowboy stadium you are not going to feel the football atmoshpere that you would at a real stadium. This is a fashion show and about being seen at the game. Never the less the last time the Bills played here, Bleedsoe vs Carter, score 11-9. There were more Bills fans than cowboys so maybe they can show the texans how real football fans play the game.
  3. Sorry I havent said it in over 20 years as a fan of the Bills, but this team does suck and it is a very bad team. I wish I would have held off on renewing my season tickets. Finally at the 50 yd line row 10 and the bills put the worst team I have ever seen on the field. 2k down the tubes.
  4. this is the first time in 20 years I have wanted to get out of my season tickets. This not an NFL team. Everyone of those players should be ashamed to get a paycheck. I dont see us winning any games period. Terrible team, terrible.
  5. Do you mean people still listen to dumb and dumber?
  6. #34 who are you? I can't believe I'm even responding to such negative crap. What makes you think you would even recognize genius in the first place? I think Chan is doing a great job with what he has in front of him. It's not like he's the president and has every thing he could ask for and then screw it all up. Ralph is the limiter here. Like Ralph has said, just enjoy what you have or you will have nothing. So its either vanilla ice cream or an empty bowl.
  7. Just like Miami Heat was unbeatable with the greatest players ever on their team. Its chemistry not superstars that win champioships.
  8. Yes what a joke that plastic cup is. Remember when we would get bobble heads? Are you kidding me. I pay a lot of money for season tickets and I guess they added 4.94 on to my ticket prices to pay for that cup.
  9. Wow Williams and Dareus on the same side of the ball. Which NFL team is not going to worry about those two guys coming after them. I can see this is going to be a whole lotta fun.
  10. Its very difficult to move unless you want to go to the visitors side. They will tell nothing is available anywhere. You have to go through section by section with them on the phone, or you get, sorry the stadium is full. I was lucky enough to keep pushing, and got to 134 row 10. Thats pretty darn good for the conversation starting out that there was no place to move to.
  11. is mad dog to obvious?
  12. Gee I didnt realize our defense was as stiff as a colander.
  13. ernest borgnine is 94 and he seems pretty darn sharp.
  14. Wasn't there some guy that came forward and said ben had molested him in a bar bathroom?
  15. I like Gabbert. Hes the only QB that looked good in the Senior bowl. Im pretty sure Ralph is going to go after this kid. The fans have benn crying for a QB and thats what he said he was going to get.Have if you can trade down and get him then that would be awesome.
  16. They only give you a paper stub, nothing fancy at all.
  17. Aikman has been popped more than once for soliciting in the gay neighborhoods of Dallas.
  18. My favorite part of that song, which it is my all time favorite, is the ending land of the free and home of the brave. That is the only part of the song that really means anything. She did a great job. If you want to complain about something complain about most of the millionaires on the sideline acting like they could give a dam. That was way more disrespectful than that girl missing a few words.
  19. Well gee whiz what happened to the monster defense when the steelers played the Bills? As a matter of fact I believe the steelers barely squeaked out that 3 point win against the lowly Bills. Monster defense my foot, how about favorably calls by the referees.
  20. Firstly my arse isnt fat. Secondly I've had season tickets since 92. Who would want to sit at home watching a game when they can be in the game?
  21. Its nice they let you spread the payments out, but can you believe that they ae charging you 16.7% interest on that money. Thats crazy. Its not like they are a bank. They are acting like loan sharks.
  22. It doesn't matter, he wants to be in san diego. He was out there on the radio begging the city to take him. AJ smith knows that he is past his prime and just a step slower than the other DC's out there on the market. Bring back wade.
  23. On our next trip to New York for a Bills game we are staying at Salvatore's Grand Hotel. Someone tell me how close is Duffs to Sal's place?
  24. I think the Johnson thing is out of contexet. He didnt throw any haymakers anywhere. He looked like he was dusting the link off the dudes shirt. Im sure if he was throwing real punches the fine wouldve been worse.
  25. translation: Is he's a team player and he doesnt care where he plays.
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