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Everything posted by SlamnSam

  1. Yikes, oh my rex is such a badass. Please, he got his butt whopped by tim tebow. He should just quit coaching. His defensive mind couldnt stop a clumsy stumbling qb from denver. I think its time for the Bills second string players to expose rexxie for the puss he is. I will be flying the Bills flag loud and proud Sunday. Look out New Jersey, here comes Da Bills!
  2. Really? The jets got beat by tim tebow who can ONLY do one thing and that is run. We are talking about a guy that has no buisness even being in a football stadium. You think the jets will beat the BILLS, youre nuts. Wish I could bet your paycheck.
  3. Hey I'm with you.f the jets.i say we just end their season this weekend. Lets go Buffalo!
  4. You can surely bet that the JETS game will be highlighted. We would be like the sacraficial lamb to getting the JETS back in the race. They only the great teams show up in December. Does anyone have any faith that the Bills will be there?
  5. This is just a plain bad football team. I wasted my time and lots of money to see the worst football game I have seen since the last cowboys ass whipping. I really hate how a manager of any Buisness can put out such a crappy product. This organization does not care about winning. The players don't care about winning. How can you take such a beating from another bad football team and be alright with it. Every player on this team should turn in their uniform and go back to what they were doing before they decided they wanted to play pretend football.
  6. buffalo wild wings parking lot in arlington?
  7. What the hell is wrong with you whimps? The cowgirls are a nothing team when they are hitting on all 6 cylinders. This is Freddy's homecoming along with Nelson and Chandler. We have the advantage. An angry Bills team that got whipped last week at home, and the cowgirls have red gay ginger snap coaching them along with the krispy kreame santa claus on the defense. Hold your head up and bet till your hands bleed this is gonna be an ole fashion beat down with romo looking like a lost dog once again. Lets Go Buffalo!!!!
  8. Whats wrong with the Just End The Season?
  9. I got the same thing.
  10. you're kidding. the only thing out both their mouths was vick vick vick.
  11. a win is not a win. I like to watch my team compete, not watch it fall apart to some punk QB and punk coach.
  12. lucky the eagles suck even worse
  13. This is just a bad team. Hey lets call another screen pass.
  14. cornered animal? The eagles are what they are, an overhyped team with a weak coach. This is going to be a cake walk for the Bills. We have real players on this team and the eagles are just hot air. I'd love to take that $100 bet with that eagles fan that posted earlier. Freddie and Nelson are going to put big numbers on the board. Andy reid will be making more excuses about his poor coaching and the media will be questioning weather or not vick should go back to prison just so he can get on the comeback trail again. vick sucked before he got married to luther in prison and he sucks today.
  15. its not that tasker is right on anything, he is just anti-Bills everything. He is any ass and I'd love to punch him in the head.
  16. Are you seriously saying NO qb has ever thrown a ball anticipating a flag? Can you tell which football world you live in? A good qb will take everything they can get. Football is brutal and you take what you can get. I guess the qbs dont quick snap if the defense isnt ready on the other side?
  17. Its a legal block and thats his job, thats a reason for throwing the block.
  18. Wow, I thought I was back in Buffalo. This is truly a great Bills Backers Bar and they serve real Buffalo eats. People were awesome it is the best Bills Bar I have ever been in.
  19. Now that was a Bad ass defense. Man they were good.
  20. With all the focus put on the defense this year you would expect them to be better. I hope to see a better defense. Again our DB's are just terrible. If the front line doesnt get to brady our db's won't defend a dam thing like they haven't this season yet.
  21. My whole point about our DB's is that they appear to not have the ability to cover a college freshmen. We play against pros and our DB's are just plain terrible. How many times did you see the QB have all day to pass to an open guy with no one around for 10-15 yards? Hard to believe but it was many times. I didn't count them, but more than once spells big trouble. I am not counting the good plays by the QB that had all day to pass and the amazing passes that moore kid caught. I didnt see much of a pass rush and I didnt see much coverage on most of the passes. That was oakland, do you really think the pats are worse than the raiders? why will we all of a sudden have this monster pass rush that will even get to the best QB in the nfl? I would love to see the Bills pull this off, but billijerk is licking his chops knowing this is a turkey shoot. Just the way I see it.
  22. Brady has over 900 yds passing against 2 really good defeneses,San Diego and Miami. Our DB's cant cover a college freshman. How do we have any chances of slowing down Tom Brady?
  23. What time?
  24. You started this. Doesnt RJ have a Super Bowl ring?
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