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Everything posted by SlamnSam

  1. I have two tickets in sec 134 and 2 in sec 135. They can be emailed for the admin fee.
  2. There are those Bills fans I love. Optimism is already creeping in on a Tuesday after a butt whooping by the Jest. I am sure you all are marking the last home game of the year on the calendar. Let's Go Buffalo!!! There are those Bills fans I love. Optimism is already creeping in on a Tuesday after a butt whooping by the Jest. I am sure you all are marking the last home game of the year on the calendar. Let's Go Buffalo!!!
  3. I think after seeing preseason the Jets are in the bottom of the divison, (every divison). Do the jets have anything except hype going for them? Ok revis, but thats it. Tim Tebow is what they are betting on. The main problem with that thought process is the denver defense didnt come with the blowbo trade. It's a clown show and if the Bills can't ROLL over that then they should turn in their NFL I.D.
  4. Mr. Paterno was a facilatator of this crime. He stood by and let it happen. No man worth his salt would stand by and let that happen. Maybe you could put yourself in the place of the kids that were raped by mr paternos right hand man and see if you have a different view of the world. Paterno took the easy way out. He should be rotting in a prison cell with luther as his husband right now.
  5. Wow you have issues with calling a guy asking for advice a druken idiot or macho punk. Maybe you should look in the mirror are you those things? No one should take their kids to an NFL game unless they want them to see how ugly people can get over a sporting event. People are just plain ugly at those games and some are very violent. Keep your kids away unless you can squelch the fools quickly and by yourself.
  6. Smith is definitely better. He's at least a football player. Tebow, well he’s a clown and makes the circus more fun.
  7. I really dont like him as a QB, but there is no way you cant say he doesnt have that Flutie Magic. Take a chance.
  8. Isnt it sad that the Bills couldnt even pay the money to get a #3 receiver. And you think they are really trying to get williams. Its all a smoke screen they aint spending.
  9. The Bills are awesome. They pick the lowest rated receiver in free agency. I'm sure other season ticket holders will notice the tight wallet by the bills and act accordingly with seat renewals.
  10. I have had tickets for about 22 years now. Last year and this year are the only times I have not been able to sell tickets. I have some that are on the 45 yard line (home). There are times that I can't even give the tickets away because people don't even want to pay the parking fees to see this team play. I would suggest that you wait and see what this team does in the off season before buying tickets. Unless you are like some of these people here and say the tickets are so cheap, why not buy them. They are pretty dam expensive if you can't use them or you can't even give them away if you can't go. I do not plan on renewing my seats if they don't do something to make this team better. I was so embarassed at that cowboys I didn't watch for two weeks. I love the Bills but it seems barracka obama somehow got into the front office and completely destroyed everything this team used to be.
  11. 1.98 is too high?
  12. contact me. you pay the internet transfer fee.
  13. reggie who? thought he retired
  14. Gee maybe if you make another dumb post that will make a difference too!
  15. Not Ralph. If I was I'd offer free season tickets to all those whining.
  16. Who really cares? If you're going to jump hurry up and do it so the next guy can take your place. I hate that this team fell flat, once again. I gotta say we were "On Top O The World" there for the first six weeks. Come on, some love is better than none. Let's Go Buffalo! I actually sat in the Boss Hog Bowl when they got dismantled in Dallas, and I'm still here:)
  17. Yikes, how someone actually believe God cares who wins a dam football game. Lets be serious. This game is a gift to all Bills fans for Christmas. The team that brought down the miracle man
  18. too bad we didnt have a defense
  19. heck I thought I had already given them to someone
  20. Awesome seats, row 7. Does anyone wnat them? Cost-whatever the internet email transfer fee is, or you supply me with all the Labaotts Blue I can drink before a game next year.
  21. Well he does have 8000 post. Maybe he is really smart. Then again, maybe he has nothing better to do.
  22. Gee whiz, you were the last post on the subject. Are you telling me there are lemming rules that must be followed here? My point on running this team is the people that do run it have NO clue. They are just bumping into each other doing stuff. They aren't sure what that stuff is that they are doing but they are doing it. Lynch was dismissed from this team however you need to phrase it. He was better than CJ will ever be. At least Lynch is producing on a really crappy team. If I was from the Antarctica fishing my whole life I could come into the front office and do way better than what these fools have done for over a decade.
  23. CJ will produce once the bills cut him. We cut lynch to keep this player. This is exactly why the fans should be running this team. They CANT do any worse.
  24. You guys are such losers. Matchup? tebow is one dimensional. What the hell matchup is there? I cannot believe because they have played bad for a small stretch that you all whine and complain. I was at that dam Dallas game and had to suck up every crappy play. You know what? Thats how it goes sometimes. Well its going the other way Sunday and The Bills will prevail.
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