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Everything posted by SlamnSam

  1. Are you high? You think Holcomb gives this team any more chance than Losman? We like to see them win. If we are going to lose Id rather see it with Losman. Holcomb gives us zero chance over Losman. Anyone who thinks this is a good move either has another agenda or they are complete idiots. I am unhappy because we will not get better until JP gets better. The Holcomb switch is eyewash and Malarkey having no dam balls. Stand up for yourself Malarkey, tell the boss it’s your decision to stick with JP and if he wants Holcomb then tell him to fire you.
  2. I dont get it we are 1 game out of first place, and everyone here wants everyone killed. This team can only get better and we can make another run just like last year, except the standings are much closer. New England is clearly missing the real coach of their Superbowl team, Weis. Jets, Ha ha ha, make me laugh. That leaves Miami. So, do we or do we not have a chance? One really good thing about making a run this year, Bledsoe cant give this one away.
  3. Moulds is way past his prime or else he'd make that half assed kid look like a superstar. Do you remember Cunnigham throwing to Moss, Cunnigham looked like a pro bowler.
  4. So where you at? My son works with a SF unit, the guys that only wear a faded American flag patch on thier uniforms. He's a huge Bills fan, and last year Araon Schobel sent him a football.
  5. Yes John you are not getting it. Your rant goes year to year about your childs football progression and what trials there were. You said he had to sit the bench because of the cancer parents demands for thier son to play. Players in life, yes players that cause as many problems as the cancer parents did for you and everyone else. The lesson, there are so many "cancer parents" or people in life you have to learn how to deal with it. They are everywhere. Way it goes for that kid. Its apparent he hasnt learned his lesson yet either. Stand up to mom & dad and say " hey I dont want to play football". He'll get it and probably be better off for it latter. Who knows maybe he'll one day be a coach and have personal experinces to draw on.
  6. John get a grip on life. If your son is gonna be an NFL player his skills will come out. Do you think that there are not players like this cancer upsetting everyday life? I'll let you know, they are everywhere and they are part of life. Absorb the lesson they are teaching and get on with life. Hey have you ever sat down with them and empathized with them?
  7. Well hey Im in 115 row 11, just in case you may want to come by at halftime and bring me a beer as a side bet.
  8. Hey remember one thing Muslim extremist are pure cowards. They will get you when you really cant defend yourself, shopping mall, grocery store, and yes the Ralph is certainly big enough to be a target. What the extremist will shy away from is a group of people that wont stand up for themseleves. Show no fear and they will not come near. If they have any inkling that someone from buffalo will put a beat down on them, then they will run away. They want to attack groups that cannot in any way fight back. Be proud to be an American, and act like one, free!
  9. I usually sell my season tickets on stubhub.com. I have never had a problem with them and I always get the tickets to the buyers within two days.
  10. Well thats odd when I saw him in Dallas he was trying to pick up some dude in Humperdinks. Is it possibly you were that dude he was hitting on?
  11. This might sound goofy, put shaving cream on it for 15 minutes. Clean it off and then put the ball in it.
  12. How many Defensive linemen can out run Clarrett? Probably more than you like to. Shanahan actually believes he has been making great backs out of nothing. Clarrett wont make it through training camp.
  13. No way a CB. The need for CB is not what it used to be. The new rules basically nullify a CB's use, and now with the new Roy Williams rule on the horzion a CB value dimishes. There is no doubt our pick is going to be an OL.
  14. Beautiful call NYC. I agree with you and I am looking forward to the Bills finally winning the big one. So, tell me, who gets the credit DB for quitting, MM for going with his instincts, or TD?
  15. So the vlaue of a persons comments depends on how many post they have? You have 6k in two years therefore your comments have the most value?
  16. So let me get this clear, we swap Travis which is a very good player for a 2nd string guy. I thought we wanted a second round draftee. This doesnt even make sense if the Bills are even thinking this, which I'm sure they are not. Must be a sports writers fantasy to encourge the Cardinals to go after Henry.
  17. Damm that sucks! Here we go again, no playoffs for another ten years. This is a way bad move, JP aint gonna get it done. Im sorry but the faith is not there from what Ive seen. When #12 came you knew he was damm good. All we know about JP is that he gets hurt in practice. My son is such a Bleedsoe fan, now what do I tell him? I dont think Drew is that great, but he does know the system and the players. When JP blows, and we all know he will, at leats Drew would be able to spell while hes nursing another injury from camp next year. Sucks
  18. Lamp? Ha Ha , way too funny. Whats not very well thought out is JP cant make it happen so all the brain trust here just do some jethro ciphering. Too many knots on the head for most. Lets see JP starter = a losing season, cause why, well what little we saw wasnt much at all. DB will start because it makes sense if any of you light bulbs actually thought about what you were saying. Then again, what would you have to hate then?
  19. Drew will certainly be the starter next yearand may turn the reins over to JP latter down the road, but it is Drew's team, so deal with it.
  20. Drew is going to restructure and help JP along. We need Drew so the same thing doesnt happen to the Bills in the playoffs that happened to Pittsburg. We will go to the backup when the starter (JP) cant get it done. Drews here for the long haul, and hes going to help the Bills too, just like he did with the Pats against the Steelers in the AFC Chanmpionship 3 years ago.
  21. Its gonna be the Colts and the Vikings in the Superbowl.
  22. the Pats are done that is exactly why they are trying to pull a rabbit out of their hat. The luck has run out. This game will be over before halftime. The dynasty finally falls.
  23. Everytime I left a Wegmans I felt like someone just robbed me. Yes, they have great bells and whistles, but they are no longer a store for the working man. If you shop at Wegmans its because you have plenty of disposable cash or like most of the people they go there to visit with their neighbors in the isleways
  24. Edwards has shown that he can handle that position, and he does it very well.
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