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Everything posted by SlamnSam

  1. Sorry I didnt get a PM. Anyways I need to FedX tickets today if you want them. I am in Texas and will need your address. I need 2 things in return, the cost of the FedX and you have got to be an extremely vocal supporter of the Bills.
  2. I have 4 tickets in section 115 for some die hard Bills fans, You pay the fed x shipping cost from here in Texas and I will send you the tickets, but you have to be Bills fans that are going to make a whole lot of noise.
  3. The 12th man is going to create all the karma that is needed. Buffalo are you hungry for a playoff berth? Hell ya, let's go Bills!
  4. How well does the team from San Diego play in the ice and snow? I have to say the Bills have and edge there.
  5. yea those diamonds are called LDT
  6. On any given Sunday. I say the Colts luck is up its time to pay thier Bills!
  7. Come on you have to know Irvin is only there because he's a minority. How many other employees would still have their job after getting caught red-handed with a crack pot and weed?
  8. Sorry to say but Moulds cannot hold Parrish's jock strap at this point in his career.
  9. I have 4 in sec 115 , but you need to pay the fedx cost
  10. Good deal , I put $100 on the Bills at Ceasers in Vegas last week. At 75:1 that pays me $7500
  11. I think having Marv part of the team again guarantees 6 wins with no talent. I think that this is a good team besides the recent breakdowns in years past. Does anyone really think our defense is as bad as it was last year? I don’t think so and I think we have some very talented players here and once the defense starts to click again like its track record suggest then I think the offense will feed off of that chemistry.
  12. I already have my tickets are you selling more? Lets see now you are the person who decides which teams win because you know, what?
  13. white fight? are you saying you're a gay non-white?
  14. Probably has something to do with low wages and taxes that should start a tea party.
  15. I am gald he is gone also. At one time EM was the Bills in persona. Now he is what he is, a team wrecker. I know that with Moulds gone this team will be better. The team spirit will be better and I think EM knows Marv was not going to put up with Moulds crying the meshawn song. Therefore production is replaced with getting rid of of EM becuae he was costing this team prodcution that cannot be seen as he was killing other areas of the team.
  16. Im glad to see you have an opinion, I have mine. The link, well espn 103.3 sportscenter. It is 3 years 14 mil just waiting to work out the compensation for the Bills. Yes Murlarkey did do so good things here, remember Travis Henry he let him know his usefulness was limited. Murlarkey also let Moulds know he had little use here as a team wrecker. In the long run the things Murlarkey did do right will have big benefits, like getting rid of Moulds so other people can blossom, Evans, Losman.
  17. Wow he sure busted the bank on that deal. Im glad to see Mr. Cancer go and Im sure his career will end like pearless prices' did. You have to give Murlarkey credit at least he jammed Moulds by breaking his game streak. Who was more of a team wrecker TO or Moulds?
  18. Maybe, but D doesnt have an offensive line and we know how bad dreadsoe is without 40 seconds to throw the ball. At the very least this is a circus waiting to happen, Cowboys pull up the rear in their divison. Hell is coming to Dallas and bringing to with it.
  19. Yea right, Im thinking Antonio Bryant showed Parcells he aint what he used to be. Remember the sweaty shirt Bryant punk slap Parcells with? Yea, Parcells answer to that was "oh he'll be alright". Parcells=Punk
  20. I am pretty darn sure by cutting Danahoe and firing Bullarkey we made this team a hell of a lot better than it has been in the past 5 years. Now tell me what Marv hasnt brought to the table?
  21. Hey put it up your pipe obviously you have no idea what is going on in Iraq, let alone to know anything about what this organization is doing now. Please keep your Hillary Clinton Mauer point views out of football, and stick to sitting on your pipe.
  22. You should actually sing with the anthem and not blow it off. It should remind you that your freedoms arent free.
  23. If I read that right you actually believe Pittsburg has a chance against the Seahawks? Lets see if its the white unis or the road GRADDER. I just see a plain ole "L" next weekend for the steel white shower curtain.
  24. So say you, then why the hell cant they win a superbowl then? Meaning this era of cower. Gee whiz maybe its thier white uni's, well at least thats what Pittsburg thinks it is. There isnt any dam secret formula, it all depends in the way a team becomes a team.
  25. As a matter of fact I called to add more seats to my season tickets and Mary told me I was the first one not cus her out. Apparently there has been a huge negative resonse to the hiring of the new coach and many season tickets holders wishing to cancel their tickets. Quite a few of them near the premium spots. I told her to hold off on adding seats until the grown-up children get done having their fits so I can scoop up their premium seats in March. Man this is just like cashing in on the stock market. All I can say is keep cancelling your season tickets so I can pick then up. We'll see whose crying when the playoffs roll through Bufffalo this year.
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