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Everything posted by SlamnSam

  1. I live in Dallas and wear my Bills gear whenever I can. I coach a youth football team named the Buffalo Bills, some parents don't approve but too bad. Bills fans are a special breed and everyone knows it. If your still a Bills fan today then it shows you are person who is true to yourself. A person who is a Bills fan is a person who will never give up on anything. It speaks a lot about a person when they can get up off the ground and keep pushing forward no matter life hands to them. Go Bills!
  2. It doesnt matter what happened a man steps up to the plate and tells his story. Only one thing could take any man this much time, he's trying to get his lie together. I say cut the punk only from the point that he has been a coward and not come out and explained what happened. My Lynch jersey has just gone in the trash. Bring on Freddie Jackson and send Lynch to the cowboys.
  3. Cromarite plays the reciever and not the ball, thats why he wont be a top CB in years to come.
  4. WIN Sept. 7 Seattle Seahawks 1 p.m. WIN Sept. 14 at Jacksonville Jaguars 1 p.m. WIN Sept. 21 Oakland Raiders 1 p.m. WIN Sept. 28 at St. Louis Rams 4:05 p.m. WIN Oct. 5 at Arizona Cardinals 4:15 p.m. Oct. 12 Bye LOSS Oct. 19 San Diego Chargers 1 p.m. WIN Oct. 26 at Miami Dolphins 1 p.m. WIN Nov. 2 New York Jets 1 p.m. LOSS Nov. 9 at New England Patriots* 1 p.m. LOSSNov. 17 (Mon.) Cleveland Browns 8:30 p.m. WIN Nov. 23 at Kansas City Chiefs 1 p.m. WIN Nov. 30 San Francisco 49ers 1 p.m. WIN Dec. 7 Miami Dolphins (at Toronto) 4:05 p.m. LOSS Dec. 14 at New York Jets 1 p.m. LOSS Dec. 21 at Denver Broncos 4:05 p.m. WIN Dec. 28 New England Patriots* 1 p.m 11-5
  5. It would be great to go get this guy, it could save this franchise. New announcement in LA for an NFL team, and Toronto already having a lock on the Bills. This is a time for desperate measures. The best way to keep this team in this town is to compete against Jerry Jones money. Jones is a football idiot, just like Snyder. Beat them at their own game and help keep Buffalo an NFL town. The answer is to win and this is a gift made just for the Bills.
  6. Are you telling me you dont see what message Ralph has arranged? It is still the rivalry. He wants everyone to know or get the point that it is now between the Tronto Bills and the Fish. Get used to it, and get on the wagon now.
  7. Mosely is a blogger for hash marks. I heard him say yesterday that Kelly had dropped all the way down to 24 because of his thigh injury. Hes supposed to have a private show day like apr 9th.
  8. Marv is doing what he's paid to do, and that is to get this team ready to sell. Mort usually has some inside information and it makes sense that a team has decided to spend to the cap. This team may do well but the writting is surely on the wall. If this wasnt true then the whiner wilson would have already called foul play with the media. Like Ralph said "enjoy the team while its here"
  9. The head coach is now norv "cant get it done" turner and who is the d coordinator. Thats what I thought, look for a major step backwards this year.
  10. Now, what were those seat numbers that are available?
  11. Funny thing about that, I dont think Ralph is looking to keep the team here either. I have never had the feeling that he would ever move this team, but the writting is on the wall. If I can quote Ralph himself " enjoy the team while it's here". He's done and everyone wants to pretend it aint so, but it is.
  12. It’s just too bad. I understand teams like Philly and New England are very strict with their dollars. Maybe Ralph is getting some ideas from the way they run their companies. My gut feeling is that he is getting ready to get rid of this team. He has become a real complainer and it is pointing to someone who is ready to get his big cash and get out. I still bought my season tickets for this year. A championship team is one that overcomes all obstacles. It will all be up to the players as I believe Ralph is going to ride this team whatever way it goes. If it does poorly he can always say he did the best he could and blame it on the rest of the big market teams. If it wins a championship he can say he had the master plan. Either way this dude is getting out of the football team business. He has done a lot for the NFL in his years he has been around. When you start whining and stop finding ways to make it happen, then its time for you to go.
  13. Does that mean there isnt enough fan base to support a pro football team?
  14. The NFL commisoner said he will do his part to ensure the Bills will get their 6 million a year from revenue sharing. The Bills had 4 blackouts this year, fans arent doing their part. The senator said fan support was weak because of the teams we faced at the end of the season. Those teams were the Jags, Chargers, Fish & Titans. I say Bills fans arent supporting their team they way they used to. All those games were good games and it was some kind of protest from fans for what reason I dont know. All I know is fans will have to buy tickets to the games if they want the Bills to stay here. Its really dishearting to see the stadium empty in the cheap seats.
  15. Firstly greeny would rather take it up the ying yang. Montana is so much better than Brady will ever be
  16. Seattle is a lock over turnover tony and the no rush cowboys defense. Short speed routes by the Seattle recivers puts them in the driver seat, especially with a pass rush that does not exsist. Seattle 41 boys 13
  17. Steve Tasker equals Paul Mcguire
  18. Thank you Tom, I know for sure you were the right fan to have these tickets. Be careful of the Titans fans lurking in that area, always seems to be a lot out of vistirs sitting in those seats.
  19. Thank you, that would be really kewl tater.
  20. If thats true I still need at least their email address. The last person I sent tickets to I never even cashed his check for the fedx.
  21. I aint throwing no smack at no one, I telling him nicely to "shut the !@#$ up". I'm thinking that you should put down your pipe for a bit and stay on your own island.
  22. Point being you are trying say this is some kind of scam, therefore you havent a clue of what its like to own seats and not be able to use them. Any actual seat owner would understand the need or want to have those seats filled during a playoff game. This is a playoff game for the Bills and Titans. So the real point is find something else to poke a stick at. Maybe think about really buying season tickets instead of pretending.
  23. Hey essay they're three different people. Scam, no just want to put my tickets to good use. I've had these seats since '94 and yours are where?
  24. I need to FedX tickets today if you want them. I am in Texas and will need your address. I need 2 things in return, the cost of the FedX and you have got to be an extremely vocal supporter of the Bills.
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