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  1. The press was just filling everybody's heads about Barkley. I am just not impressed, and it's not just his O-line. His throws are erratic, always great to see USC lose. USC = Patriots of NCAA
  2. Matt Barkley is trash! He's a poor mans Mark Sanchez. I hope that game will shut you Barkley supporters up.
  3. Fitz, cause I'm a loyal fan of the team and player that still Billieves, and am not jumping on the Fitz sucks bandwagon like 97% of the people who post here.
  4. And I agree, all fans have suffered, but for everyone to just be throwing in the towel after one game is ridiculous! If we're having this same debate in 6 weeks, I'll be right there with you. For the love of God give them a chance first! One week is hardly a chance!
  5. You should be arrested for starting such a stupid and pointless topic. Too bad idiocy isn't a crime....
  6. Couldn't have said it better. What would be even better is if all these pessimists would stop starting BS topics like this and go away. Of course they would be the first one's back raving how Fitz is amazing and Chan is the best coach if we went on a streak.
  7. What happened last year was last year, and has nothing to do with this year, except that it enabled us to draft a couple of beasts.
  8. I saw a Jets fan get cracked with a glass bottle, head cut open. Pretty cool, Sunday Night game in 99
  9. I admit, wwhen I go to the Ralph, I am nothing short of a complete D-bag to the oppositions fans. The only exception to this if it's somebody with a little kid, even D-bags like me have to draw the line.
  10. 1- Matt Barkley isn't that good, quit listening to Kiper and the rest of those schmucks talk him up and WATCH a USC game for yourself. 2- I can't wait til next week when Fitz has a good game. What will you "Bills" fans be saying then?
  11. You clearly don't watch USC football and you know Barkley by name only. Yesterday against SU, 90% of his opasses were less than five yard WR screens. He has a great groupr of WR's that give him the gaudy numbers. He's nothing special, and couldn't hold RG3 or Luck's jock strap.
  12. Was anyone watching the same game as me? yea he sucked for the first40 mins of them game. Then he showed up and made the game interesting. I'm with Captain Hindsight on this, he can be good, just VERY in consistent. And anyone who thinks Barkley is the answer doesn't watch USC games, all he does is WR screens, he's trash, Trent Edwards 2.0. Maybe you negative nancys should find another football team to follow?
  13. Seems like this is pretty consistent year after year, although they haven't really done anything on the field to justify an increase. Here's to paying more for seats next year off of success! http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/8345872/average-nfl-ticket-price-jumps-25-percent
  14. I vote for the Canandian
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