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Everything posted by Dan III

  1. It is a long 60 days, no doubt, but Kerry holding a rally at 1/4 of midnight in Ohio says it all. No spin needed. The guy took such a large hit this week he had to respond immediately, even if it was midnight in Ohio.
  2. Stay safe Dave.
  3. http://www.kctv.com/Global/story.asp?S=2243605
  4. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...otorcycle_death Discovery channel fans will probably remember Larry from Motorcycle Mania 2 w/ Jesse James or The Great Biker Build-off.
  5. Did you ever watch Bugs Bunny cartoons? France's response to terrorism reminds me of when Bugs met Marvin The Martian on Mars... "Cross this line.. you die.." "Cross this line.. you die.." "Cross this line.. you die.." "Cross this line.. you die.." "Cross this line.. you die.."
  6. Freddie also was terrible on punt and kick coverage. On Rhodes's KR, Freddie looked like he was wearing cement shoes.
  7. No. He is out for the season w/ an injury. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/wire?section=nfl&id=1858799
  8. Advocate running down innocent people in the street? No, I do not. But, I think you understand my point. If you run out onto the field at a sporting event, you might get hurt when the police tackle you. Your next question: Does running on the field make it okay for 10 policemen to knock you down and beat you with nightsticks? No.
  9. Was the elderly woman standing in the street?
  10. Red Hot Chili Peppers: My Friends
  11. http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?BRD=109...1&PAG=461&rfi=9
  12. One of my all-time favorite tv shows. I think the best episode is the one where Meg pretends Stewy is a crack-baby to get more tips at the diner. "I want pancakes now"
  13. My thoughts exactly. After watching JP for 2 qtrs, I'm extremely impressed by his athleticism, hopefully he'll learn the sideline is his friend.
  14. http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflas..._4279_db045.htm
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