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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. I had to add the Boomer “RUMBLIN, BUMBLIN, STUMBLIN, monster Sam Adams at 1:28. God I used to love Primetime back in the day before Sunday Night Football. Back then my boys were just 4 and 2, climbing into bed with my wife and I in our first house and they love Boomer. They are now 23 and 21 and still in those Xmas moments will bring up the fun toddler days watching, PRIMETIME with mom and dad after their 6 pm tubbies. Sad we had to make sure tubbies and prayers were out if the way before PRIMETIME at 7 pm. LOOK AT THE BIG MAN RUN.
  2. We’ll, I hope he’s ok, and believe he’ll be there in the season. I want the best from him and for Josh Superallen17 to kick his butt. Never fear a man in sports. Respect and beat.
  3. That’s the truth!!! Never cracked that many brother, so you win the prize. Unfortunate happenstance to crack a couple a couple of times and then severely bruise a couple of times. Mama shrouds taught me better, but I know the pain. I feel for the guy. Good news is bones heal and sometimes stronger than the originals.
  4. Yeah brother, I think spemcer once healthy will be fine as he had a decent rookie year. We already brought in a few vets with Saffold on the inside and Quis, can play Tackle. Semismart minds think alike. 😇🤩🦬🏋️‍♂️
  5. That’s fair Rochester. Sometimes though when you lead team calls in sales as I’ve done for years and there are times for recognition of accomplishments and you in an obvious manner completely omit someone. As an example may be placing on a corrective action plan, which you probably know is the 30, 60, or 90 day plan really giving a guy a last chance to get his house in order before a PIP. Everyone on the team gets the numbers so they know when a person has underperformed formed for over 6-9 months, you as a decent person try to find some positives for a guy. It creates a morale issue for the team. I’m fortunate to not have to do this frequently, but I spend a great Deal of time trying to train and support my teammates. Unfortunately, some people work their way out of a job. I agree though I would not give false compliments to a person I’m about to let go. In McD’s case, we’ll never know as I’ve seen as am sure you as well coaches giving votes of confidence and then they are gone. I’m not an Edmunds hater or lover. I see him as a solid player who underperforms at times and do not think he warrants a large contract extension. If he accepts a team friendly contract, then ok. For all the debate over Milano before his extension, Spotrac had his value at $13.75 mil./yr. He took $11 mil. and in my eyes we extended him at a bargain. I don’t see Edmunds worth $14 mil. One more thing as I’m editing this response after getting some feedback. Just like we’ve all listened to the national insiders and pundits talk about Tua as they have surrounded him with weapons and by year 3, he should be completely healed and know this system and NFL speed, if he can’t really flourish this year, it’s a miss. I agree with this position on him. Well, we added some very tough anchors in the center of the D Line with Jackson, Settle, and Phillips. We also added Von and the others in year 2 in GROOT and Boogy. Edmunds has all the up front help he needs to not have Guards pushing him around. If he can’t start making splash plays this year, that is enough info for me whether an extension is in his future. We just upgraded the entire D Line so it’s time for Tremaine to shine. I hope that clarifies my position. I don’t see this to be some great vote of confidence due to some positive public feedback. I also don’t dismiss it. The bottom line for me is we’ll know of or when he’s extended.
  6. Yolo, thanks for this like other years keeping a training camp thread to one a week and just keep adding to it. I remember I. Tears past where some posters wanted a new thread for every piece of minutia minute by minute for camp. Im happy Knox yesterday was so open and public about wanting to remain in Buffalo. I’m sure Beane will find a reasonable deal for Dawson. I just heard last night the TE tag for this year (they were referring to Gesecki’s tag) at $10.9 mil., but as you guys know the $ for the cap has to be available even before he signs the tag. On one hand it makes sense if you have to tag positions, it’s preferable for TE’s, RB’s. as they are nowhere near a WR tag this year at $18 mil.
  7. As usual SC, solid questions. I’m really not worried about Knox and Davis as I think Beane will find as Andrew Brandt always cash over cap to make it work. It would be great for a Poyer two year extension, but not at stupid $. He’s set for this year. I don’t see unless voidable years why go beyond two more. Edmunds and Singletary are going to have to take team friendly deals if they want to stay on the team. Oliver we can always place the 5th year on to kick the can down the road another year. What some Chicken Littleites keep forgetting the TV $ will blow up the cap where in 5 years it will be over I’m guessing over $300 mil. In 23 it was surmised by the capologists that will go up to around $226 mil., but in 24 supposedly $256mil. IDK if these pundits are right, and we don’t know the impact of betting and all of these streaming options. They also are starting the push into new markets like Germany, Mexico, and speculation of a location in S. America. It may also be time where Toronto gets some games.
  8. You know I really miss John Facenda. I always wished we had something like “The Autumn Wind is a Pirate”. I don’t even like nor dislike the Raiders, but Facenda immortalized their poem. For you young guys, here you go.
  9. Im just scanning and think Don you have you’re answer. FWIW I’ve broken ribs and severely bruised ribs before. I work on medicine, but not a doctor. When I used to call on pain specialists and Orthos, they typically will tell you as short as 3 weeks for severely bruised, and up to 6-8 weeks for broken ribs and bruising or tearing of the tendons. The part that sucks is breathing, sleeping, laughing, coughing, all sucks for awhile. They are probably giving him some pain meds, and for the bruising and inflammation, I had to jump in ice baths. Yeah, that’s a lot of fun. It’s worth it though even though so few people actually ice injuries as much as they are supposed to do to work. I don’t even tell anyone RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) as no one does it. I do because I believe in it.
  10. This isn’t a big deal as ribs heal just fine, it’s 44 days from today the Rams game, he was in OTA’s, knows Kromer’s scheme, and is not a rookie.
  11. Agreed, but the market for TE’s is stilll light compared to WR’s these days. I think they are even harder to find. I listened to the first part, but was a little surprised Cowherd didn’t articulate RB’s as well. I don’t see the value in paying too RB $ as they break down and you can keep finding them in the draft like Beane has done for three years. Cook is a little different as he’s a pass catching RB, and McD wants this tool in his bag. Singletary is not going to get too $ at the end of his rookie deal.
  12. Says the man who names himself Dooey. The only thing Bruce is saying is as a leader you don’t belittle a coworker publicly. You deal with it privately and have direct conversations. I’ve been in management for a long time, and do not publicly criticize one of the persons I inherited or hired. I’ll document their performance, coach, teach and performance manage, but that stays between myself and the employee barring having to discuss with his two over manager as they will provide feedback for the manager to see all sides. This interview is much about nothing. McD is not going to air to the world his thoughts on Edmunds. If he has issues with Edmunds, he’ll consult with Beane, Frazier, and make a decision whether to extend or not. Thats life in management. I wouldn’t want McD to criticize Edmunds on national tv. You’ll know what he thinks by what he does. The same as the ST coach was fired after 13 seconds, and Wallace was not retained even though Pittsburgh did not exactly give him a high salary. McD’s actions basically let all of us know there were mistakes made, and probably not the only ones so he moved onto a new coach, and different CB#2.
  13. Reminds me of…. Annd Thennn? One of the funniest stupid scenes ever, by even more stupid actors yet I still like it.
  14. Dude, you haven’t seen 13 seconds on 30 years in the back of you’re 1979 ford fairmont. 😇🤪🦬 can’t wait for the no particular order brother. Between you and Shaw, we’re back.
  15. If you like pumpkin pie? Just kidding Virg. One thing (one of very few things) I like about the Bears is their tradition of old school unis. The Packs, Steelers, Chiefs and us since we went back to our traditional unis are just the way it’s supposed to be. I hate the color rush crap. If we could actually win games with blue pants I’d love that mix as well as the all white and of course blue over white.
  16. Weo, I’m not disagreeing with you at all. It was in passing on NFLR on their respective shows. No argument on any of these morons as I’ve grown tired of each of them. I enjoy Pat and Jim on MTC, Bob Pappa as he was sharp especially when Tucker was on the morning show, Polian on Wednesday nights, and Alex Marvez is pretty sharp. My point is there are national analysts/hosts who make stupid comments like this one. I don’t agree with it, but don’t get you’re rubarb up on me brother (as my mom used to say). I know like all of us it was terrible coaching decisions and Wallace sucked when we needed him most. Dan Leberfeld (Jets dude on NFLR) made a nice comment not just on coaching, but his assertion was we were in dire need of Tre and was seen in those 13 seconds. I don’t 100% agree, but it couldn’t hurt. As my pain o the ars coach BB says, we’re onto Cincinnati.
  17. Solomon Wilcotts, Brad Hopkins, Kirk Morrison, and I can keep going Weo. It was ridiculous. I wanted to rip the radio out of my car yelling, “DID YOU WATCH THE GAME”.
  18. I understand Yatta. There’s a real chance we hit on Beown for a long future, but if you think Quis can help for a couple of games, that makes sense. I like Browns attitude. He’s has a little nasty in him and is protective of Josh. We need that in 6’8” 300+ linemen.
  19. Youre right, but there are still people out there who give the nod to Mahomes over Allen and what really purses me off is lazy reporting about the Chiefs loss last year in the playoffs. As if it was Josh’s fault. The cool thing is this is going to be a Brady/Manning rivalry and the national media will take sides. Before that like is middle aged guys was a Kelly/Marino rivalry. I always thought Elway was that third rail. In that way I see possibly Herbert to be our third rail. Man it’s going to be a fun decade or longer if everyone stays healthy.
  20. We’re not winning the SB? Man, I booked my flight and bought my confetti. The other Jerrah (Mr. Positivity) is not wrong. Chiefs, Titans, Rams, Ravens, Bengals, Browns if Watson is back by week 11, and Packers is a no joke schedule. The downside is that is one tough schedule. The upside is iron sharpens iron and we will be so battle hardened by the playoffs, that we’ll be ready for what comes at us. IDC what sully has to say. He’s actually been pretty positive since at the Niagara paper and does make you think he had a right to be such a negative Nelly during the drought years.
  21. In scanning these replies before I go any further, that was exactly my thought. I can see him playing only Q1, and then get long looks at Case as many snaps as possible as he needs just in case to know Dorsey’s system. This is the first preseason In interested in seeing them play as I want to see what Dorsey is like as a play caller. I know it will look vanilla.
  22. I heard Peterman is coming next with that stellar Bills record. 🙀👏👏👏🦬🤪. Maybe he can go for 6 picks in week 1
  23. But, no blue pants. We always lose (well not always), but it is the highest loss rate. It’s too bad as I like the combination.
  24. I can just hear Steve Bisciotti just exclaimed… and still going. At least the Walton family in Denver are richer than the king of Siam so they don’t care about next year with Russel.
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