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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. It’s unfair of the media and fans to compare Oliver to Donald. It’s like trying to compare GROOT to Bruuuce, or LT. Oliver’s a solid DT that should do even better after we get Von in a groove, and GROOT will probably improve as well.
  2. Yep GB, can’t get a comment misconstrued if you’re not on all of these social media venues. How many stupid comments has an NFL player had to walk back as they didn’t think how it could be perceived by others.
  3. An official Fredex. Pretty cool as a decade ago my financial planners took possession of one of my 401K’s and sunk it into a really cool annuity. They kept offering g to take my ex and I (we were still married then) out to a nice dinner as a thank you for the business. I traveled a lot for work and my ex kept telling these guys who are good friends to not bother as I have to go out to nice dinners all the time for work. So they bought me an authentic Fredex jersey (blue). I still love it. Best gift I’ve received in a long time. I also have a blue retro Kelly jersey. I really want a white one so might get an Allen this year. I still can’t believe these damn things cost more than a beautiful shirt from Nordstroms. I don’t know why people buy tons of these things, but it’s fun to have at least one or two.
  4. Ford sounds like he didn’t make the musical chairs from what I hear in all the reports. I can see AJ and Miss making it for depth. Regarding Ford, just move on. It was a miss. No reason to keep him due to a missed call on the draft.
  5. GT, people place an S on my last name all the time as it reminds them of an old actor who is long since gone. It’s annoying, but I gave up years and years ago correcting people.
  6. We’ll Ethan, no football player can break my heart as I’m not that attached to anyone in sports to have me get emotional about their behavior. Jimbo was a scoundrel on women, and I’ve had this discussion with friends I just have no respect for a man or woman who cheats on their spouse. Leave them before you cheat. I also don’t have any respect for a man who assaults a woman, but stupid comments as a 15 yr old, I can forgive especially if we don’t know the reference like some have suggested the rapping thing. It’s still a dumbass move, but I have some compassion for a teenager who doesn’t fully understand their actions since our minds aren’t fully formed and developed until around 25. Josh seems to be a good guy, tries to help kids out, and overall seems to be a good role model for our youth who are Bills fans. Why look for any reason not to like him. Not saying you or I have to love him, but he’s a great QB, and tries to lead a role we should like in our Bills. Im done so have a good night.
  7. There’s no excuses for Josh’s comments in high school, but it was high school. I don’t know the reference and how he made what comments. What I do know is how much I drum into my kids who are all young adults now to stay true hell off social media. People laugh at me, but I’m not on as BB says Snap Insta whatever or even Facebook. I have a LinkedIn acct for work, and if you want to reach me, call, text or email me. Keeps me out of trouble even though making comments like referenced would never come out of my mouth. Ethan, not sure the motivations here, but Josh is a godsend for Buffalo and the Bills.
  8. Ok, I’m 54, and in better shape than these rummies. You guys ever hear of chicken. It’s the other, other white meat.
  9. Arrogance brother. I know. We’re old enough to remember that pain.
  10. He knows and he said it to him. PTR, Christie’s a great guy. I think you’d like him. He unfortunately as an athlete puts it all on himself. That’s what elite athletes do. I don’t blame him for that game. Marv and Marchibroda were the problem. I love Marv and March, but they blew it. Old news now.
  11. Yeah it was 100 years ago, but had the St. Francis push up record until some schlep did half ups and beat me by a couple. chest to the floor baby and locked elbows. It’s the old wrestler in me. Now I’m just a middle aged guy trying to be healthy. I’m going to on a break watch the rest and probably do 300 more. (Not at all in one time).
  12. Yeah he was already on the bubble. He’s screwed. Quietly, Tavon, Kumerow, and especially Crowder are doing a big whew. One less competitor. You guys know Shakir, Isaiah, Diggs, and Davis are set. That leave most likely 2, maybe 3. It depends on if they want more D Linemen, based on talent, secondary, etc. as they are only keeping 53. O Linemen and D Linemen get hurt. Our secondary problems are temporary. Kumerow provides value on ST and depth on the outside. Shakir is getting retained. Tavon and Crowder are fuming it out. We’ll see who ends up as the best returner. Farewell and Adieu to youre fair Spanish ladies Marquez.
  13. But, but the Duke is Dead. He is the #1 though. At least that’s what the President says.. You're A#1. Great movie back in the day.
  14. Chandman, I’m 2 minutes in and had to stop and do 50 pushups. LETS GO, LETS GO!!!!!!!! God, I want to destroy the Rams in the opener. Friday morning, it’s we’ve ARRIVED!
  15. You two are on fire today. I belly laughed at the last two comments.
  16. I will literally watch the pre game and the kickoff, then it’s switch. The symbolism is important, but the game is unwatchable. 50% of these guys will be cut anyway.
  17. It sounds like you have you’re answer OP with Harp. I know in Tampa, there is nothing like O’Briens in Brandon. It’s just far for me, but worth it once or twice a year. They do the Shout song every score, have a mic with a host, and a few times a year Christie and his family show up. He lives in Apollo Beach which is south of Brandon. What a nice approachable guy. He’s always willing to shoot the breeze with true Bills fans. Ge was pretty good friends with Norwood and told me how deeply that missed kick affected Scott. I actually felt really bad for the guy once he described how hard it hit him.
  18. Happy BDay Coach. We still luv ya. “Where would you want to be? Right here, Right now!” and of course… The Marvisms are classic. How much would you love to see him repeat that to our team in the locker room before the Rams game. I get a chill just thinking about it.
  19. This is a lot better than a knee, ankle, back, or neck. As NJ just pointed out, he’s been in this system for 5 years. The DC hasn’t changed nor the system. If the reporting of him being back for the Rams is promising. Think happy thoughts and not worry about it. We have depth at the Safety and Tre is still looking good as well with the drills he is doing and getting reported by Sal and others.
  20. I wouldn’t doubt it. At the very least I can see him doubling to 12 games. He gets to look tough, and showing disdain for his behavior. The PA can threaten all they want about a lawsuit, but the CBA clearly allows Goodell to have the final say. You know darn well the NFL attorneys are working overtime to Assess how to proceed.
  21. I guess it’s onto Brady in 2023. It will be fun beating him twice at 46. IDC about the Fins. We’ll beat them again twice this year to make it 9 of 10 in JA17.
  22. I’ll worry about this in two weeks. Hyperextended elbows heal. It’s not an achilles. That is the one along with neck and back that scares me. Knees too. Broken bones, hyper extensions heal and no worries. Besides as everyone is saying, we have depth.
  23. Great, now if they could just treat Kraft like the Pervert he is wed be in great shape. Those girls were sec slaves. It’s despicable.
  24. He folds like a deck of cards in the playoffs. He’s fun to watch as he is extremely talented, but such a piece of crap as a person. Have fun Con Air. Von’s waiting.
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