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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. As much as I’d love the idea of OBJ, if we had this guy to have a significant 12 personnnel and drop the Howard option would be great. The nice thing is TE’s as weapons cost a lot less than WRs.
  2. I love this thread as the fantasies of watching be destroyed this year just warms my heart. I hope we beat them by 40 both times, and McD keeps the starters in to the end driving up the score. Screw the cheats!
  3. Im so sorry. He was always all Bills all the time. Treasure these games with him, and take videos. Trust me it only lasts so long, but you can fondly look back on those beautiful memories. Every time my sons come over the house as divorced and all three in college they always look at the pics in my place. They always remind me of things I forgot.
  4. Agreed. They don’t want to lose Knox. Next year Oliver, and Gabe probably. Poyer might be getting the short straw and I hate it as his play hasn’t declined even slightly, but we can’t pay some of these stupid contracts like what has come out lately. Singletary is gone or accepts a modest contract, and Bernard has a red shirt year, but will back up Edmunds. Its good business. These WR contracts lately have been ridiculous. I really hope we can retain Gabe, but that’s for another day.
  5. Tuesday, you just gave me a belly laugh. That movie was so stupid, but so darn funny. I have to admit, I love some of that stupid humor like Mike Myers, Adam Sandler, and Jim Carry. Besides he loves Buffalo. He even made that God movie set in Buffalo. A real man admits a mistake. I certainly make enough of them. We’ll done my Colorado friend. Stay thirsty my friend.
  6. I’m wondering if Doyle is making it on the 53. He is a “giving it his all” kind of guy. It will be fun seeing what the depth looks like this weekend.
  7. Is that how you got that nasty limp and sarcastic attitude? 🤩. All love House. Jon, I’m truly happy for you brother. I remember the first TD both of my boys scored as I was their coach. I coached both of them on separate teams in flag and tackle. Then as a sick joke by God, both of them fell in love with Lax. I couldn’t coach them as I still after all these years don’t understand the rules. I’m just kidding. They loved it and there is no greater pride a Dad has then watching his play any sport and enjoy it. My oldest had a full ride in college for Lax, but had his 5th concussion (all of them from Lax, none from football) and he asked me what he should do. I said Ian, what do you think is the wise thing to do. He just thanked me for not telling him what to do. I just responded, Ian you already knew what to do and you’re 18. That means you’re a young man. You have to make those choices now. He gave up the scholarship and came back to FL and is graduating with his finance degree, and has his real estate license, and public adjuster certificate at 22. Jon, you’re in for a lot of celebrations and a lot of heartbreaking losses. You’re not will be better for dealing with both. Thanks for sharing pal. Now let’s beat the crap out of the Rams!!!! Go Bills! I can’t remember r who used to always write 20-0 baby!
  8. That’s not far off most competitive athletes. I remember when I was wrestling as a youth or as a national level powerlifter into my 30’s, I’d like to think I’m a nice guy to my fellow man, but when you get on the mat, it’s my job to put my opponent down and pin his ars. I’d always help to guy up after and be humble. The great ones k ow how to turn on a switch. I’m not putting myself in The great category, but I’d put Josh there. To think we may be watching our next HOF Bill in the making is just remarkable.
  9. I’ve never loved a Bills QB more than Allen. He’s finally surpassed Kelly in my fandom. To think he will be our guy for another 13-15 years. How lucky are us Bills fans to get to enjoy him and the gang. As long as we have a healthy Allen, we wi be in the hunt every year.
  10. Some great memories of Insode the NFL in the 80’s. I’m not old enough to ever see him play. I hope he passed peacefully.
  11. I don’t think we are going to see almost any starters this week and is fine with me. Let’s just make it to the season healthy.
  12. About the only person I can see us adding barring injuries is OBJ. We are too deep at most position groups, and tight against the cap. Just my two cents.
  13. It’s an interesting twist as if they see Cook as really a WR as a RB, it’s possible he may be activated, but not a lock.
  14. I like their philosophy of wait until a player is completely healthy before bringing him back so he doesn’t re-injure himself. I hate it as much anyone, but I don’t want him down for the year on a SB potential run. If anything, I just want him for the KC game. For all the hype on Lamar, he had the 32nd ranked passing game last year. The Ravens will be good in week 4, but this is more of a Phillips, Settle, Jones, and Oliver problem penetrating up the middle shutting down the run game.
  15. Bear it’s no different than every other year with the McBeane Bills. They only activate 2. I’m not saying it’s right. I’m just saying it’s what they do. I love what Cook can do. Since they probably won’t extend Singletary, Cook will see more time next year. Then again, we will draft another RB in 23. It’s a smart move.
  16. We’ll know next Monday. If he’s not activated by Monday, he’s onto the Titans or maybe after.I’m not worried about it.
  17. That won’t happen Warrior. They are a passing team and on the 46, they won’t deactivate Taiwan. It’s two and not by my wishes, but by what they’ve done for 5 years. when they need heavy it’s Moss, and when it’s a passing back it’s Cook. it’s not what we want but what they’ll do.
  18. Cook as Sal said is week to week. Games we need his skills he’s #2, and Moss on other weeks. I think they dial up Moss and Cook week by week based on opponents strengths. Sal was on point how we handle the 2 activated as they won’t activate 3. We now have what we always wanted. A workhorse, a banger for short yardage, and a pad catching shifty guy. Those are our guys. Any hopes of Blackshear on the active roster won’t happen.
  19. He’ll be fine brother. You’re right. Bills Mafia is a little nuts and fantastic. Polian on Late Hits said as much who I trust that only GB, and Pitt, are even close to our fandom. he’s in year 5 so he’s used to it. With each year he’ll manage better and better. Smart he chose slow Elvis songs and Sinatra. He figured out awhile ago to not be Sugar Allen. I don’t see him going back. Brady didn’t. Manning didn’t (peyton). Least of my worries. Another reason this fan base should say a prayer we have a unicorn for the next 15 years barring a bad injury. He’s getting better at not taking chances.
  20. Every starting QB is under immense pressure. This isn’t new, nor unique to Buffalo. Hes been groomed by his dad since a youngin to handle it. He’s fine. It’s why he even thinks of music like soft Elvis stuff and Sinatra so he doesn’t get too amped up. Bot concerned at all. He has the next 15 years of all goes well to enjoy becoming the hero of WNY and beyond.
  21. He’s Morse’s backup. We’re fine. Onto Cincinatti as the Chess vs. Checkers guy says.
  22. Copy that brother. I assumed as much, but just checking with one of my TBD buds. Good thread to bring up. I think Beane finally found what he wants. A workhorse in Singletary, A banger for short yardage in Moss, and a pass catching change up guy who had the most beautiful studded step in Cook. That move sold me on the guy. Taiwan will round us out, and I bet a whole nickel we draft another for a workhorse as it’s doubtful we have the $ for a Motor extension. All the others will be on PS or gone. It’s their MO. Works for me. Always good to hear from you Gugs.
  23. Gugs, if where you’re going with this we should work him out, I can see the value of a workout for a just in case we lost Miss and Singletary, but I wouldn’t consider him as an add on now.
  24. Yeah bud. IDk if they are interested in royalties as I do t see the Bills doing that, but they could be permanently used in pregame warmups. It’s at least worth giving it a try as it’s a fun song, and the Bills could even use the video on the Jumbotron.
  25. It’s really too bad, but unfortunately is all too common in the NFL. It’s likely he won’t get another chance. He helped us when we needed it in 2017.
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