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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. I was just kidding around with you SDS. Thanks for the links all kidding aside.
  2. I actually thought about this funny rant from Iverson. It’s almost as funny as this one… ORRRR… And there’s always this.. I thank my lucky stars we have McD vs. these lunkheads who couldn’t keep their cool. Always good for a chuckle these rants.
  3. Dude, that is a serious blast from the way past. I remember him as a pre teen. Taking a wild guess AIDS. Not that I take lightly, just don’t remember his demise as he wouldn’t be that far me today.
  4. Dude that was funny. Refresh, refresh, refresh. Wash, rinse, repeat.
  5. If you mean the show, earlier the guys said they were going to have Hamilton on to talk about that extension. They usually are more football talk, but they have to get some hockey in when big events occur. im sure tomorrow someone will get through and Sal can clarify the rules. He’s usually not wrong on these matters. I wish they had Andrew Brandt on tomorrow as that dude is the best on the business of football. I used to love his Wed. Morning spot on Ross Tucker’s morning show when he was on NFLR.
  6. If we get any of that deadcap back, and I’m more confused than clarified after reading these posts. I’ll wait and ask Sal tomorrow. The pundits did commend Howard’s blocking, but who cares as he’s gone. Spilt milk.
  7. I thought I heard the same. One of you guys should call Sal now before the extra point show is over or tomorrow morning. He’ll know definitively. Personally I would’ve gone with Knox, Morris, and Howard. Two athletes and a blocker. He also has sure hands so he could’ve been a big albeit slow target in the end zone for Josh.
  8. For those listening to Sal’s stint on WGR right now, that was me that was the caller, and made these points that I wrote. FWIW the guys agreed with my points. Sal did say Settle hasn’t been practicing, but he expects when fully healthy will be a force for the Bills. I also like Sal’s point there may be an expectation we play more press man coverage this year which opponents don’t have a lot of tape, so should be fun. Elam will be much more effective early getting to play man, as that is what he did at UF. I watched him for his years at UF as all their games air in Tampa. Elam was very effective on man. Granted it’s college, but it is the SEC.
  9. I feel that way from time to time. The short answer to the OP is yes. There will be a place for him.
  10. Well said as always GB. I only pointed that out for the nervy posters, and although possible, I don’t think they pull the trigger on Haden. My guess is the earliest we see Tre is the Chiefs. With that said, they may play it safe and keep him practicing only until the Packers. I do see the inside penetrating more, and as a result, the mobile QB’s will have to roll out more than they like. Lamar is not a good passer and after 5 years he is what he is as a player.
  11. Well written Marck. I’m glad to see you’re not doing this like some posters. Friendly advice to a newer poster, don’t be chicken little. You’re demonstrating you’re not, and that’s cool. Some guys think the sky is falling because we didn’t grab Haden. What we don’t know is we may do that the day after the first day of the season as we don’t have to guarantee his salary for the year, and see how long we need him. This is not the final 53. We won’t know that until the Rams, and then will minorly tweak again in the days after the Rams game. We took two CBs in the draft, have the best safety tandem in the league, one of if not the absolute best NCB in Taron, and Dane played from Thanksgiving through the playoffs. We’ll see if our 2st RD draft pick will be up to the test. Historically, we’ve played more zone than man, but with Elam’s skill set, we may start out as more of a man team for the first 5 weeks. Besides the chicken littles and I’m not pointing out names, aren’t thinking about the significant upgrades we made in the D Line, that makes a secondary easier to play. Von will demand double coverage, so Oliver and J Phillips will be singled and allow more inside penetration. Im not worried at all and why as it doesn’t help. After the Rams, our next opposing passing competition doesn’t start until the Chiefs in week 6. The Ravens had the 32nd passing attack last year, and I have to be sworn Tua can hit deep when 1st string defenses come at him. Him throwing a couple to Hill in a preseason against backups means nothing.
  12. I agree. I would’ve kept Howard for his blocking ability and red zone target. We need more size in the end zone which is my reasoning. Sweeney has significant limitations physically. That’s why I like Morris much more as he is a closer fit to Knox in his athleticism. I wouldn’t get on the fear train on Tre. As Sal said yesterday, this is more about Tre’s career as a Bill, and airing on the side of caution that he is completely healed. Since the Rams is hard no, the next game we could’ve used him is the chiefs in week 6. That’s a possibility as it’s week 6. If not we have a bye so by week 8 he definitely should be there for the Packers.
  13. Don't forget Wang. Never leave home without you’re Wang. 😇 All kidding aside, Shakir had a nice camp, and so did Cook. This team looks better than last years team, and no we won’t miss anyone who went onto other teams.
  14. Well said Marck. They couldn’t know the final on Tre as they had to see the progress. The Rams are the team to worry about, but that’s over. We picked two guys in the draft, so what does someone want? If we play man the first week, Elam will be fine. Dane did fine from thanksgiving through the playoffs: Elam is certainly better even as a rookie than Wallace.
  15. He wasn’t injury prone in Washington. Injuries happen with linemen. I’m not concerned at all. He was great when used in Washington. We have a history of Protecting from soft tissue injuries so this team will get it worked out. He’s a keeper.
  16. No worries my friend. Ok back to work for me. I will look later on you’re responses. I hope you know my respect for you’re posts.
  17. GB, paragraphs brother are you’re friend. I’m not the syntax police so don’t care about silly stuff as many of us are just posting on the phone. You already know I like and respect you’re opinions. I’m working and want to scan before I go into another hospital. I need my GB to paragraph it brother. A middle aged guy request to scan faster someone I respect.
  18. I think they gave it a shot, was hoping his Achilles was healed, and at the end of the day it wasn’t so moving on. I don’t disagree with the choice to try given what I saw at Alabama, and early with the Bucs. He is still a good blocker, and a good large body red zone threat so it was worth a try. In Beane we trust so fine with me.
  19. Howard was released just now as it was just announced on WGR. The only bad part is we eat $2.6 mil. this year, and $600k next year. It’s not that bad of a hit.
  20. Agreed. That ankle screwed up his 2021 season and he admitted it. He’s looked sound in the preseason. Motor is still #1. I like what Sal has written and stated on WGR that dressing which RB will be game plan specific. If they feel they need him in a particular red zone scenario to punish through on the goal line, I can see him dressing. Most of the games it will be motor.
  21. War, how do I get this purple soar out of my eyes. That is only the 2nd time I’ve gone to another teams bored. Once, I went to the Jets board for laughs as they were imploding before my eyes, and gave me a laugh. I’d never post elsewhere as there are only a select group here like Icebowl, and even Zero I can take as he’s respectful of the Bills fans. Neither are trolls like a guy who has posted five ridiculous threads on our board in the last few days. Guys like that makes me pay attention again as to who is posting? I haven’t had to do that since 2020 when we had a flooding of Jets and Patriots trolls. To the OP’s question, I listen a great deal to NFLR as some of the guys are relatively unbiased with the exception of that tool Weiss. His name hasn’t come up at all on that station, so I don’t know. He’ll probably get the NT nod, as he’s serviceable. We definitely upgraded with Settle, Jones, and J. Phillips. As an aside I posted two years ago before the 2020 season I wanted us to trade for Settle as Star was sitting out. Back then he was ranked the 5th best run stuffing DT by PFF. Im resolute our D Line will be much improved which will make it even easier for our DBs to defend.
  22. Section, I just read you’re post, and Duke was just released by the Bills as I have on WGR now. Moss may not be active each game, but he’s in the insurance policy when Motor gets banged up sometime in the year and has to skip 2 games. It just seems given the nature of their positions, RBs and O Lineman get injured a little more as far as the constant contact.
  23. I don’t see a world where we wouldn’t have Singletary, Moss, Cook, Taiwan (in name only as he’s a specialist in ST), and Gilliam. You can call Gilliam a FB, RB, or TE as he’s all of the above. This will be confirmed at 4 pm today.
  24. Its Doug Flutie, Rob Johnson all over again. Cats mating with dogs, it will be Armageddon. Just kidding War. This should’ve been done from the beginning.
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