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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. GB, I think you’re right on the Raiders. Carr is not a bad QB, he just relied too much on his new toy last week. Their defense looks better, and the Chargers are going to be one of the toughest teams to beat in the AFC outside of us and the Chiefs. I want to see if the Ravens improved with all of their healthy back and can they rip apart the Fish. If so, it’s true Miami is not that improved, NE just sucks. It’s a nice preview for next week. I’d love to see Baltimore destroy the Fins, but it’s also a preview for two weeks from today so it’s a more important game to me than Pitt/NE. We already know NE sucks, and Pittsburgh is not much better. Thats my rationale at least.
  2. I was thinking more of like this.. It’s not definite so we might be ok. We have a lot of depth at WR, and even Oliver for one week isn’t that big of a deal. I’m just holding out hopes we have Settle back if possible. If it’s a choice of hold him out and the calf is fine for the rest of the season, ok, but we brought him in to combat Henry, Indy, the Cheats run game. Jones is even better than Settle so we should be ok. In a perfect world you’d rather have Settle out for the high flying passing teams. Just bad luck. If we can get Davis and Settle out in a pitch count, maybe that could work. If not, it will be most likely Diggs, McKenzie and Crowder alternating, and maybe Shakir. Cook may be given a chance to redeem himself, and use him as a short passing option. Leave the up the middle stuff to Singletary. Knox will get a lot of time for sure.
  3. I’m limited as my development doesn’t allow dishes so for me it’s Baltimore/Miami, Tampa/NO, which are games I want to watch anyway. The Cincy/Dallas is not that interesting without Dak, but I’d like to know has Cincy really regressed. Pittsburgh/NE would’ve been fun and might go up to my Wing place, and watch a little there. It’s a cool local Irish tavern that makes excellent wings. I see 10 garlic hot in my future.
  4. I can’t say all Bills fans, but the guys on this board know he was a top level wrestler. Appreciate the post, and you look relatively new, so welcome to the board.
  5. I know for you it’s martial arts and correct. For me it’s wrestling. The best wrestlers have balance. It’s not power and speed only. It’s understanding you’re opponent and how to use his power and momentum against him. As you might guess I was a wrestler and loved it for those years. Von moves like a wrestler. I wouldn’t be surprised if he did in HS.
  6. 619, sorry I missed you’re call out, but as always thanks. I think GROOT, Von and a first start again of Lawson as my guess is we won’t see Settle and Oliver. That stinks on Settle as we brought him in along with J Phillips and Jones to stop guys like Henry. The edge guys should contain Tanny which is important as people forget he’s a mobile QB. with AJ Brown, they are a shell of themselves on offense. Once we limit the run to minimal, we’ll start putting points on the board. There will be a lot of passing and we should get up by 21 by halftime. They’ll have to abandon the run and we’ll control the game. Look for Singletary a lot in the 2nd half. Id say 35 - 17, Bills. This one is in OP not TN. We’re going to finally pull that thorn from our foot.
  7. Yeah it is somewhat like slipping a jab. What he’ll do for Rousseau in developing his bend, punch, ghost skills along with Groot’s shear power and length will make both of these guys a force this year. I’m going to call in this afternoon to the MTC guys (in season they do a Saturday MTC show for us guys who don’t have the time to call in during the week). So if you’re bored in the car from 2-5pm, you’ll hear Dan from Tampa at some point. Thanks OP as this is a good topic to discuss and not get derailed by the possible loss of Oliver and Settle for Monday. I’m still hopeful one will be able to go. At least we have Phillips and the best 1 tech guy is really Jones. This is an excellent video and narrative especially for those who don’t know the various techniques used in rushing the passer. I particularly like Miller’s ability to fake the punch and slip under. That takes time and experience to perfect. It’s why GROOT will keep looking better throughout the year. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Boogie flipped to the inside and activate Lawson if both Tackles can’t go. Lawson has always set the edge and defended the run well, so the plan all along might have been to activate him for Monday night.
  8. Not me and not even close. Herbert is a far better passer. Lamar had the 32nd rank passing game last year. 808, not a criticism of you, I just think Herbert has staying power for the next 13 years. Lamar’s legs are going to wear down eventually. If Lamar doesn’t learn to play more like the others, he’s not going to have a 17 year career. Burrow needs to throw it away. His line sucked last year, and didn’t look much better in week 1, but he contributes to all of those sacks as well. That’s going to kill him if he doesn’t learn to throw away or check down. Just because you can throw it 20 yards accurately, sometimes, it’s better to just dump it to you’re RB.
  9. Not that Mahomes doesn’t have a great arm and creative, but Allen and Herbert have the bigger arm. Allen is better angry runner than Herbert. These are the three best young QB’s in football. Tier 2 is Burrow (it’s partially his fault for all of those sacks) and Lamar. Lamar is freakish athlete, but can’t hold a candle in passing to the above QB’s. Get used to these five for the next decade. Brady and Rodgers a little later are Sun setting, and if Hackett continues to be that bad of a play caller, RW is going nowhere.
  10. I thought it was funny MSN referenced a Bradyless BB team is now 71-80. I wonder if they’ve been listening to Sal on TEPS (the extra point show). He’s been saying that all off season. As far as McCoy, I’ve heard him a few times as they were trying him out on NFLR on M mornings and he basically said the same on the radio as was reported in this article. He’s a breath of fresh air on the radio as he doesn’t pull punches. OP, thanks for sharing and any opportunity to throw dirt on BB is a good thread.
  11. Never. As was said in Red Dawn by Jed, “turn it into something else”. 1980’s Patrick Swayze. Now that’s what Washington should’ve called their team, WOLVERINES. That That was a great high school movie. My girlfriend at the time, was trying to make out (that’s Necking in you’re language Chandler 😇), and I’m like, Not Now Marie.
  12. Or poo poo. Nothing against the Hawks, but that godawful green gives me a migraine.
  13. Yeah Kwai, he’s a tough old bird. Every stereotype he resembles. His dad worked at the mill, was a bare knuckle boxer in the depression, and almost became a priest until he met my grandma. Just another Buffalo story. Appreciate the love. I pick him up 10/1 from Buff as a snowbird, so I’ll share this with him. He’ll get a kick out if it as he can remember what he did at 11 on Pearl, but can’t turn on a laptop. That’s what he has kids for.
  14. Ok those weren’t tears, I just cut some onions. Go Bills!
  15. There’s no crying in Buffalo, well except when we finally win one! I know I well up even thinking about it. I just want my dad to see one before he passes (he’s 92). Thankfully he’s still kicking, even golfs twice a week. Thanks OP for sharing. I don’t mind the separate thread as this was a great one. Well done by the creator.
  16. Settle will be fine and so will Ed. They are not injury prone, just it’s football. Henry was not the reason we lost in 2020, it was AJ Brown and Tanny. Last year Henry had 76 yards on one run, and 19 for 67. D. Jones and J Phillips will be fine and they have days to heal up.
  17. It’s punt watch baby! Repeat in the home opener. I think we can do it again in Miami. That record will last if happens. It would be nice, but not as nice as the Lombardi.
  18. Thanks PTR. Never saw that one. Wow, what a tool and a baby. I hated even more as a coach than a player shaking guys hands, but always did it just showing respect for you’re opponent. It’s funny it bothered me even more as a coach than a player. Probably because you feel like they game planned better than you, even though it comes down to the players. it’s so easy to criticize when you haven’t played at a highly competitive level or coached in competitive leagues. It’s far different when it falls on you. I’m preaching to the choir with a lot of you as former players and coaches of many sports. I still wished he would’ve wrapped it up as our backup. He would be great for Allen. Allen would love his vibe.
  19. Talk about overreaction week 1. The kid recvd his welcome to the NFL moment. As if Josh Super Allen was perfect from day 1. Just have to marinate that filet a little more. He’ll be fine. Oh, and what is this arrogance stuff? I watch, read, and listen as much as most of you. I have no indication he possesses those qualities. Makes no sense.
  20. Not a Schwabls guy. Ickles, Eckles can’t remember the spelling in OP on the corner of Jewitt Homewood. That was a good beef on weck. Silly, but my favorite was where I grew up working since I was 12. K of C in Lackawanna. They had the best Beef on Weck. I think they’re closed now. Haven’t been there in 25 years, so long time ago.
  21. The Big Tree Inn is you’re friend. All the old timers were always there meaning Kelly and crew. It’s diagonal from Hammers Lot.
  22. What was really cool they talked about on WGR is Von’s reaction to that ear holing stiff arm. Something to the effect of Did he just do what I thought I saw”. One of the veterans replied, “Yeah that’s Josh”. This is a 1st ballot HOFer easily that shocked by QB’s run with aggression. JA17 is BUFFALO! I’ve tried to describe that persona of how lunch pail Buffalo is whether you’re white collar, executive, whatever, all of us had a grandfather who worked at the Mill, Steel Plant, or some other Grain Elevator, and is passed down to each generation. I know I’ve done my best to instill this into my sons.
  23. I don’t think so on Miami Mango. KC, absolutely. Good description as a collision course. If we get Tre back after the 4 pup games and hold him out if the Steelers as he’d have two full weeks to practice, could be a factor in that game. Remember, Miami didn’t have a great game against NE. NE looks like one of the worst teams in the AFC, and all the talk about a horrible offense came true. I read the Syracuse story this morning and the fans in Miami calling out Buffalo, and thought, that’s some pretty cocky talk for a team that is 1-7 against Allen, and one catch vs. drop by Clay in 18 would’ve made it a sweep. I don’t see how we don’t sweep the East like we did in 20. As a fan, not a player, I’m already looking past the Titans as I’m 1 million % confident it’s going to be a beat down in the home opener. The fun part is Bills mafia everywhere descends upon South Beach, takes over the city, and leaves the Fish fans with their tail behind their legs. Do I hear another No punt game? Yeah baby. I wish I could be there, but just started a new company so not happening this year. I’ll see you guys in Miami next year. The next test as the Rams I thought would’ve been a big test for us, is the Ravens. That will be a slug fest, but we always play Lamar well. Even going back to 19, Baltimore had their worst performance of the season against the Bills. We lost 24-17, and it was Lamar’s MVP year, but he statistically played terrible that day. I think we can do it again, and then it’s smash up derby against the Chiefs. I don’t take the Steelers seriously.
  24. Why quibble? It’s rare bottom line. 3 of 4 or 4 of 6 is impressive however you slice it. They do it again against the Titans (which is possible) and it will be a national talking point on every show. Then it will be punt watch each week. I didn’t see Kyle Brandts comments if anyone has the link.
  25. First, no team scares me. The Fins proved not how good they are, but how pathetic the Pats are on offense and defense. The Chiefs and Chargers are the real deal, but last night the Broncos showed they are not. Not because they lost, but that was ugly football. Only the Chiefs and Chargers are playing close to us, but with that said, the Rams are a much tougher opponent than the Cardinals. The Raiders could be decent so the Chargers did a nice job winning week 1. Thats a loaded question on who are we scared of? What would ever strike fear in the Bills against any team. We haven’t beaten the Chiefs in the playoffs, but we did commandingly beat the Chiefs in Arrowhead during the season last year.
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