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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. I know it was a calculated gamble. In that scenario it worked, but I was fully aware it was a 50/50 ratio. Some of these guys you just can’t talk to. BTW the cute little old ladies grabbed my forearm walking back to my boy and thanked me. For me the $15 was nothing if they’d censor themselves. I’m just not wanting to pick fights at this point. It’s like idiots I cessantly taking in a movie. Better to just simply chg seats. Again though, you’re right and 100%.
  2. All good Steve and philosophically, I agree with you 100%. I didn’t want you to think otherwise. I just gave up years ago trying to chg these guys. Ill give you an example. My eldest who was 22 at the time were at a Bucs game it must be a decade ago. We’re in the nose bleeds of Ray Jay in December. I know you’d not think it, but 35 degrees and windy. Two Seattle guys as our opponents were dropping F bombs like it was going out of style so not standing, but give me a second. I called over the beer girl and bought them each a beer. I asked them “guys my 12 yr old son and those women who are in front of you who are elderly don’t need to hear that”. I’m asking you politely to drop the F bombs and just be aware of you’re surroundings. They actually did and apologized. I told them not me, apologize to those beautiful ladies (they were in their 70’s). They were so embarrassed. I told them cheer, just please cheer clean. They could’ve told me to F off and I would’ve had to walk away. Best $15 I spent getting these knuckleheads to be respectful of kids and women, especially the elderly.
  3. Considering the adage is CB’s are WR’s who can’t catch, and Safeties are CB’s who are slower, but tougher. (Stereotypes guys, I don’t believe either point). BM could even at his age probably sub in a pinch if In football shape for safety on a crap team. Out depth is fine. We’ll muscle through it and Josh will destroy his opposing QB like a Jedi. 6’5” Yoda is coming to play. You don’t think never saying to the media, but internally “here’s to 8-1 against you tools”. It’s comin and… Can’t you just see Allen, Knox, Davis, and Diggs on the Couch in a suite at the Miami hotel watching this scene. Im just afraid Allen would have an aneurism so revved up. As Our Doc said (both Doc Hokiday and our two Docs on this board). Make no mistake, it’s not revenge, It’s a reckoning! THAT IS THE CLIP I THINK JOSH WILL HAVE IN HIS HEAD WEEK 6 against the Chiefs. A RECKONING!
  4. I don’t disagree with what’s right, but none of us are going to change it. It is what it is. My 92 yr old dad hasn’t been to a game in decades because he can’t. He’d rather watch on tv anyway, and he’s very ambulatory and goofs once a week with little problems.
  5. That’s a Buffalo Barbarian clip. Pay him a royalty. Such a cheesy movie, but still loved it and seen far too many times.
  6. The games I go to which is not a lot living in FL. Maybe 1-2 per yr. In OP you almost have to stand as everyone is standing in front of you. You’re not trying to be rude for those behind you, but I’m not going to change an inordinate amount of people in front of me, so that’s futility and a waste of energy. In a stadium where most fans only selectively get up in front of you, it’s kind of go with the flow. My point is I’m spending over $1000 plus and much more for a flight with me and my three children for a weekend. I’m not sitting when I can see nothing. Wasting energy getting mad at people is stupid. There are some times when I watch depending on the section in Tampa locally where it’s just catching a game if people are sitting in front of me, I sit. Why get p-d about it? what I will say is my kids love me taking them to a game as they always say the fans are crazy. They love it. If that means we have to stand, whatever. I’m not going to chg people so why care about it?
  7. I’m not worried as if I’m early 30’s and I had a neck injury it’s late for the course to get two to three opinions. For me, I want Hyde for this year and next year so if he misses this week, the sky is not falling. I like how J Jones and Hamlin have been developing. It’s just problematic to have an aggregate of Tre, Dane and Hyde. We still have Dr. Poyer and Taron. Benford and Elam have at least had two games NFL experience. The good news is it may be more, but I’ve only seen one blitz in two games so at least 7 back in zone. That should help. Having as others have mentioned we just need a powerhouse offensive play with Gabe, Knox, and everyone else back. The last is if we get J Phillips, and Settle good to go, a pass rush is our friend. They don’t have a good O Line.
  8. Im stuck on boring zoom calls for work today (always angle the laptop up so you can check you’re TBD when it’s bla bla, bla, bla, bla, bla). I think it was Troy Vincent at the end of his career hear in Buffalo after Philly. I don’t remember if a fumble or int, but he ran down the field and then just dropped to the ground on the one yard line. Such a smart move from a veteran as he knew exactly what to do. One of these “A beautiful minds guys” who remember every play for the last 50 years probably know the point of reference. Anyway, good topic DJP.
  9. I can’t remember the player, but we had during the drought era one of our guys ready to go into the end zone, but then there would be time left so the player fell down on the one yard line. It was a really smart play. It says a lot about Chubb to take ownership, but DJP, I agree with you, this was a Stefanski error. Those players should’ve been told the game plan is to eat clock, not score. To think Stefanski won coach of the year over McD makes me sick to my stomach. I know the writers like the turnaround story, but what about the Coach who methodically improves his team play. Successfully for three years straight after cleaning up a mess. I’ve often written IDC about pro bowls, top 100, and whatever power ranking is posted. OPOY, DPOY, ROY, MVP, ALL PRO, COY, AND GMOY are significant awards. Well see who is the better coach week 11 when we destroy Cleveland! That’s what you get for making the worst financial trade for a QB ever who is one hair away from a rapist.
  10. Its a long season so teams can improve. I try and temper my expectations in the beginning of every season, but I agree at this point with you’re assessment e-man. The Ravens, Denver, and Cincy have just been a complete let down from what I expected would happen. As to the Pats and Jets this weekend, my only overarching thought is please both teams finish 6-11 to 8-9. No high draft pick, and no playoffs. Stay in purgatory forever. For the Pats fans, it will be humiliating, and for the Jets, it would be a step up for them. I don’t mind Jets fans. I just am annoyed by Jets trolls on this board pretending to be Bills fans.
  11. I guess I’m in the minority as I liked the crew the way they were when Nate and Kay were on the show. Honestly, I don’t get too many opportunities to watch as busy at the gym then work, but occasionally I can watch the gym when running late. I don’t get the Kay Adams comment is fat. I just saw her on her podcast which was ok, and how can you tell? She wears such baggy clothes. If so, maybe she’s pregnant. Not starting a rumor, just she’s at that age.
  12. 72, you’re better than melatonin. 😇🦬🏈 I honestly don’t know who you’re referring to, so I guess thanks. Good to hear from you though.
  13. Well hello Dolphins! It’s puts the lotion in the basket, takes two steps back. classic.
  14. BT, I love when you send these ones. Thanks for sharing as I appreciate the cut up on strategy.
  15. You know when I know it’s the NFL season, it’s “a few thoughts in no particular order”, and the “Rockpile Review”. Thanks to both of you guys, and Virg, thanks for the intel on Miami/Baltimore. I couldn’t agree more. I won’t go beyond this prediction, we will be 5-0 with the way this team is playing going into Arrowhead. Let’s keep fingers and toes crossed we see a healthy Tre to complete this team.
  16. Guys, it’s way too early to make predictions. Going the other way, who would’ve predicted us pulling a stinker in Jax. How about let’s be excited about they have done in two games beating the World Champs and the #1 seed. That’s awesome and I’m confident on Miami. That’s as far as I go. Well ok, I’m also confident on Baltimore and Pittsburgh. Then well, who knows.
  17. I think we all feel like this guy at this point on the rookies.
  18. How about no Scott Yes I miss being miserable and a perpetual loser. Is that a real question brother? Nothing redeemable when a problem comes along, you must zip it! Zip it good.
  19. Maybe Charles Clay, Ed Wang, and maybe Ertz (that was for you House). 🏈💪🏋️‍♂️💪 Bud, I’m kidding with you, but unless further injuries with significant loos of time to starters, OBJ is the only one I’d want. If I was in Madden, I’d want Gesecki, but he’s too expensive, can’t block and in division. Again no joking, I think we have not just one of the best starting group, but best depth in the NFL. It took Beane five years to do it, but he has been masterful in his construction of the roster.
  20. I know. On a small level 20 years ago twice in six months and the first was the worst we’re two injuries. As I’ve shared a couple of time I was a competitive Powerlifter. I was in the SE Championships and the way it goes is squat, three attempts, bench, then deadlift. I’m getting ready for my second attempt, and the heavyweights were finishing their first attempts. There was a guy who had a complex fracture of hit tibia and fibula, where it broke the skin, and he looked like he had a second knee. It was a 865 squat. A couple of women vomited in the crowd. They had to call the EMTS and thankfully some of these meets they had them on site or close. I had to go on 20 minutes later and was sick to my stomach. The 2nd was a complete bicep tear to the shoulder from the dead which was his fault. My point is not to be gross as it was 29 years ago, but the impact on the players in an NFL game when incredibly serious is going to affect people’s psyche. im just so happy he was discharged from ECMC and went home on his own. Forget about football, I’m just glad this young man is ok. The neck is no joke.
  21. Relax on the guy. As a side note, I was glad Cook was able to shake rust off in garbage time. They are rookies. Our team has a five year history at methodically bringing along young guys, and developing them. Just look at Bates, Rousseau, Basham in year 2, and even Singletary showing growth. Our team is so deep we have time to let these guys develop. Many of us are just a little impatient and expect HOF play from rookies. So I can admit I was part of that club and was impatient with Knox. I was over him after two years, but I regret any post on him in the past I expected him to be better in year 2. The reality is some TE’s don’t shine until year 3.
  22. And he didn’t even play 8 quarters. The Bills have looked so dominant these first two games. I’m not surprised, but pleasantly watching what a true #1 defense can do. It seemed like every time I sat back down from a bathroom or fridge break, somebody picked off Tammy again. I really hope Josh gets the MVP this year. I know if interviewed he’d just say the Lombardy is the thing on his mind, but why not both? The crazy thing is how much better we’ll look when Dane and Tre come back. I’m still holding out hopes first, Dane is ok and just precautionary, but that Tre may actually be 100% for the Chiefs. That will be 11 months from his injury. Think about how we dismantled the World Champs, and then backed it up with demolishing the #1 seed in the AFC last year.
  23. Newcam, are you just waking up? Texans? SD? Titans, and LAC. Ok, fixed it. 😇🦬🏈. Hey just kidding pal. We’re all waking up a little slower this morning after watching the SCHLAKIN of the Titans. Prayers to those injured. Just quirky injuries too. The good news I read on NFL.COM is when he was taken to ECMC, he had full movement of all his extremities. I’ll pray for the guy.
  24. He has played two solid games. He is thriving on this much improved D Line in front of him.
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