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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. We don’t just share a city Tv, we share a mind. These stunads ( yeah Inwas married to a NY Italian for 21 yrs and her father was from Brooklyn) will eat their own pride tomorrow at 4:20 pm. Its even more demoralizing to not give them the time of day. I appreciate the OP’s sentiment as his heart’s in the right place, but cmon. They will make themselves look like fools soon enough, and then calling out their team or blaming the refs like some of our guys during the drought. Not inour league and not close. Hell it took 50 mph winds for Cheats to beat us and barely, the getting destroyed for the next two games. As Sonny, Tommy, and Jimmie from you’re movie and Goodfellas said, Foget about it.
  2. TBD Squad, im traveling during the early part of the game tomorrow for work to Philly so root on our Bills. I’m praying to the airline gods my AA flight has the tvs and has the game. Now that we are both 2-0, this one becomes even more important. For those heading south, drive the fir weathered fans of South Beach nuts and we’ll rule the 2nd half taking over the stadium. Our boys will love it. GO BILLS! 20-0 BABY!
  3. We can dance if we want to, you can leave you’re friends behind, cuz if you don’t dance, then we can’t dance, and we’ll leave you behind. It’s a Safety Dance! Classic 80’s Ridge. Dude, that was funny. As Ridge said, it’s a Safety Dance.
  4. Everyone please R-E-L-A-X. Wait til there really is a problem. Some of you still have drought PTSD. You either believe in you’re team, the coaching and Mgmt, or you don’t. If every hiccup and hate to tell you there will probably be another, you do t have the stomach for a Bills Mafia guy. Weather the storm. Bright side. Tre will be back in A few weeks, the D Line even with injuries is better, and our coaches always get the most out of our secondary.
  5. yep. My point to the op, was this is nothing new league wide. I just don’t like being rude to someone. He was on point, just maybe didn’t know almost all the teams defer. No biggie.
  6. Stenbar, that’s not happening. They are two different positions, and would be better to sideline him to his natural position until he is 110%. Bringing him back early for any reason is short sighted. We need our lockdown pro bowl CB for the stretch. If it’s the Chiefs, perfect; if it’s the Packs after the bye, ok. As McD says as his moniker, trust the process. For us, it’s trust the Mgmt, Coaching, and Training staff. Look at the bright side, we make it through the first three months lure OBJ to us and complete a historically indefensible offense that demolishes every defense in its way. In the meantime we have a killer defense even with injuries.
  7. Yes, my freakin phone auto-corrected me. He’s not Hyde, but he knows this system and has skills and talent.
  8. Tou always hear the coach who is the QB whisperer. Frazier and especially McD are the secondary whisperers. The best in all of the NFL for 5 years. Even Wallace was taught how to be a great technician. Think of the positives of what Benford and Elam will become over the next three years. It’s daunting on a positive way. Von providing the tutelage to the youngins especially the raw talent of GROOT is daunting as well. Guys get ready for a dynasty of defense rivaling the Bucs way back when their offense was anemic. The difference is we have SUPER ALLEN JA17. God I can’t to see the future evolve.
  9. J. jones and Damar Hamlin bud. Cam backs those two up. Jones has been good in preseason for four years and knows the system like the back of his hand. You just haven’t seen him on the field as Micah and Poyer are almost never injured and if so it’s been brief. Poyer should play. I’m sorry for Hyde, but Im not doing the sky is falling thing at this point. Hopefully we’ll see Poyer most of the year, Dane should be back soon enough and Tre we hope will be ready for the Chiefs. We also have the best nickel corner in the league not to mention a secondary’s best friend is the pass rush.
  10. Love this excerpt. Von knows how to rev up our fan base. “The Bills have a bunch of Killers on this team!” Von has never played for a team with this rabid offense a fan base. I hope you guys turn tomorrow into Buffalo South, and just drown out Miamis pathetic fan base. Hell, my wish is by halftime the sun is coming out after some rain, the Bills are up by 17 and there is a mass exodus to South Beach by their fans. The Bills feel like they are playing a home game, and put their boot on the throats of the fish. So Chandman, thanks for sharing and I have one word for you in predictions that summarizes these killers “DOMINATION”! Youll be lucky in Q4 to see 100 teal and orange jerseys in the stands. They’ll chant their typical F Buffalo as they’ve been doing for decades it seems from me going there.
  11. Short answer is yes. 90 degrees but obviously no weather with rain or wind. 88 degrees and 30-40% chance of rain is not a big deal. Once you hit mid to high 90s weather becomes an issue for opponents of the three FL in September. Remember, our D Line is affected the most, but our team runs a 50% snap count for these guys so they’ll stay fresh. I’ve been to mid 90’s games in all three FL teams and that’s when it starts to suck for fans and I assume players. At least elite athletes have the ability to get IV fluids to keep them from cramping. Hydration from today through tomorrow is important. Power Aid Zero is you’re friend. All the electrolytes, and high sodium for water retention helps a lot. I’m just a middle aged guy who loves to exercise, and when I only drink tons of water when I do 1.5 hrs of cardio, I cramp, but when I get one of the drinks like stated above, I never cramp. These trainers have forgotten more than I’ll ever know about this stuff.
  12. BT, excellent find and those three plays were impressive, but he also kicked inside on some plays and was disrupting the center of the field. I noticed it’s hard for a QB, especially a guy like Tua who is 6’1”. GROOT is posted as 6’6”, but some have him closer to 6’7”. You think about that range on top of the range of Edmunds at 6’5” (Baldinger stated this is a hidden wrinkle in the middle of the field - listen to the replay on Audacy as he was on yesterday morning) means Tua will have really have a difficult Tim throwing over the middle. Hill for example has beaten us on short crossing routes. With more athletic options with Elam and Benford from Wallace who was more of a technician, Tua will be forced to throw more deep and to the outside. Harder lower % accuracy throws. Tua has Been hitting some deep, but that was because the rookie CB’s for Baltimore who doesn’t play our style defense were getting torched. We’re one of if not the best on the league against long air yard passes. Turk, always love you’re references so thanks brother. I’ll need you’re eyes bud as I’ll miss at least half of the game being I; flight to Philly for work. I’m praying we get a plane with TVs and can watch or buy air time to see us squish the fish. 41-30, Bills and we never lose the lead. They will not run because they are always playing from behind. My belief is we will have a 6-7 play scoring drive for a TD within 2-3 minutes, and we never give up that lead. Tua cannot go toe to toe with this even depleted defense nor is he even in the same league as Allen. JA17 will put 5is team on his back with his arm, and expect some big runs for Allen. He’s going to pop off a couple of big runs early and scare the hell out if the DC for the Fish.
  13. OBJ wouldn’t be that expensive as you medically examine him, give him a workout before the deadline, and pay him for the late Ictiber -February. These guys don’t make that much extra in the playoffs. The majority of their pay comes during the season. Once our trainers get ahold of him, they can get him football ready probably in December. This would be a good push to close the season strong, keep him fresh so a pitch count in December as our schedule is not too bad at that time, and he really cranks up in January. He shows his abilities post injury to be shipped for next year, and we’d have Diggs, Davis, OBJ alternating with McKenzie and Ceowder. Allen will be like a kid in a candy store. Thats the play guys. Why buy an expensive contract to a RB when we are not a run heavy team. We’ll invest more time in developing Cook and relying on Motor. Just my two cents. Way too risky on CMC. Too expensive, too broken down, and doesn’t even fit into our overall offensive game plan.
  14. Chongster I’ll need You’re eyes this Sunday. I have to fly from Tampa to Philly for a meeting for work. Praying they have tvs on the American Flight. appreciate the kind words brother. Have a nice weekend.
  15. It’s one of the classic guys movies along with take you’re pick, Patriot, 300, Gladiator, choose you’re football move and so on. Not even getting started on the gangster movies.
  16. Guys that’s my bathroom, wings, half and half beer time. I’ve never understood why people care. The tv is on so ratings look good, but does anyone really watch this crap?
  17. Is ex Buffalonians, FL boys have to stick together. Even better written than myself. SQUISH THE FISH!
  18. Agreed. We almost always have a 50/50 rotation, but this may be a game we go 60/40 with Von and GROOT. A zone secondary’s best friend especially a nickel defense is a disruptive pass rush. J Philips is not going to travel so we hope for settle, and those two will force pass as they can stop a lackluster run game in two games. Let the boys pressure and Rousseau last week was bounced inside on some plays. Having a 6’9” DT with his reach and length will make it hard for routes short over the middle. im listening to MTC right now and PK just mentioned don’t be surprised with a 100 yr run from Allen this week just blowing their defensive game plan. I don’t disagree if we have the game on the line. We get up big, then Josh don’t take off. Let motor handle it.
  19. This trend started several years ago. I think Marrone, BB, and others started deferring. Now most of the league defers. It’s especially important with weather conditions, wind, fog, heavy rain, etc. With the Bills it is futile as they so often score on their first drive. I’ve come to just expect it. I almost feel let down when we start out with just a field goal.
  20. No, there is nothing sweeter than when we destroy the Pats. I just want to win so we put the whole Tua hype to bed. Allen has beat the Fish 7 of the last 8 times, and nearly even beat them if Clay didn’t drop the ball. Virg made good points in his thread about how the rookie Ravens corners were torched by the Dolphins. The Bills are a much better coached team, and will win Sunday. The pundits will be out with pitchforks on Miami on Monday.
  21. Wait, that guy’s standing! Blasphemy, Blasphemy I tell you. Just kidding from the other thread.
  22. I could care less what he pushes. If he gets paid, whether it’s Gillette or anyone else, that’s our guy giving BFLO more exposure. Good for him. Make as much $ as you can and enjoy it with you’re GF and family. He seems like a genuine, down to earth guy. We already knew he was a driven to be the best athlete. So I wish him all the success in life, and enjoy the ride.
  23. SCB, I couldn’t have written better. OBJ is not ready til Nov/Dec so any contract won’t be that much and our strength is in the passing game. Cook will develop. OBJ is the smart move. CMC is breaking down just like Henry and all RB everywhere in time. Its not even a close decision.
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