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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. I agree. He needs to get in a rhythm. I’m just not a believer of Moss anymore and glad he’s fully healed. He just needs to be sidelined until motor gets hurt. They need to keep working Cook in as a WR/RB hybrid for the short dump off passes. Knox needs more catches as well. It was on crappy game where statistically we beat the pants out of the Dolphins, but couldn’t convert those yards into points. Now that I’m finally freakin home from the airport opening yesterday afternoon in Tampa, I’m interested in who is progressing from the injured list. Some if you asked, so everything is fine guys with myself and three kids. The poor families from Port Charlotte to Naples were hammered by Ian. Sarasota caught some flooding, but Tampa was spared to just some winds and a ton of rain.
  2. Honestly, it’s a moot point as we weren’t there, and we don’t know. I agree with Scott the team doc evaluates during the game, and the independent Neuro is called in if they hit one of the gates which he did. I wasn’t clear on that point. An MD knows how to complete a basic Neuro exam. At the end of the day, I just don’t know what happened and is silly on me to make wild suppositions. Now Tua could be out for awhile.
  3. Guys, it’s not the team physician. Within whatever time is designated by the league, in a suspected concussion with any of the four gated issues, an independent neurologist is required to assess and clear or place I whatever stage they deem from their neuro e v a l, which again is not an interview. this is not any given Sunday anymore. Debate as much as you want, but I’m friends with the Bucs Independent Neuro. He’s been a customer for me for years.
  4. Happy, I don’t want to play doctor on the board so PM me and happy to chat with you tomorrow about a neuro exam. The bottom line is there is a baseline assessment when not in season. That is then evaluated compared to the objective neuro exam post possible concussion. Until they meet the threshold, they are out. The athlete doesn’t know what to do or say even with coaching to get around it. The neuros willing to take on the huge malpractice risk e v a l nfl players are not screwing with the enormous fees they pay to cover those bills for their malpractice. Most neuros I know and neurosurgeons do t want the headache (no pun) because if they get it wrong they are sued for potentially $100 mil. Most of the best steer clear. My point is a player or a team can’t do the wink wink, nor nod they did 30 years ago when we watched Amy Given Sunday and those docs. That crap doesn’t fly now. you don’t have to believe or agree with me, but I’ve been in this space among others for a long long time.
  5. Yeah bud. These independent neuros report to the nfl, not the team or it’s both simultaneously. I’ve known the team docs for Tampa, and they in no short measure are screwing with their license fudging an evaluation. they do a neurological exam and benchmark to prior to te season to see if their are abnormalities and they stay in concussion protocol whether you’re NFL or a kid in HS. they screw their career worth a ton. The owners are not going to be able to influence their evaluation even if they tried. That would be a non recoverable nightmare. 30 years ago, I’ll agree, but not now. It’s why so many specialists are approached and they decline these contracts.
  6. Those guys do a million combinations. They have to make so many people happy. I don’t worry about this stuff. So many conspiracy theorists when it just ended up that way. let’s hope as Sal mentioned this morning we have our 5 starting O Linemen make the field. In McBeane we trust.
  7. I’ve worked with neuros for years and it doesn’t work that way. They expect pts to lie. It’s in the neurological exam where you can judge and benchmark baseline from post suspected injury. It’s too much boring info to write from my phone, but the least accurate info is the pt. Report. The doc asks, but a good neuro of they want to find the abnormality can do it. I guess like everything in life, all neuros are not created equal. These guys are supposed to be independent MDs, so they are not supposed to be influenced by the teams, and their malpractice is on the line if they fudge anything as the player could take millions from them. These docs always have that on their minds they don’t want to be sued.
  8. You said Trent Edwards, but I was thinking of Jim McMahon. After my son’s 5th concussion (all from lax, none from tackle football), he asked me if he should continue to honor his full scholarship he recvd for lax. I asked him a few questions, and he said thanks dad for not telling me I couldn’t. I told him it’s his body and mind so he needs to make the decision. I then told him “Ian, you were looking for permission weren’t you”. He told me he didn’t want to let me down. I told him that was never a consideration. The point is he quit moved back to FL and is graduating with his finance degree. Tua needs to be thinking of the rest of his life. The brain is not an organ to toy with to play sports. Regardless of $. I sincerely hope he is ok and does not play until he is not just 100%, but conservative 110%. Don’t sniff the practice field until he’s really ready.
  9. I resemble that remark. Im not crazy about Fish fans as they are overall tools, but I hate seeing players get hurt like that even a Miami QB. I don’t mind giving $17 in Josh’s name for Tua’s charity. Just need to get my Venmo fixed as it has my old number.
  10. The missing part of all this as Ive been in training for a new company all week away from home is that we still mathematically destroyed them statistically even though the score was off by two. Instead of dissecting everything in terms of coaching, play calling, this play or that play, how about our team went down to the wire controlling the clock, 500 vs. 200 yards with half a team. it sucks as it was the fish, but they will get annihilated in OP in December. I’m as concerned as all of you about the injuries. I know McD will find a way. Baltimore is as banged up as us so we’ll see about Sunday. Thankfully we have a breather next week with the Steelers as they are horrible.
  11. Then they can’t play some years until October or even November. Know the weather brother. It sucks absolutely, but they use it to their advantage. I wa surprised we di don’t OV our guys before as this was expected. It wasn’t the real summer. you guys don’t know in august the heat index can be easily 110-115 degrees. Why do you thing everyone has Ac. They should’ve loaded them up with KC’s before. whatebere it’s over. Let’s move onto Baltimore.
  12. John, I think you may see more of the 21 personnel than the 12 or 22. I can see Knox and Gilliam with motor more than Knox, Gilliam, cook and motor. It’s also possible to see Knox, cook, and motor without Gilliam. it’s a long year and this offense will continually evolve.
  13. Are you guys this hypersensitive to every stat to complain because we lost the Fins? Cmon guys. our players were dropping like flies last weekend. Just do a gut check. We’ll see what happens and Dorsey’s finding his way. He’s much better than an outside OC who’s never worked with Josh. It will work itself out.
  14. Hey, you made a friend in Gonzano so take him up on it and have fun with a TBDer. Enjoy the game boys. Go Bills!
  15. Brother, I care more about Hurricane Ian right now and I’m stuck in Philly so concerned for my kids at college. I’ve not paid any attn to who is still injured and who is expected back. As I write before, I’ll pay attention on Saturday morning if by chance my next flight doesn’t get cancelled like the one Thursday.
  16. Yeah, one comment. I hope you were kidding. Philly should have a good season with the worst division in football, but undefeated?
  17. Ohio, I’m very aware of the transient injuries of the Bills, minus the real hit on Hyde. These guys at least many of them were getting healthier before the Fins. The heat stroke guys will have IV’s until they are ok. The line concerns me, but I’m the farthest from delusional. The Ravens are just as banged up as us. Im not paying attention to this stuff that much anyway as my city is about to get a cat 3 hurricane Thursday morning. I’m in Philly for work, but all flights are cancelled into Tampa all day and the Governor declared a state of emergency. Once I’m home Friday night, I’ll start paying attention to injury reports Saturday morning. Are you sure it wasn’t 24-17 in our loss, but Lamar had his worst performance per the stats for his mvp year. McD and FRASIER called a good defense and I don’t remember 100 yards of rushing as we contained him pretty well that day. They won and good for them. I’ll pay attention starting Saturday. You’re right Jopoy. On NFLR, the guys that quote the line for the NFL stated it was 1.7 pts, but what do I know as I don’t gamble. The house always wins in the end.
  18. Adam, I don’t have time to recite everything, but please just google NFL team offense and defense. Then break it down to yards, passing, rushing, and points. Compare the two teams and you have you’re abundantly clear answer. Don’t get wrapped around the axle bud on one pain in the ars loss to a team us 50 yr olds hate from the 70’s. Dont forget to look at baltimores opponents for the Ravens and us. Our first two teams were the world champs and the AFC #1 seed. Who was the Ravens? Look at this stuff and you’ll answer you’re question. Im on a work trip so I don’t have the time to transpose, but I promise you look at the data, and you would’ve had the answer to you’re question before you started this thread. You’re a newbee, so welcome brother. If you’re a real Bills guy, you’re going to get a very warm welcome as you continue to post. It was a good question. Hopefully, some of the guys gave you fruit Ville answers.
  19. Because the guys in the desert like to make $, and we are the better team. What’s up with the hot take when we don’t know injuries or anything else for that matter in a team that lost half their starters do the 22, yet advanced 500 yards to Miami’s 220 ish and we were based. Dude, we lose one game and the sky is falling. Rookie move.
  20. This is not worth a response. Follow the team, the guys out, and have fruitful reply. We made mistakes but this is sky is falling. Just silly. Immsure if you ever played on a high level team you’d understand. You’re welcome here as always, just we lost a tough game with more than half our defense out. we’re onto Baltimore. Moving on.
  21. No, Tre doesn’t count as on IR, but the media can spin it to make more melodrama. Guys, don’t get caught in the weeds. D. Jones is the starter for 1 tech DT. Settle is a luxury and if he can even play 35% of the snaps would be nice. Frasier is going to pop GROOT and Boogie inside to alternate, Rousseau was good on the limited snaps last week in the Titans game. We still have Von, AJ, and Shaq on the outside. It’s projected as of this morning 87 degrees during game time with a 30% chance of showers at 3 pm. That means it will get cloudy for a 1/2 hour before if you lived in FL. That’s not too bad in dealing with D Line rotations. Our backups in the secondary playing today have been solid, but have never seen playing time as Hyde/Poyer show never seems to get injured until now. Look for more than 50% snap count of Von. This will be a game where we may see him 65-70% out if necessity. His whole career he’s played around 75% of snaps. It’s not the first time these guys have played in heat. Heck most of them grew up in hot areas. One last thing, The Pats are horrible amd they barely beat them. The Ravens secondary is atrocious and we’re still up big into the 4th Quarter. We destroyed the World Champions and the #1 seed in the AFC last year. They are no behemoth because they picked up Hill. We are a far better coached team, amd we have been in the same system with the same coaches for the most part for 5 years. Someone pointed out, we destroyed the Fins before with our backups. Am I concerned a little, sure. What I think is at risk is not our 17 pt win advantage for I don’t know, FOUR YEARS, but we might win this one by 7 to 10.
  22. Ive always enjoyed my trek to Miami for the game, drink way too much at the Clevelander, and listening to Miami fans on the concourse chanting, F Buffalo. Then on the way out there are no teal and god awful orange to be seen as it’s only Bills fans staying until the end. South Beach was always a sea of red, white, and royal blue. Frogger, I think post Buffalo people are even larger on the west coast meaning Tampa to Naples. There are tons of ex-Buffalonians here. Glad O Town is well represented. There are more ex NYers on the East coast except Jax. Chand and a ton of Bills fans in Jax.
  23. You sound like my Irish grandmother. That and all you kids were born with silver spoons in your mouths. I swear she lived her years thinking it was always the depression placing lard on her toast as they didn’t have $ for butter. That was a luxury. Great lady and leader of our large extended family. That woman spoke, you listened.
  24. I know brother. I checked the 506 maps. I was going to see if I could stay in the airport and watch there, but liklihood a bar in the airport has the ticket is low. Im going to tell Uber to find me a sports bar on the way to my hotel. I appreciate the advice. I mentioned this as I thought a couple of you would have ideas. Go Bills!
  25. Won’t know until I’m on the plane. I travel many weeks but not as much as before. It’s the roulette lottery whether you get a plane you get the game on the ipad or not.
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