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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. I know. I just told him we win by 35 and we have all backups in and this is you’re compliant. I’m sure the backup long snapper for the 1970’s undefeated Dolphins had flaws too. my god, it just shows either A, a lack of any semblance of knowing football at the most basic level, or B, you’re a troll from another team. I don’t care because tools are going to be tools. Not stating for any one person, just a general comment to the issue.
  2. Gord, you can find a flaw if you try with the undefeated Dolphins. We just won by 35 and had all of our starters out by the 4th. We were killing clock. I’m sure you know better about football. It was going to be a snooze fest the entire 4th quarter.
  3. I bet if you reach out to Run Nosh Run, he’ll find something to say the sky is falling. the crazy thing is we could’ve put up another 21 points if we tried. That was a mercy kill towards the last 20 minutes.
  4. Why the hell have we not pulled JA17, Diggs, and anyone else who is an unhealthy starter. Milk the clock. 21 or 22 personnel all the way. Let the rooks get some field experience. You can always deactivate all the starters in the 4th quarter of by some fantasy miracle they scored 21 in the 3rd. It won’t happen, but cmon. We have our Dr Evil to our Austin Powers next week. Patrick Mahomes is the snake to our mongoose. If you have a hangnail, get in the bench now.
  5. Pull everyone with a hangnail for criminey sake. That includes Allen, we could always bring them back in Q4 if some miracle came about and murder them even more.
  6. Look at today with a relatively healthy D Line. Pickett is getting destroyed. OBJ is our insurance to beat the Chiefs in the AFCCG. This showdown is coming. A healthy starting line up and adding OBJ, we will beat the Chiefs, oh and there isn’t a team in the NFC that can beat us in the SB, if and I mean if we are healthy. 31-3. I hope they start pulling guys to keep them healthy. Anyone with a nick needs to come out now!
  7. Today, that announcer would get fired on Monday because of the PC police. I thought it was funny. As far as favorite plays, I just loved Smerlas’ mitt on that blocked field goal for the AFCE in 88. I was on that goal post for all of 7 seconds until five guys thought I was a ladder and climbed over me to get up there. The other fun one in the drought was the snow game against the Fish where Moulds made that incredible one handed catch and the snow storm got a standing ovation from the crowd. Only in Buffalo does snow turning into a blizzard get a standing ovation.
  8. It’s called a substitute teacher each Monday. Teachers don’t t make that much $, but after 25 years, they have a ton of time off.
  9. Go Giants (Just for Daboll and Schein) Lions Chargers Bucs Jaguars Jets Bears Titans Seahawks 49ers Cardinals Rams Raiders Ravens For some of these games, I’m just rooting for their opponent to lose. I could actually care less about the Bears, Hawks, Titans, etc. OH AND GO BILLS!!!
  10. I read that story this morning as well. In listening to Jeremy and Nate now, it sounds like we’re getting back Jordan Phillips and Oliver for today. This D Line is going to be a wrecking crew against the lowly Steelers. I like how the Bills are paying very close attention to slow playing these injuries so they will be healthy in December. I am so disappointed though Hyde ruled out for the year. Thankfully we should have Poyer for next week.
  11. BT, only because of the injuries would I agree with you. 28-17 Bills. As much I’d like to see them rest Davis, he’s probably playing. Hodgins was activated yesterday so he may get some of Davis’s snaps.
  12. These rumors are crap. We would never in a million years trade a 1st for a RB who has an expensive contract. I’m more apt to believe the comments from Von on OBJ. He won’t be able to help us though until probably mid e December. He’s more of a move to go deep in the playoffs.
  13. I know. In my perfect world Motor gets around 15 touches or dump off passes, they try using Cook again for five short passes, and the WR’s get the rest. Since Knox is out, maybe we’ll see a little Morris. I do t want to see Sweeney at all today. The defense needs to take over today. I’m sure Bernard will be fine is Edmunds isn’t ready.
  14. I’ve guessed all along this is the NFL’s plan. Build up a European Division, and then one surrounding the US. For example, teams in Toronto, Mexico City, and two other cities in the Americas. The talent will continue to be depleted as there are just not that many elite NFL caliber athletes. IDC either way as long as the Bills stay in Buffalo. The NFL is going to DK whatever they can to expand their business model whether any of us like it or not.
  15. there’s an easy solution for those two ars clowns. Movin the chains on nfl radio.
  16. As Jimmy said… it’s gonna be a good fall! the 49ers are for real and withJimmy G, they have a chance. I can’t wait to see this healthy defense I. The coming weeks.
  17. 3/12, of course. Read the Syracuse article this morning from Von on OBJ. He all but guaranteed the decision’s been made by OBJ to come to Buffalo. Bob stated this on Richard Sherman’s podcast. In the short term, I don’t care if Gabe was a full practice yesterday, or if McKenzie is out of the concussion protocol. I’m hoping we play it smart and rest these two. They are too important for the Chiefs game. As we discussed, let’s elevate Hodgins, and play him, Diggs, Shakir, and Knox. Lean heavy on Knox this week as well as mr consistent in Diggs. Hopefully we can rest anyone else where there is depth to have we hope a 100% team for the Chiefs.
  18. That makes complete sense my brother. I couldn’t agree more in that he won’t help until December. He’s an opportunity for the close of the season and don’t want to lose that chance. I’m 0laying the long game as we should make the most of what we have now, and he is an upgrad just like the rams had last December. I hope that makes sense.
  19. I know Utica. My home office for two companies is in Santa Clara so as a mgr, I had to be there for leadership meetings four times a year x 5 years. I watched them building that stadium. It was beautiful and there is so much $ in Silicon Valley. Yeah well, you’re ….. Just kidding bud. Too easy. 😇
  20. Yes, Yes, and Yes GB. You have complete information and throughout the duration of the McBeane era. In addition, are we to ding our team for destroying other playoff caliber teams in the regular season like what we did to the Titans and Rams. So if we’re 0-6 in 2021 which is too small of a sample size, doesn’t that mean we killed in 11 games last year. Lastly, one of those was almost hurricane like winds in Highmark for the Pats. This just smells too much like using data to support a biased argument.
  21. I agree and besides a Trubisky Bills signing wouldn’t happen until Keenum’s contract is up. Then maybe as MT is younger than Keenum. Keenum is 34 and paid $3.5 mil. For 2022. If MT wants to come back, it wouldn’t be until he’s 30 in 2024. The Steelers have him through 2023 and there is a dead cap hit if they let him go. I don’t start thread like this one until I check to be sure the OTC for both players and the cap space, and lastly what would he be willing to accept as a backup. Otherwise, I would be wasting all of you’re time in a senseless thread. So maybe in 2024, but not before unless the Steelers want to take that dead cap hit.
  22. How’s you like to be the idiot who ordered his Beasely Bucs jersey and hasn’t even arrive at his house. That’s about as valuable as a Wang Bills jersey.
  23. Not really as the prosecutor can just decline to prosecute. Probably laughing as he submits the pwk. Then he’ll have very little momentum for a civil case as the judge can just summarily dismiss the merit of the suit.
  24. Donuts can’t you hear A. Donald (captain America) going to Wagner, “And Hulk” SMASH! As Wagner is released to take out that tool. That was hilarious. Hell I’d contribute it a Go Fund me for that defense just because it’s hilarious.
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