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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. I’m guessing, they got a town car for him or limo. It’s not like Terry and Kim wouldn’t do it. This team is 1st class head to toe.
  2. No, we’ll close the circle of life and beat the Iggles in the 2023 SB. It will feel like the SB teo weeks earlier as well play until the last second of the game the Chefs. It will go. Back and forth and Josh freakin super Allen will win it for us. Then we demolish the Iggles. Theyll get their run yards in the first half. Then Josh will put in Super Allen mode and throw for 300 in the 2nd half. This is the year we begin a great rivalry with the Chefs. Expect five more AFCCG games where it’s us and. Them every freakin year. As Rick Flair so eloquently said…
  3. Regrets, I’ve had a few, yes there were times, I had a few, but through it all, I ate it up, and spit it up, I’ve faced it all, and did Josh’s way! Nothing like Old Blue Eyes. I’m just a middle aged guy, but he was the original cool cat like McQueen. For you youngins, actually listen to this song. There is a reason why Super Allen listens to Blue Eyes. He’s my dads generation, but still love him. Enjoy the night boys! I know I will.
  4. This game every year will be the regular season and playoff SB. WHO THE HELL IN THIS LEAGUE CAN EVEN TOUCH THESE TWO TEAMS? Credit to KC. I don’t hate them like the old ars clown Pats. I respect their Mgmt, coaching and talent, we can finally put to bed the Bills are chasing the chiefs. Now it’s a Mama’s gonna knock you out Ali/FRASIER battle. This will be for the next decade the Balboa/Creed heavyweight fight. It will come to this every regular season, and every playoff. I don’t see a world where we don’t take it to the end year in and out. We manage our $ and tKent too wel, where we can sustain. A team like the Rams is not sustainable. You can’t buy that much talent and give away that many picks and last. We are developing deep talent year after year.
  5. NO BROTHER, ITS HAMMER TIME! Josh freakin Super Allen is too legit to quit. Allen and company are too legit to quit.. Hey, Hey. Josh Allen, HAMMER TIME! Chefs, “Can’t touch this”. This was awesome. I’m just going to enjoy the next 24 hours. Please no tool guys for one day. I do t want to read anything about we should’ve done this or that. Just shut up and enjoy the win. We just beat the other best team in the NFL. HERE WE COME FEBRUARY!
  6. F ing right baby! #1 seed, here we come. I can’t wait for Trea return in two weeks and we search and destroy I’m a premadonna Rodgers!
  7. And as the great MC Hammer said.. Oh and Josh leaping small linebackers in a single bound, all world Diggs, clutch Knox and Taron, Im taking youre lunch says.. JOSH HAMMER ALLEN IS.. Hey hey. hey Chiefs, can’t touch this.. Boom!
  8. Guys, there is no reason to make race an issue. Hertz and Lamar are both solid QB’s. I could give a rats ars their skin color, religion, ethnicity, or anything else. No place for that in 2022.
  9. Dude, he went to my alma mater. I’m a Frannies boy. A couple of years older than him, but had one cousin as all my male cousins went to St. Francis, in his homeroom, and another with Chris Polian. Al Bemiller, the 60’s Center for the Bills was my wrestling Coach for two years until we switched to Smith who was better. He was a sadist, but a great coach. Dabs will always have a sift place in my heart, so yeah, I want them to destroy their opponents every week, and turn that franchise around. Thats a testament to McBeane cultivating those two. We should all consider having a soft space for them unless we play them next year, then it’s game on. It’s the same as I root for the Bucs, unless they play us. Then it’s rape and pillage all in our way. Figuratively of course.
  10. You should’ve had a none of the above option. During the drought I used to laugh at this one. Then there is always this…. Im not a rap guy, amd gives me freakin headache nor does it represent any of the over 40 fans, so IDC. I’ll play for my sons today as I’m playing cool dad bringing the pizza, beer, and wings for a small party with these 21-23 yr olds. I’ll see what they have to say. I hate that crap on in the gym on a Sunday morning, and way too loud. Gives me a hx, or maybe it was a bad milk last night. Have a good day guys. Here’s a novel idea. How about writing a song, not a rap, where people actually sing, and tie in all the Bills past and present. Remember singing. Creativity. I know I have middle aged guy syndrome, but find one of the channels they use at the gyms I go to are choosing a song from the 70’s or 80’s, and they place a modern dance theme to it. It just seems so pathetic there is so little talent for creativity. And I’m not a big country guy, but at least they have voices, original, creative and actually sing. You can understand the story they are singing about. So youngins, you have fun. I just never want to hear it when I spend my $2k each year to bring up the family for the weekend for a game.
  11. But Solly, that’s really the anomaly, not the norm. I’m so happy for Barkley and he is thriving in the Daboll/Schoen led Giants. I’m quietly rooting for the Giants in the East as how can you not root for Schoen to be a winner.
  12. 716, you’re making us all jealous. I fully expect all Bills fans to lose you’re voice for tomorrow. Bring the Noise. I’m listening to NFLR now as I get ready for the gym, and Mark Dominik just stated what Josh Allen is doing is absolutely unbelievable job in the air with 1650 air yards in 5 games. That’s an average of 330 passing per game, and not even including rushing yards. This game is going to be epic. The Bills have allowed only 1 TD in the second half for 5 games. All other teams have been scoreless. That’s possibly the best defense KC will face today in our beloved Bills.
  13. Badol, if you’re reading this as it’s a reply to Doc, but you’re 100% on the money. Better written than myself. I don’t think you are and House also stated it, but Cook is a work in progress. He will be another weapon in time, but he learning how to play in the NFL. He’s much cheaper, younger, and far more healthy than CMC. He may not ever be a Kamara, but he can help this offense when McD trusts him. That has to be earned. Cook will have lots of opportunities I. The two Jets games the two Pats games, the Lions, the Vikings, and Chicago. He. An carry a much heavier load on those games so he works his way into being an asset in the playoffs. We’re talking about maybe 5-7 short passing targets a game out of 60-65 offensive snaps.
  14. Well written Rottenchester. People keep thinking of CMC from 2019. Whether we extended him for three years or one, it’s a mistake. Once backs start breaking down, they usually don’t come back. Look at Henry this year compared to years past. On the flip side, OBJ has proven with a chg of scenery he excelled in the stretch for the Rams. I wouldn’t get over confident about how the rookies played in a broken down team with Pittsburgh. We could strongly benefit from a boost to the talent on the team in late November through February. I’ll always take add ons in talent for the right $. Beane make it happen with OBJ. For the record, it’s not that I don’t think CMC was the most dynamic RB in the league 3 years ago. It’s just not good timing for him now. As an aside, I know our medical and training staff is going to put OBJ to the test to ensure he is really 100% before we would sign him to a contract. Just think in the divisional round (assuming we win today to get the #1 seed) us having a healthy Diggs, Davis, and OBJ, with rotations to keep fresh McKenzie, and Shakir. I’m also holding out hope Cook continues to steadily improve with each game as that pass catching RB we need.
  15. Thats awesome and good for the Allen family. I loved how he garbed up in his boy’s jersey.
  16. I couldn’t remember as I’ve had for awhile. I like SWAT, Seal Team, Blue Bloods, etc. I normally watch on the eliotic at 5 am the next morning.
  17. Paramount guys. Covers cbs. Not too much like $9-10/mo. Just cancel after the season. You can watch live in 10 minutes. What is that $30-40 and cancel. You can spend more in a day at a wings joint.
  18. My dream is Milano, Edmunds, Phillips, Oliver, and GROOT listen to this just 1 minute before they run on field. Worked for me in wrestling at the end and powerlifting. I was ready to rip a guys head off listening to that song. Patrick, you cannot live, cannot die, absolute horror, and so on. If you can’t get amped to that song, you don’t have a pulse.
  19. One of my all time favorite pre-gym and 100 years ago pre game songs to be in the right mood. LL is the original Cool J. Then it’s Simple Man and Freebird from Skinner. We need JA17 listening tomorrow to My Way from old Blue eyes to keep him from having a pregame aneurism as he will be so amped. Josh is the kind of guy that you have to keep him from head butting his teammates pregame. I love his passion. You guys know my avatar, but I’m falling in a lifelong man crush with him. I predict he will be the best Bills player of all time in 15 years, and he and Mahomes will be first ballot guys. It was worth the wait.
  20. Thanks for that visual I can’t undo, unsee. if he’s giving her millions, she’d better be a fr*#k.
  21. Thurm, you have my word I’ll read it, because if you think it’s worth reading, then it’s worth reading. I don’t have time now, but a little later today. Even though I’ve been on the business side of medicine, my clinical background is as a licensed psychotherapist. I haven’t practiced in quite sometime, but sports psychology can be very in overcoming trauma. That’s how I infer that 13 seconds. It’s surviving a traumatic event. Nothing compared to real trauma, but for elite athletes, none the less traumatic for their psyche. Thanks for sharing and you have me looking forward to the reading.
  22. I could care less what he does in his personal life. His wife died and he took his time remarrying. She’s a goldigger, but wouldn’t be the first or last. Shell probably ride that train as long as possible, but what’s interesting is when he dies, what’s going to his family vs. her. At the end of the day, who cares.
  23. Ive not had that experience in Tampa. The Chiefs fans here primarily are respectful of Bills fans. To the OP, I don’t hate KC. I have a healthy respect for their team and they are not NE. With that said, I want to destroy them and rip the spirit of their souls tomorrow. I don’t want it close. I want them to fear us in the playoffs and hopefully McD brought his man card to KC. Keep scoring and scoring and scoring until the last play of the game. No taking a knee in the last minute up but 21. I hope we score another 7 with 13 seconds left on the clock going up by 28. Screw it, go for 2 with 1 second left in the game. Now that my fantasy is over I expect us to win by 4 tomorrow.
  24. Sal mentioned on his show with Joe (I refuse to call him by that dumb nickname Sneaky) that am expected weakness has turned into possibly our best strength. Can you imagine how potent this defensive secondary will be once we get Tre, Poyer, Taron, Dane, and the emergence of Benford, Elam, and even Hamlin and Jaquoun. Un freakin believable. Couple that with finally after 5 years an elite D Line, and all world Milano. These dudes will be the game tomorrow. Allen will rip apart that secondary. Boys it’s Hammer Time. And men, Josh Allen is…. Its on like Donkey Kong!
  25. Eball, I’ll add to esteemed friend’s comment (that’s you). Von and GROOT are going to set the edge allowing PM to try and escape backwards. Oliver and Phillips will penetrate, and big old Jones and Settle will eliminate the opportunity for the back to run up the gut with Edmunds right behind him. Ill add one of PM’s shots running backwards will get picked off by Dr. Poyer. It’s just too bad Mr. Hyde won’t be there to shine on their glory. As Jimmy always said… Have fun boys tomora. I can’t wait. Im going to my oldest’s house he rents with his Jesuit buddies. They are 23 and just out of college. Im playing cool dad and bringing over all the wings, pizza, and beer. Hanging with a dozen 22 yr olds who are all ex football players and lax guys. It should be fun. They are all NFL junkies.
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