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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. PTR, what are we the 90’s Patriots. That’s what I always think of if we ever did the red on white. I honestly don’t care as long as we win.
  2. Draconator, thanks for sharing. I’m never home as already working by the time the Today show comes on. I realize this was somewhat of a self promotion for the SNF game, but still pretty cool for the non football fans to see how crazy this fanbase has always been since I was a little kid. Ive tried to explain it to people I work with like my boss, who’s from Alabama. He couldn’t believe how nuts we are about our team. He looked on YouTube some of the absolute crazy stuff we do here. He told me on our last field ride, you guys are even crazier than Roll Tide fans in AL. I troll him there really is no comparison to any other NFL team. Lots of cities have great fans, but the Mafia takes it to a whole new level. Im glad he weaved in the philanthropic nature of the Mafia.
  3. It’s funny, I was listening to NFLR yesterday and they have Bart Scott on MTC in his spot each week. Well, PK tweaks him on the Russel Wilson High knees thing. They asked him what he would say on the plane. He said something else, but something like, the reporters aren’t here, we’re trying to sleep so sit you're ars down or I’ll sit you down. It was pretty funny, but the guy to me who is an are clown is Rodgers. I want us to smash that guy in the mouth tomorrow night. I hope Von and GROOT sack his behind 6 times by the end of the night.
  4. Reach out tomorrow. Been up Since 4 am so beat. I’d rather give you a thoughtful response even though my opinion is no important or valuable than yours and the rest of the guys.
  5. Bear, this should tell you how naive I am, as I don’t even recognize any of the sites you mentioned. I just don’t care and expect what probably is there. I don’t have that kind of time. You probably don’t either.
  6. Moon, That is my favorite of the Star Wars movies in Rogue One. Creative reference.
  7. Chand, I’ll take you at youre word as I’ve never read anything from him that was anything, but respectful. I’ll retract my comment. It’s kind of a surprise. One area that always surprises me is why people go to other boards. Trolls or not. I’m never on another teams board as I can imagine what their fan base has to say about their team and others.
  8. Ice Man, you’re a friend and any Bills fan who’s been on TBD for a minute knows it. I purposefully didn’t bring this game up out of respect for you. You're one of the best non Bills fan who comes on here and is so nice, respectful, and I honestly root for them for you pal. As much as I always want to win, I hope it a a competitive game for you pal. Anyone on this board that’s new, please show Iceman respect, and be kind.
  9. Men, we’re onto Cincinatti. Moving on. Trolls will be trolls.
  10. Hambone, have a great time. I’m sure you’ll check the weather that day. I’ve heard Uber is a nightmare so consider a rental. If alcohol is a must then Uber just or be safe, but hang at the big tree for a couple hours so you can easily Uber. You’ll be fine. Get you’re MT and for me Blasdell Pizza. There is great fine dining, but there is everywhere else too. Beef on Weck is a must.
  11. Einstein, you’re a troll, we’re onto Cincinatti. See we as Bills fans don’t want group think, but we also can sniff a Jets, Fish, or Pats troll a mile away. You’re not worth my time. Enjoy losing with you’re team. Real Bills fans will complain about real issues and it becomes apparent quickly. They actually care about our team. You don’t. Don’t worry, I’ll only respond to you’re threads to let others know youre a Troll moving forward.. they can decide to respond, Guys, stop responding to this troll. Mods, please do something. If it were not this obvious, I’d understand. He’s probably Jets 2020 of you guys remember that nightmare.
  12. What an eloquent response Noggin. You never cease to impress. Have a good night brother.
  13. Einstein, why do you keep starting these troll threads? Hyde is one of the leaders of this defense. Enough of you. I’d be much more forward with my comments if the mods would allow it. You’re not a Bills fan.
  14. I thought you'd like that one Chevy. You can never go wrong with a Seinfeld bit.
  15. The grassy knoll strikes again. Now that’s one magic loogie. Back and to the left, back and to the left… There had to be a 2nd spitter, from the gravely road.
  16. Machine Gun Kelly. Do I need to explain, but most people just call me MGK ( except Donuts who just calls me Gun). Interesting topic. Now onto the Packs. They should just throw in the towel at 8:21 pm. We surrender like France.
  17. B, you’re putting way too much thought into it. Enjoy the jersey and no worries.
  18. Corta- brother you have waaaaaay too much time on you’re hands. I do appreciate the summmary. Someday I’ll read it when not working 55-60 hrs a week. Just kidding brother. What I did read looked sharp and on point. I agree the closest AFC challenge outside of KC is Cincy. I think we are still ahead of them, but their offense has weapons. Their Achilles heel is that line. GROOT and Von will have a field day with them.
  19. I just started reading this thread. I’m not participating in prognostications in week 7. Does it look more likely we win throughout? Yes, but three words “the Jags Game”. You just never know where we could stub our toe. A rematch, this time I want to believe is in OP. Bills/Chiefs in the AFCCG. I’ve since the preseason thought 13-4, but never expected one loss to be to the Fish. You just never know. We’ll probably beat my guess prior to the season.
  20. Billy, no doubt Boogie has shown progress and even Epenesa has looked better. Epenesa, most likely will be a depth DE moving forward, yet Boogie should develop into an alternating starter. We’ll probably use Shaq more for run heavy teams and Boogie for pass happy teams.
  21. I waited until week 6 to remind some on the. Stats as they become more real with a larger sample size.
  22. Chandman, thanks brother. This was excellent. What a metamorphosis this defensive line has become. Between the drafts and now with Von, Jones, and Settle, not to mention the returns of Phillips and Shaq has transformed this line into one of the best in the league. They are making it a little easier on a secondary whose had so many injuries to thrive. After week 6 this defense is.. Defense Yards- Overall #2 Pass Defense #11 Rush Defense #1 Pts. #1 Take into account some of the passing yards defense is in garbage time, and did not equate this to points. So looking at our offense it’s even more impressive. Offense Total Yards #1 Pass #1 Rush #17 Points #2 We are dominating. It’s like a super team. Who does this on both sides of the ball. It took Congo Heat to lose this year just like it took Hurricane winds for the Lats to beat us last year.
  23. I assume you mean Keenum and Barkley. Keenum has proven over the years he is a proven backup QB, and Barkley, we’ll, he had a good Jets game in 2108. I trust McD, that he knows if bad play comes from the RB or the line, or QB’s. he’s just underwhelmed them so far. They’ve forgotten more about football then I’ll ever know and I played for year San coached for years. I a,so know I’m not in the same league as McD.
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