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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. I don’t know the details, and fighting is stupid as an adult, but he didn’t cold #### his wife. He hit some guy who from what I read was aggressive to him. I’ve been in a lot of fights as a youth, but grew up. I can literally walk away from anything if it doesn’t involve harm to my children.
  2. My six fingered man, I agree. Even though I live in Tampa, we still get a bunch of Fish games. im not going to bash Tua, but he’s an avg QB. He’s not even close to the top 10. I was concerned with the amt. of $ Ross would give Brady in terms of part ownership, but he’s look bad lately. With an excellent line it’s still conceivable Brady takes the Fish gig next year. With those two WR’s and Gesecki, he could be decent, but I’ll still take JA17 all day long. Besides, I’d love to see Von and GROOT put Marsha, marsha, Marsha into the dirt four times in each game.
  3. more 7 TDs for JA. I’m down with you Wiz, 49-16 Bills. BTW- you need to tell you’re fish to stop worrying. 🤩🦬👏👏🏋️‍♂️🏈
  4. Thats F@$&k terrible. Just kidding. I do my best not to curse in fron of women, the elderly, or children, but occasionally it slips. Beane is the man. Thanks for sharing OP.
  5. JA17 is a class act. Nothing wrong with pointing out we are the only NYS NFL team.
  6. Nah, nah, you’re way off. 🦬🏋️‍♂️😇👏👏👏🏈 637-3. SAY VANDALAY INDUSTRIES. Gotta Luv Cosmo.
  7. This is what I have to say about that ars clown who lost the game last week for a bonehead decision.
  8. I was thinking the same. Hodgins will now get a shot to be a starter you would think.
  9. I like the trade. It’s exactly what McBeane has wanted for a couple of years. He compliments Motor perfectly while Cook develops as I don’t see as an indictment of the rookie. A top notch punt returner, and a pass catching RB. Not the workhorse as that’s still Motor’s job. Sal mentioned yesterday he mirrors McKissic’s stats over the last few years, and proven NFL record of performance. He’s not getting the ball 20 touches like an old school RB, but that was never the goal.
  10. Augster, I’m just weighing in on the trade, but what you wrote as I get the jist of the discussion. You’re correct. Anyone can dissect one play and poke a hole. To say the opposite means you don’t know football. That’s like saying, I don’t want Josh Allen because he threw two pics in the Packers game. Dean Marlowe is no JA, but he has been with us before and the Panthers as a rookie under McD. He knows the system and is just a depth safety. It was a very shrewd decision on Beane’s part.
  11. Gugs, I send cash to my sisters for their tris to Clearwater maybe 3 times a year each. My order. Two Blasdell pizza subs like the way I said you order the pizza, and a 12 pack of beef and cheese burritos at MT. I froth at the mouth when coming. Terrible for me, but I double my cardio to enjoy these guilty pleasures.
  12. This is what they want him to do. I value Edmunds, but not sure they are going to pay him what he can earn elsewhere. So Rockpile, I agree with you I see his role. He’s even making some of the splash plays we’ve been hoping for the last couple of years.
  13. It was nice seeing Cook out there. I expected this to happen. Get up with a lead and start working Cook into the game. Let him get consistent, and confident and then eventually he’ll be part of the starting offense.
  14. I’ve been reading the thread for a little while. You guys know we were controlling the game giving away small gains and maintaining a nickel defense to keep the Packs basically afraid to pass. We were sacrificing these yards. It’s a basic defense while all about eliminating any passing threat. the INT is unfortunate, but when on offense we kept attacking. They can’t handle us, and it shows with the Milano INT. This game is not jeopardy. We’re controlling the game. Every play with 3-5 yards is not a loss, they are chewing clock. As Mickey said to Rocky in 111, “you can’t win Rock”. They can’t win. This game is about chewing clock at this point. We’ll attack like we just did to Cook, and just seal it. This game hasn’t been in question for. Long time.
  15. Spencer Brown’s ankle. It’s been lingering brother. Ques has been as good so a solid backup, but Brown will probably be our future. We’ll have both for awhile IMO.
  16. Why How about we get Cook 5-9 touches or passes in Q4. Maybe 1-3 in the first three quarters. Moss is who he is and it’s really disappointing. I expected our AJ Dillon, and we got blah. The injuries don’t explain it all. Not even close. It’s a miss.
  17. Check wgr. They usually throw it up. Taiwan was only of not questionable as we already knew no Tre, nor Brown. This wait is killing me. It looks like I picked the wrong week to… never gets old these scenes
  18. Ok I don’t follow WWE, but that was so funny on Onas a mt of a wrestler, where he basically grabbed a plant Packers fan and flipped him up like a rag doll, to throw him through a table. It was so funny. Rewind on you’re spectrum kr whatever 4 minutes ago. I’m sure that was an actor or a plant bills fan placed in a Rodgers jersey.
  19. Guys, by the time he retires will most likely be worth 600-700 mil.. I doubt he wants to argue with city and school councils in an area he has no connection. All kidding aside, if he parlays his excellent grooming well, maybe he wants to be a US Senator. With 5 SBs and the arguably best argued QB of all time as he will just crush record after record, could choose politics like Kemp. He’d probably rather pay his way into a minority ownership of an NFL team. Maybe Terry Pegula considers in 15 years as he’s in what his late 80’s. Just sayin.
  20. I like you’re style Wiz. May want to keep it to List beer territory or you’ll fall asleep in the 3rd quarter. Just sayin for a fellow Bills mafia brother.
  21. Just an fyi, the Giants just tied it up 13-13 with 11 minutes left. Daboll and his staff are calling a fantastic game. I’m so impressed with our Bills guys in Dabs and Schoen. I now pull for them every week. I also wanted to see the Jets beat the Cheats, but Wilson is not improving. That was a disappointment today as I actually wanted to see the Jets win some games. They are no threat to us. I could just give two craps about the Fish and Cheats.
  22. Scott, after 6 games we have the #1 offense and the #1 Defense. Our pt. Differential I believe is 92 pts. And the next down is in the 50’s. Our defensive line is exactly what we e always wanted, our LBer should be pro bowlers especially Milano. The most underrated and under notice LB in the league, and we’ve had #1-3 top rated secondary for 5 years. What we haven’t had until this year is that penetrating D Line. Bend, but don’t break, what? GROOT and Are sacking, pressuring and hurrying each QB, and Phillips is collapsing the pocket. Lastly, Jones and Settle are like immovable objects against the run. Is someone looking for some Madden freak numbers as that’s not football. That’s a video game. No one should be diminishing one little thing about our offense. Besides we have Allen and the guy we are opposing is not Mahomes. I have a healthy respect for Mahomes and gaining the same for Jalen in Philly. We can always have another Jags game, but it’s highly unlikely any week.
  23. Zack Wilson really crapped the bed in NJ and wasn’t helped by a horrible ref call that would’ve meant 7.
  24. Let us know you’re experience tomorrow. I love when you long distance guys get home for a game and let us know if you lose you’re voice tomorrow morning. About 70,000 others will be in the same boat. We’ll, Hondo, when are you going to pull the cherry and take you’re better half to a Bills Mafia experience. I try each year, but couldn’t swing it with work this September. I’m not going later than that as the winds start kicking up in October and don’t want to deal. I did in 19 in November and honestly, it sucked. 39 degrees with 30 mph winds made it miserable in the upper deck. My days of that mess are over.
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