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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. I was. You just didn’t agree. I would’ve preferred they held him back for a week, to make sure that elbow is ok. I’ll leave it at that. I bleed red, white, and royal blue, and never lost my way. I’m just looking at a SB RUN, not a meaningless nfc game that doesn’t hurt us in the playoff matchups.. call me if a Question as im a reasonable guy.
  2. I never lost my way. I’ve been a true blue Bills fan to the end. I was concerned with our hero putting himself out there and maybe hurting himself and this team for the year. Check yourself as I care about the playoffs and SB. IVE BEEN IN THIS FROM THE 70’s. I care about Josh. He played today and well. We lost. It’s over. Never challenge me losing my WAY! I don’t know you, but I’ve been true blue before you’ve ever been here. see the real boys next week. We lost. Moving on. 24 hours. Game ending sucked. I know. Ask the regulars if I. True blue Lost my way? Really.
  3. Eman, after all these years, wise up? you’ve been a friend. I’m disappointed in you. I’ve had youre back for years.
  4. Wayne, im the first to admit it’s a fear and that’s it. Listening to some of these medical analysts just makes me nervous on taking the risk than just giving him a week. I more than most trust this staff and their sound judgment, but playing the headlines and concerns me. It’s not an AFC opponent, it’s low on the matchup ties for #1 seed. I love JA. I just want him to be there for the next 14 weeks. If he’s really ready I doubt they will make him the emergency. He wouldn’t probably allow it. i will be on pins and needles all game if he does start.
  5. Hey, I’m happy he can be the emergency backup meaning he’s capable of needed, but I really hope they rest him. That injury can worsen and it wouldn’t kill them to let Case play vs. an opponent not really in the equation for the matchups as it pertains to the playoffs. It’s more important he’s there for the Brownies next week. what’s the harm in a rest week, and babying that elbow for 13 days. I just don’t want the nightmare of it getting worse. It’s an irrational fear as I know he’s tough as nails.
  6. I’ll be the judge of my time, and yes I work 55-60 hours a week right now and happy doing it. My point was the silliness and absurdity of the thread. Each of us have opinions and I disagree with any referendum on Beane. That’s knee jerk reaction that bought us a 17 year playoff drought just like fire McDermott after a loss.
  7. My god, I’m so glad I’m really busy with work so this is a silly topic. The man won GM of the freakin year by his peers that know a lot more about football than us. For christs sake, it’s like some of you are Madden addicts and are in fantasy land. go become a packers fan and see where that gets you. We have the deepest roster on football! Injuries happen. We’re 6-2 for criminey sake. Geesh. Not to chkn little. The sky’s not falling.
  8. It was last year, and I believe we are more talented this year. Not time to panick as there are too many chicken littles on tbd right now.
  9. Some of you are some serious negative bandies. We’re 6-2 and blew out in most of the wins minus the Ravens. If you want to change it up by adding more Shakir than McKenzie, get Hines involved while Cook is developing and have more 21 personnel, that’s fine, but this team isn’t broken. Are some of you so spoiled on the wins that unless we destroy our opponent we are a failure. I wonder sometimes if some people have ever played highly competitive sports. A win is a win, and we’ve not had a Colts like trampling last year where we looked horrible. Even then we can back and in the end stood toe to toe with the Chiefs and almost won. Lastly, pay OBJ a sound contract and everything changes if he’s healthy. We’ve been fortunate since 2018 only a four game loss for Allen. Yesterday on WGR the morning guys stated Spotrac has a two year contract market value of $13 mil. Per. That’s a deal for his talent.
  10. MT Blasdell Pizza Ilio’s Duffs Ekels - Beef on Weck there are certainly a lot of really nice restaurants If you want to go high end, but really is about what you want.
  11. The Jets get more than enough on tape to make predictions on the Bills tendencies. I see this is a nothing burger.
  12. No argument he values Edmunds. It’s more of can they afford him. He’s going to draw a significant contract.
  13. Aren’t you trying to get us fired up? I love it Chandman. Zack Wilson is going to get hammered today. I predict today we will see more blitzes. I’m not saying all day long, but I can see at least five times as Wilson has proven he can’t pick them up effectively yet. He may improve, and they definitely have more weapons on both sides of the ball. I don’t hate the Jets, but even with an improved defense, they will have a tough time slowing down Allen and company. I can see Diggs getting over 110 yards. Sauce Gardner or not, he won’t be ready for Diggs the way Diggs is playing this year. Knox should have a decent day, and if not Davis will take over. I’m a bit excited to see Hines returning punts. I’m guessing Shakir may get the nod for kick returns, and alternated with McKenzie. It should be a fun day.
  14. Dabs, you nailed it right in the beginning of this thread. McD wants to use Edmunds exactly like they are using him. Edmunds has improved this year. I don’t think he’s perfect, but many still think they need a Ray Lewis in the middle. That’s not McD’s defense. What I don’t know is if Beane can find the $ for his extension. I can see them trying, but they may have a plan to get Bernard ready to step into Edmunds role. The cap will escalate quite a bit over the next few years, but so will Allen and others contract extensions.
  15. FL, I think that’s just Yates trying to create speculation. I don’t see OBJ going there. Would you? Who would you rather have as you’re QB. Cousins or Allen? I rest my case. I know the Vikings have a 6-1 record, but I don’t see them keeping up this pace. They are the only decent team in the NFCN. They still face us, Dallas, and the Giants. I know the Giants are winning a lot of nail biters, but Daboll amd Schoen are building a solid culture, and probably will take a step back next year. They can purge high end contracts, get the most they can out of Barkley. Give these two guys two more years, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see an ascension like we did in 19. Eventually, they probably will get another QB. I'm guessing he still is most likely coming here if Beane can make the $ work. It doesn’t look like he’s trying to break the bank with the remainder if the season. He’s eying a $20 mil. Contract next year. That won’t be with us. If he gets a second ring, he’ll get lots of suitors. That’s my two cents. It’s hard to argue we wouldn’t be better with him especially as McKenzie has had his ups and downs this year, but is falling back into his previous role as the gadget guy. He’ll get maybe 50% third WR slot duty for now. Shakir will slowly, but surely get more WR reps, but McD may not feel he’s ready for full time duty.
  16. Penny Benjamin? Wait, forget about it. The actor in Maverick. Jennifer Connelly. She was smokin back in the day. The first time I saw her, she was in that silly comedy where the maintenance guy and her evade a bunch of thieves in a Target store. As far as Spags, he’ll show up if we have a brain fart and lose today. Since that will never happen, we’ll see him before the next Jets game.
  17. Because we didn’t want to get burned in the air and have the Packers get back in the game. We stuck in nickel as we made it very hard to pass on the D Backs.
  18. OMG, I almost peed my pants laughing so hard. Thanks Bubba Gump. I haven’t seen SNL in years. Guys, you need to watch this skit.
  19. The real question is what colors will be predominant in the 4th quarter? Red, White, and Royal blue baby! Go Bills!! 19-1
  20. you’re a Marissa Tomei guy John? When I first married my ex, I described her to my mom who was still in Buffalo as Tomei from my cousin Vinny. She’s a Long Island Italian, with similar features. That went over like a dead balloon as she told me I’m describing her as a foul mouth Néw Yorker. Me being young and dumb, said well honey you kind of have a foul mouth at times when you’re mad at me. Needless to say I almost slept on the couch that night. My ex is actually very funny and used to be colorful with the language at times. I like Tomei too.
  21. Noggin, I’ve been referencing him in this way for years. Inconceivable. Trust me, I’ve seen that movie more times than I can count. My kids used to love it and quite honestly, so did I. My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die! As far as Diggs, I’m guessing he gets at least 110 yards today.
  22. What’s a hute? so are these magic grits? Love that movie too.
  23. well written motorman. He’s not the second coming of Barry sanders. His first game is a compliment to the offense. If he plays he’ll return and maybe get five targets. Motor is still our workhorse. He’s the second gear guy.
  24. Let’s hope he’s in costume for a reason.
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