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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Holy crap Ridge, I almost forgot about that first actor. He was a funny actor in the 70’s. A little touched.
  2. Da&n scurvy! Gets all the boaters. That’s it, lemon wedges for everyone. 💪😜🙏👌🦬🏋️‍♂️ Im just done with all the conspiracy theory stuff. Thought I could give you guys a small chuckle. Darn scurvy. It will get us all.
  3. Ridge, it could be scurvy, rickets, or chronic halitosis. You just never know. Let’s check they are getting their daily oranges. 😇
  4. Guys, it’s the flu. I work currently in anti-infectives. It’s projected to be a bad flu season. It has been easy for the last two years. Most likely because by COVID protocols has helped with the common flu. It’s not a big deal and happens every flu season when we have a nasty bug. Just get a flu shot and hope for the best. Wash you’re hands, keep 6ft apart, and be smart. The difference between them and us is we don’t have docs who can tap IV’s in us daily keeping us hydrated. it’s not a mystery illness. Some of you guys are a bit of conspiracy theorists. Watching JFK too much. Have fun as this too shall will pass.
  5. I’ve read several comments on getting healthy. We’ll, Poyer is practicing, Allen was throwing, Edmunds, and Morse were full participants. Of the starters we’re out Von, and Dion is day to day. My concern is Spencer Brown as he may not hold up well against the Cheats front 7. He’ll need TE or 6th OL help at times. One item somewhat under the radar is we have done more 21 personnel and has worked. Whether it’s Gilliam and Motor, or Motor and Cook/Hines, it is a viable option. Before the season, myself included thought maybe 12 personnel would be a way to diversify the offense, but Howard was a shell of himself, so 21 maybe a thing to expand as really the Cook/Hines option is really the short dump off receiver dressed up as a RB. I think all of us will be happy Friday morning.
  6. Hey they’ve had a full 7 days by then so I think PTR, we’ll be ok. I know a whole bunch have the flu, but unlike us schmoes, theylll have IV’s to rehydrate, etc and get over it fast enough. Id hydrate these guys everyday until game time. You know McD who sweats the small stuff has maintenance on double duty cleaning and keeping the bugs away.
  7. Nah, give poor Sam a rest. We’ve used him enough lately. That was a good one Negan. This guy is not a Bills fan. He’s just in sighting a problem. Let him have his fun and then we can remind him of the results Friday. I honestly don’t care. What matters is what happens Thursday night.
  8. I noticed you only have 56 posts. Come back when you get to 1000. You have no idea what will happen in Foxboro. Considering we didn’t punt in the last two Cheats games and are 4 and 1 against them over the last two years and it took 50 mph winds to them to barely beat us is always a good sign. If you think the pkayers and coaches don’t know what’s at stake Thursday, you’re out of your mind. Enjoy you’re anti Bills sentiments and we’ll see you Friday. Dont think all the real Bills fans won’t remember.
  9. I thought it was scurvy. The Bills have been running low on citrus. No wait, rickets, no gout, no chronic halitosis. All kidding aside, it was probably the flu. Remember before COVID, the most common virus every flipping year. Who cares? We won and now it’s time to destroy this Opponent! It’s time to make it 6 out of 7 times in 3 years. In a few more weeks it will be 7 out of 8 times.
  10. I voted the last. Oh, wait not a poll. Besides JA would’ve just kicked his ars. Besides Spencer Brown wouldn’t let him and would just souphlex the dude. ”Handled Josh”. Thanks Spencer.
  11. Man I feel for my Bears buddies. At least they still have Chicago PD. Maybe Hank freakin Boight can take care of the problem. C’mon, we’re goin to go for a ride.
  12. Made me think of this. and… I loved that song when I was a tyke. Ohh no, they say he’s got to go, Go Godzilla!
  13. the things I described were all it if need. You can’t be the same team when you have 70% backups. My old dad keeps saying to me they get paid too. my response is yep and a lot less for a reason. Johnson and Hamlin are not Hyde and poyer.
  14. My Wyoming friend, we started blitzing because GROOT was out, and when we lost Von for the game we converted from a low blitz team, to 59% blitzing. Its situational dependent and when we get GROOT and Von back as long as our DT’s stay in tack we’ll stick with our 8. The passing teams like the Bengals, and Fish, we’ll need 8 in coverage. For the running teams like the Bears, Jests, Cheats, we’ll consider blitzing as both of our starting DE’s are out. It’s that simple.
  15. Simon, I agree with the entire list except Vick. He was accurate, but not that accurate.
  16. You guys get so riled up about the commentators. I just don’t care. I enjoyed the game, listened at times, and just spent time talking to my family about other stuff.
  17. Some armies just don’t know when they’ve been beaten. Maximus, Would you Lucious? ”What we do in life. Echoes in eternity”
  18. Hines is a plug and play. Cook is a work in progress. He’ll develop. Motor developed and looked best in the back half of last year and this year. as someone mentioned it’s more of how, when, and how much to use Hines vs. Cook. All three have a place on this team.
  19. Benford is not necessarily the problem as Jaquan, and Hamlin have started with a flash, but really regressed. Having Poyer really helps, but a healthy Tre, Hyde, Poyer and Taron makes that unto so instinctive and shut down. Wallace was the weak point, so we’ve been spoiled having those four all playing. We’ll get Hyde back next year, it these gaps on Poyer should show how they have to find $ for him. For all those crapping on Edmunds, now you see what it’s like against the pass without him. He’s not Ray Lewis and that’s ok. That’s another off season challenge for Beane. Add all that up and I hate to think of this offense without Motor, but that will be a tough one, not to mention we need Oliver long term.
  20. Two. Makes sense to let him get comfortable. You’ll see him on a pitch count next Thursday as well. That’s my WAG. We need him a full go for the Fish and the Bungals. The other games I’m cool with him on a 50-60% so he gets his sea legs. Then I want his butt for every play of the playoffs. I’m not scared of the Cheats, Jets, or Bears. If Edmunds gets healthy, we need him Klein and Milano for the Cheats, jets and Bears. Shut their freakin run game down. Mac, whoever is backing up Wilson, and Fields is going to beat us in the air.
  21. Here, these are the Muppets. The two old crotchety guys reminds me of Gugs and House. (Maybe Eball or Promo too). 😇😂👏👏👏🏈🏈🦬🦬🦬🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♂️ BTW- Listen to the end with the old guys. You’ll laugh. I loved watching this show when I was a kid.
  22. Joe D is a bit elder my time, so I might transpose him with one of our awesome linemen in the 80-90’s. Ritcher , Wilford, House, or Hull. Those guys punched so many nice holes for the Thurmonator.
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