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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Guys, it’s not like they were putting stones in the snowballs, or pouring water on them to make ice balls. Sure it’s annoying for the players, but they know next year if we play them I. Buffalo next December, they will know what to expect. It’s mental warfare. I could care less as it’s not hurting these guys. Now the batteries that used to be thrown in other stadiums years ago is wrong and can hurt a player and I’m not good with those antics. I also would kid only Dolphins fans with their jerseys, but I wouldn’t throw snowballs or anything else for that matter at them. That’s wrong. I would only kid with them in a friendly way, but keep it civil.
  2. God I can’t wait to see Milano at the right time come in like a heat seeking missile legally with the shoulder pads to the numbers, and see Tua whence in agony like Mike White. Then the next play Oliver hits him again and he has to go to the tent. Not a serious injury, just this isn’t Alabama, this freakin Orchard Park in December. THIS IS DECEMBER FOOTBALL IN BUFFALO! Get used to it! 🏋️🥊🏈🏈🏈
  3. That’s it. He has a unique opportunity to play his win into being the starter and possibly compete next training camp for the job. His teammates love him and he created even more endearment by his peers when he kept grueling it out as our guys were just legally teeing off on him. Saleh learned his QB in White demonstrated leadership and toughness so sorely lacking by Wilson who will be shown the door most likely after the season. The Jets may draft or look for an experienced QB is on the market, but White could end up as the real deal. I have to say I watched that game and gained a tremendous amount of respect for him. Jets fans should be happy for him coming back.
  4. Why stop at 85? I love the creative idea. Since they have to be allowed heaters because our team wants heaters, you’re best bet is sauna temps so 105-110 degrees. Now that stark change to 6 degrees windchill is perfect. My cynical and hatred for Fish says get the maintenance on non stop Mighty Taco and they are only allowed to relieve themselves in the visitor locker room for a very special surprise for the one toilet they have festering until tomorrow night at 8:20 pm. screw those guys. Oh, and Tua will figure out tomorrow night that Alabama snow isn’t Orchard Park. Let the games and torture begin.
  5. Milano is the MVP of this defense. Even more than the closer, Von
  6. Logic, I haven’t looke beyond your post, but at a quick glance couldn’t agree more. The overall upgrade for the defensive line has been incredible. Jones, Settle, Jordan Phillips, Von, Shaq and the affect Avon has had on AJ, GROOT, and Boogie has been a miraculous change for the positive. They’ve hid some of the shortcomings of our best strength in DBacks with all the injuries. It is incredible we’ll have almost all of them barring more injuries for the playoffs. You made a great point that Milano and Tremaine have shined even more with this help. The big thing is us getting as many of not all resigned for next year. I’m so happy the future is so bright, we have to wear shades.
  7. Go to First Take your eye off the ball, by Pat Kirwan and Bill Cowher. They have I think two books and audio books to match. It’s an easy read and very helpful to learn the X’s and O’s.
  8. you may have sounded like this if you did… 🤩🏈🏋️‍♂️🦬👍
  9. Thanks brother. Shows you how much I watch ESPN. I see you speak MGK (you knew who I meant) 😂🏈🏋️‍♂️🦬
  10. He’s such an ars clown. There are some things that are supposed to be only on the inside. I don’t agree with him either. There are lots of women in the media or in general who know football. Mary Kay Cabot for the Browns is one example. Suzy Tolbert (I think hats how you spell her name on ESPN) is another.
  11. As long as it’s fine right, and it was done right with the shoulder, and pulled up before he hit the ground. Textbook. That is a disciplined player. Hey, where’s all the armchair QB’s who think he was not worth $11 mil./yr. With the never ending contract criticisms prior to him signing. I’ve noticed they are all silent.
  12. Inigo, you’ll feel a lot better after we punish the Fish in a cold, blistery Saturday night game.
  13. Shaw, I always appreciate your reviews along with Virg. I loved your Cowher comments I watched the same postgame show. Cowher respects tough teams like his when he was coaching, and for all the nit picky comments (which is why I stay away from the gameday threads as some of the most ridiculous comments come out during the game) he saw a team with grit on both sides. Mike White is one tough SOB and probably cracked ribs. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had some internal injuries. I don’t wish that at all, but you could see the pain he was playing through. I’ve both broken and severely bruised ribs on two different occasions and it hurts to breath, cough, laugh, anything. A lot of QB’s would’ve have stayed in the locker room. Tre played smart, and yes a bit soft at times. But he’s easing himself into form for the playoffs. GROOT played out of his mind, but wasn’t alone. Settle, Jones, and even Boogie had a decent game. Milano is all world and is the most impactful defensive player on the Bills.
  14. Guys, it’s because Sirius advertises they have the post game show and it’s one or the other. Sirius maintains the show for a period of time, then connected back to Audacy. Sirius is a huge revenue generator. They are doing it for the other teams too.
  15. Chandman, I love the Law and Order theme. Dun, dun. Im hopeful we hear a lot of this .. NOONE CIRCLES THE WAGONS LIKE THE BUFFALO BILLS!
  16. As my mom said so many times, I was a pleasant surprise. God rest her soul. That was funny. Thanks brother, now let’s whoop the J-E-T-S, Jests, Jests, Jests arses. As Boomer used to say, “ITS GAMEDAY”!
  17. This will change when we destroy them in the snow next Saturday night.
  18. 1. I’m jealous I’ve never been there. 2. You guys are old! Just kidding. Thanks for the memory. My dad talks occasionally about the rockpile. He’s a dinosaur too at 92 and still kicking. I was a whoops as my siblings are much older than me. I remember in college delivering bundles of papers by there (buff news hopper was my college job) and it did look like the Roman coliseum.
  19. You make good points Chicago. I don’t see a 300 game though against that defense. Those guys are going to try and bracket Diggs again, and place Sauce on Davis. That may work so we have Cook much improved, Little Dirty, McKenzie needs a big day. Knox also needs a big day. His catch accuracy has improved over last year from 69% which is good to 76%, but his target have markedly decreased. Either Dorsey is not utilizing Knox to his potential, and used primarily as a blocker or safety valve, or there is something we don’t know as to why we’re not getting the most out of him. I along with all of you have no idea. This game is critical to take what the defense is giving us, and most likely need to slowly and methodically (as old man fan always says) matriculate the ball down the field. We do that and there is a chance they are start creeping up d when we don’t expect it, they hit Diggs or Davis down the field.
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