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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Donuts, I love the thought, but wouldn’t it be more fun watching BB wallow in agony with three more losing season at 8-9 just bad enough to not make the playoffs, but good enough that Belichick can’t find his next Brady. As Khan Noonyun Singh once said… It’s very cold In Buffalo in January. And another gratuitous Khan reference. Belichick, I’ve done far worse than killing you. I’ve hurt you and I wish to keep on hurting you. Buried alive Belichick. Buried Alive! Some movies are just classic. Donuts, that’s for you my old friend.
  2. I don’t like to hear about any significant injury and helped my son who just went through it the last 10 months. Objectively, it does possibly help us for next Monday. Collins is a solid RT. This is still outside of maybe KC our toughest opponent of the year until the playoffs.
  3. WE’RE 12-3! I’ll agree Dorsey is a first time OC, but Daboll is not a genius. He’s a very good coach and will do fine as they develop more talent on their team. As an example we ran for 254 yards last Saturday. It was a nice development we’ll need for the Bengals.
  4. Hiw about we start with they are a developing tandem that provides more options for this team? Dallas right now is on top, and I don’t necessarily want to be the top rushing team, but want to be an effective running team. In the same vein, I want to acquire another WR and an effective TE so we can run 10, 11, 12, and 21 personnel interchangeably. That makes for an impossible offense to defend as you can be fluid based on you’re opponent. Dont mistake, I’m very happy we are growing as a team especially with the showdown in Cincy next Monday night.
  5. I really don’t care what the team names him. I was just talking to my buddy who is a Bears fan (he grew up in Chicago and yes I was nice to him during the game as I don’t like guys who just can’t help bud rub it into their friends) about nicknames. He states it kind of just gets assigned to you by you’re friends and if sticks, it’s natural. My real first name is Dan, and he refers to me as Danno from Hawaii 5 0. Funny, another bud from the same sports bar just started calling me Book Em, for Book em Danno. He’s a Fins fan. I guess it’s a nice sign of friendship and if they want to call him Jimbo, who cares. I would rather say something like James 5th gear Cook, or Lightning as he really has something g Motor doesn’t. I like both if their styles, and just compliment each other. That shudder step of Cook is fantastic. He has a bright future with us. We really committed to the short pass and rushing game yesterday which was fine with me. I think we’ll be ready for Cincy next week.
  6. Thanks Longtime. I actually remember that episode as a little boy. Classic 70’s humor. I used to love when Len Nessman used to call the golfer Chy Chy Rodrigways. What a sportscaster.
  7. It’s an evolving engagement as in the past Bills fans could get laughed at and teased during the drought years. Now we travel so well, that we overtake many stadiums. It’s like going to 17 home games. Miami games have always had huge Bills turnouts even in the bad years as the Dolphins fans are so fair weather. When I went to the Bills Jags 2017 playoff appearance we went to lot Z was all Bills fans. I had to be the protective one as I was with one of my former employees who’s a dear friend and he had his Jags sweatshirt. I kept reciting my South Park Ave home address and then they would kid in a friendly way with him. At the game the lower deck was all Jags fans, and the upper deck was 95% Bills fans. I suspect all games get that way as every Bills Bucs game each 8 years I’ve been attending since 93. For the most part Bucs fans are decent to Bills fans.
  8. God this is such overreaction. Wow, your #1 WR wants the ball more. Shocker. Jimbo told a story recently Andre used to go into the huddle every play and would tell Jim, I’m open, and Jim’s reply, Andre, it was a run call. I think they got along just fine.
  9. The dome ship has sailed and will never change. This talk is a waste of spent air.
  10. The Bills are the #1 seed as they beat the Chiefs. The Chiefs have to finish with a better record for that to happen so not tied brother. They have the easier path to finish with three final wins. We should manage the Bears and Cheats, but our #1 seed is down to us beating the Bengals.
  11. Because the pro bowl is a popularity contest by players and they know his past successes. It’s why every year I mention getting the 1st and 2nd team all pro are legitimate honors. Just like MVP, ROY defensive and offensive, and DPOY and OPOY. Those are the Crown Jewels. These things and top 100 are meaningless. Milano not getting it is all the proof you need.
  12. It’s a bit early to talk about the draft, but I’m confident between FA and the Draft, we may see two new additions at G. As long as Morse is ok the concussion side, we’re fine at the C and Tackles. We also should address the WR spot and Safeties.
  13. The most popular radio station is this one… Les Nessmen says the Bills will win on Monday night.
  14. Someday, he’ll just look like a Cylon from Battlestar Galactica. it’s either that or the Borg. “You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile”! Yeah I like Star Wars too. A man has to have some idiotic guilty pleasures. Josh Allen as the Borg is funny to me.
  15. Guys, the sky isn’t falling. He’s just getting some rest and probably will most of the week. If I was McD, I’d just rest him most of the week, and let him just warmup on Saturday. Let that elbow live in an ice bowl.
  16. For those of you have Sirius, Knox was interviewed on MTC today with Pat and Jim. I think around 4:30pm or so.
  17. You take the bad with the good. Sure, he’s fumbled, but part of that is coupled with 500-700 yards of rushing each season which has added more wins like exactly the Fish game.
  18. It was a different era, and doesn’t detract from what I’ve seen on YouTube and read about Cookie. Lookie Lookie, here comes Cookie in his pink Cadillac.
  19. I’m not concerned other than a trap game given what a roller coaster high it must have been for the Bills players with the Fish win. My only concern is we allowed the Fush to rush for 188 yards or so and they are not a good running team. The Bengals is a significant concern as we lose ti them, but beat Da Bears and Cheats, and we could drop to the 3rd ranked team in the playoffs if we lose to the Bengals. You guys should consider pointing you’re concerns to that team. It’s not a given we win that game in Cincy. We win all three and no one can take the #1 seed from us, get a bye, all teams come through OP and should be as healthy as possible with a week off. We will have to play our starters against the Cheats for secure that #1 seed if we win the next two. If I’m not posting too much before the holidays as it’s the silly season, Merry Christmas to all of you!
  20. I told you to call me brother. You have my number. Just text me before. Once you get a couple of basics, it becomes just practice. Find a son, daughter, friend and just throw the ball. My boys were incredible QB’s because they threw the ball at least 100,000 times.
  21. They are yanking your chain brother. I’m sure you figured that out. We love you on the board. Get your other mambo Italiano friends to come as well. Hang with the cool kids.
  22. My paizan friend, he’s having an epic rant. That’s all. I’m glad you posted as it makes me laugh even more at these ars clowns. I’ve never gotten on a Boston radio show but it might be coming to have fun with these Circle bleeps. They deserve every agonizing moment for the rest of their lives the way they handled their fame for 20 years.
  23. That’s a class act from him. Makes up for the “it snows in Alabama” dumb butt comment he made last week. He’s actually pleasantly surprised me this year that we may have a real competitor in our division.
  24. This is going to be fun at 1:00pm. I know the guys like all of these prime time games, but I enjoy Sundays at 1 (I know it’s Saturday this week). I have a great wing sports bar with a great group of guys and one is a good friend who is from Chicago. I’ve already told him I’m not going to rub in every play as that’s not cool with friends. Another guy who was there yesterday is a huge Dolphins fan, and when he saw me he just looked down. I came up to him and said, hey man I’m not going to rub it in as you’re team played tough in the snow. He was so funny as he stated in frustration, how does Allen never get injured when he scrambles and runs for it. My simple answer was because he’s JOSH FREAKIN ALLEN. He’s a cyborg. I watched the Bears game yesterday, and it’s going to get ugly for them this Saturday.
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