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machine gun kelly

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Posts posted by machine gun kelly

  1. This also tells me make sure to look with more scrutiny in the second round like Andy Dalton (a 4 yr starter with a pro style offense and numbers off the chart). We chose the wrong rifle, not the Amish rifle (he needs to have his scope fixed as he is way off), but the Red Rifle.


    This is just one example. I like Russell Wilson as well. There are more examples over the last decade. Thank god Buddy is finally calling out Fitz as he keeps our defense on the field way too long.

  2. I like Gruden and he lives close to us in Tampa. His problem is he had too much influence in management here. Gruden is a good coach with a strong front office staff who can handle him.


    He also needs a guy like Monte Kiffin who ran his defense with authority. That guy is sorely missed down here. He was the Wade Phillips of this league down here.

  3. The Bills do suck! The coaching is HORRIBLE, play is even worse, and I hate the Jets, but am rooting for them now. patsies just scored a FG in overtime, so go J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets!


    It's adi'm watching this game saying, wow I wonder if we'd be better with Sanchez. That's pathetic.


    I actually was getting delusional thinking, well if we did trade a 3rd and a 5th for Dwayne Bowe, we probably would be much better with two top WR.


    Then I watched again today and realize we could have Andre Reed, Calvin Johnson, Larry Fitzgerald, and Jerry Rice back there in a 4 wide set with Barry Sanders, and Shannon Sharpe, and they still would SUCK!



  4. We're ranked 32 out of 32 defenses! How do you think Wanny's doing? I just can't get over the lack of scheme and coaching. What must drive some of these guys crazy is watching a team like Seattle which is not that much better in talent on defense, just aniliate opposing teams.


    Our CB outside of Gilmore are horrible. Williams is a bust. He's had enough time to evaluate, McGee when younger and healthy was solid, but not so much now. Mckelvin is also a bust except for the return skills.


    I thought we were getting closer but we can't keep missing on these drafts and then rid the solid guys after their first contract who are solid.

  5. I guess my conundrum was answered whether to root for the Bungles, or just accept they won't beat good teams so just let them tank and enjoy another high draft, Buddy on the hot seat so he'll grab a good free agent, and we rid ourselves of Chan and Wanny.


    The problem is what decent coach in his right mind would come here?

  6. Guys Chris Johnson is running for under 3yds a carry as it's been reported he is too tentative and looking for the home run hit vs. Explode through the hole and take the 5 yes as every once in awhile you get the big run.


    We win 27-21.


    We certainly need it as I predict losses to the Texans and Cheatriots. If we walk out of that stint 4-5, we have the easier part of our schedule. What I'm debating is do I really want to see us 9-7 or maybe in a fantasy world 10-6 just to see a winning record, knowing we are only beating weaker teams. We can't hold a candle or a jockstrap to the elite teams in the NFL. The other way is just lose a bunch like always know we are finally getting more talent, and with another good free agency and draft be a real contender next year with oh, by the way the same front office but a different coaching staff.


    I'll give you an example, the Bucs have a similar record at 2-3, but for anyone who really follows the Bucs, their new coach is turning their attitude around into a nasty defense, and a more explosive offense. I know the comments already on his bonehead last second play with the Giants, but overall he has been thE best thing for this team. They have an attitude and playing like the Seahawks right now. We need that in creating the right atmosphere in Buffalo. I can see more of our players getting that swagger like Kyle Williams. If 11 guys on our defense played like KW, we'd be winning more games.

  7. This talk about another QB, I get, but we're not getting one. Guys, Mike Williams in Tampa looks excellent again, because they have Vincent Jackson now and there are two threats. We could definintely use D. Bowe if we could get him. I doubt we could, but if we could trade a 3rd and 5th, I'd take in a heart beat. WE could still use a 1st on a QB and even trade up with another pick to get a better QB as we are not that far away. The problem is I don't see a good QB on the horizon in the draft next year. There are no Andrew Luck's, RG3, Cam Newton's, or even an Andrew Dalton. That was our BIIGGG MISS. We should have taken Andy Dalton. He was in a pro style offense, played 4 full years, I think was close to undefeated, and had excellent pocket presence. He should have never dropped to where he did last year.

  8. Didn't you hope our D was going to play with that physicality, and then we ended up with the same lame effort. I know they played a little better last week, but man Seattle went toe to toe with the toughest team in the NFL.


    If everyone played like Kyle Williams on every play in our secondary and LB's, we'd punish our opponents.


    As to the game, I love a slug fest.

  9. It's not 4-3 that is the problem, and two years ago on this board people were so pissed we had zero talent for the 3-4 and got killed. If you want to be captain hindsight, instead of taking Lynch, we should have traded up one spot and taken Patrick Willis. The rest of this defense with a stud like him makes us immediately better, and our scheme is wrong. Wanny is getting out coached by Belicheck, Rex, and Harbaugh.


    We don't have an accurate QB, Chan never heard of this thing in the NFL called the FORWARD PASS, and as a result we continue to go third and long. Anyone else nervous every time our offense gets on the field as there is no confidence they can move the ball. The defense gets gased, and we are constantly in the wrong package or formation. Our db's are going to get better, and need to press better to take out the short passing lanes. We also need basically one LB for pressure on the QB. If we can't pass protect with 2lb, and 4 db's then we suck.


    This team will never get better until we are better coached, and have a better QB, along with an offensive weapon as a WR and/or TE, and at least 1 stud LB. The good news is we are from a talent perspective much better than 2010, and could demonstrate significant progress moving fwd. Even though he's making mistakes, I like Bradham. He'll get better with time. I know these are several conventional thoughts, and I don't post as often as many of you, I just don't think there is some new creative idea that'll is the answer. It's staring us right in the face.


    Lastly, say goodbye to Chan after this year. One more blowout and chan will fire Wanny to save his job. Then he'll get canned at the end of 2012. We'll never get a big name so we need some excellent coordinator who is willing to build a team and we'll go through another rebuild. This time though Nix I still believe is a good GM, wholly has made our scouting dept better, and thus will give us better ingredients in the soup. I'd love to be wrong and we kick the crap out of the Pats and Texans, not to mention beat the Cards tomorrow. I don't see it happening.


    Alright I'm done venting. Sorry guys, I just hate losing as much as all of you and my team is a punchline down here as I live in FL. I've had it with hearing about the usual suspects, I.e. Steelers, Ravens, Packers, ya da ya da.

  10. I think it's awesome the optimism after that debacle. We seem to play outside of our division with top teams better these last few years. We'll see. The true test is how well we run in the first half. If we are at 35 yards, don't even put the game on in the second half.


    Now will we draw up better blitzes, man to man press coverage, and take Alex off his game?


    I'm not recalling a win, but certainly hoping for one.



  11. Mankins is definitely out, and a very good chance Vollmer is out. Even if Vollmer is playing with a bad back, he usually plays right tackle so Super Mario with his 295 lbs is going to bull rush him all day for pressure. I'm hoping we play press coverage, and blitz one lb with nickel, and take a page from the Ravens. They figured out how to beat Brady. Matchup was just showing the same strategy with Gailey last year. That was with less talent on the front four. You would think Marcel and Kyle can collapse that pocket faster than many teams. We absolutely need this to work with one of our RB's having a fantastic day keeping NE off the field.


    18-1 baby!

  12. They are both doing well for their tenure in the NFL. What would you expect out of Gilmore in his first three games. Glenn is going to do well long term and continues to add the nasty and size to the Line. We're not running well by accident.


    Now the real test is how well do these guys do against San Fran. We run against them and we have arrived as an o line.

  13. Welker is absolutely worth a 3 rounder. Just consider our last 10 yrs of 3rd rounders. It's not his size, his speed, but his change of direction, and football intelligence. He would automatically improve our team, and we would reap those rewards as well as inside info on the patsies for some time.


    I loved him in miami and he has been the most impactful and durable WR in the league. Not sexy like fitzy or megaton, but just keeps moving the chains. If it is only the system and Brady is the reason for his success, why is it when they benches him did they go backwards in offense this year.

  14. I'm close with one of his college friends. I agree he has the ball skills route running and enough speed he could convert to a solid pass catching TE. He could easily go to 255 lbs. And already blocks well. He wouldn't lose that much speed and we have our compliment to Chandler. I do think we draft a WR high as well as LB, and possibly a QB given Fitzmagic.


    If Fitzy gets it together putting a top LB and WR out there with Nelson as an athletic TE could mean big things for the Bills.



  15. I think Chan uses what his perceived strengths are on the team to his advantage. I don't think your off at all that he was aware of a mediocre o line, and poor defense.


    We've improved in both areas so now it's a matter of can we stay ahead and not fall behind. I also think he knows he has an avg qb at best, and is limited in his choices for a better one so he lives with what he has as a coach.


    This needs to be a W this week especially with the Pats and 49ers next.

  16. Bottom line is the Bucs did exactly what they are allowed to do within the rules. The stupid part on Schiano's part is he should have wiated to be down by one score adn have 45 seconds as you get the ball back on a fumble especially from a lesser QB and you change everything.


    You only have one chance to do something like this as everyone will pay attention now. He chose the wrong week to do it.


    Trust me if this turned to a fumble and an evertime vicotry for tampa, the entire conversation would be different. Yes, people would talk of the gentlemans agreement, but the other side would be the genius of of Schiano of playing to the final whistle.

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