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machine gun kelly

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Posts posted by machine gun kelly

  1. With 4 yrs on the jets, two years as an OC for the Saints, and three years turning a team around at SU, I like the pic. We were never getting a Gruden to come here. Hiring a DC who has run a consistent top 10 defense is smart. We just now know we're picking up LB, CB, and a QB in free agency or draft.

  2. Monte could do a lot with our front four. He needs athletic lb, and good cover cb's to make it work. The problem with Monte though is he relies on fast athletic lb's, and good scheme. We have been building bigger under Nix for a couple of years so we'd be moving back again. I'm not sure if Marone is as adjustable as reported if he will want to take this talent back to another scheme with other needed players. That would be a blow up.


    As an aside, I've lived in Tampa for a very long time, and absolutely loved the guy. He was one of the main reasons the Bucs won a Superbowl. He had a top 10 defense for almost a decade. They've never come back to form since his exit.

  3. If it happens, I like it. Smith's stas are skewed having several bad coaches and different coordinators. When having a running game, and a line which we have he played very well his last two years. Did you see how well he played against new orleans and even the giants in the playlets last year.


    As far as whiz, he was a winning coach with a QB in Warner and not so much without one. I don't know if I'm sold on him.

  4. The hard part when your pulling the strings is you can't make decisions on moving away from someone, but moving towards someone and if they are not the guy, you pass. Ask anyone in high end management. We all know we have to move away from Fitz, but someone implying Tannehill, or a couple others on thisthread is silly. I agree with the post on making the mistake on Dalton. He was in a pro style offense for four years and was excellent.


    Our problem is there is no one who looks like a franchise QB in the draft. This means this year when we go 5/11 as we won't even be able to beat the Jets, is we'll have to see if Alex Smith, or the others is a possibility.

  5. The Simple Answer is as stated that in large parts of the country like the south and midwest, college football is king. With the SEC Championships, and others the week after Thanksgiving, the networks won't take anything away from it.


    I agree possibly the second week in December through Christmas would be nice to have football, but you know the networks won't do what they did in the early 90's and have them in the day, which is what I liked. They'll do that 3:30 and 7:30 pm games. I prefer the 1 and 4 pm as you can make a whole day of it with friends.

  6. My Dad who worked for the Buffalo News for 44 years was just telling me of a story in the 90's where he was catching up with Larry Felser, a buddy of his and saw Mr. Wilson leaving and they struck up a conversation. They walked up the road towards M&T Bank together, and was such a nice man. He stated he's met him several times from the News and was always cordial, and down to earth with the employees, etc.


    I'm not sure on him acting like JJ, but he has meddled in years past too much when he should have acted more like the Mara, or Rooney family. Now he is pretty hands off from what i can see. I just hate this death watch limbo thing as it is keeping talent especially in the coaching arena away from our team.

  7. Guys:


    I just read Jerry Sullivan's article and had a night to sleep on it. I'm done! I've enjoyed talking with all of you this past year, getting excited, trying to keep composure this year, and you have to know when to "walk away from the poker table when it's not your night". I can't keep reading and watching Chan and Fitz. I'll start reading and watching maybe next year at free agency, and the draft. Hopefully with a new coach and QB.


    The sad thing is I just can't see a solid coach coming to Buffalo with the uncertainty around the franchise. So take care, everyone have a Merry Christmas and I'm going to watch some other teams or go do something with the family on Sundays.

  8. I don't want to read anyone's rant how we can still do it moving forward. your more than welcome to, but you have a worse neurologic condition than me. I'm out. I can get back to my runs and workouts after church as I will not watch this crap anymore. I'm hopeful as always every year once it becomes a reality to go now 4-12. I don't care if we lose close or blown out. Just lose, so we are better on the draft board, and maybe we pick up even more free agents.


    We are the laughingstock of the NFL!!!!!!!!!!!!


    How do you like being a punchline?

  9. like I said on another thread, being a bills fan is a neurologic condition and doesn't get better each year until you absolutely know they are out of it, adn then you can get pissed for months, before you get excited again to then be let down again the next year. For all of the pollyeanna girls out there, it's over. If we can't beat these guys, how are we going to do against the AFC Elite.


    God this sucks!!!

  10. I swear being a Bills fan is like a neurologic condition. I continue to catch myself telling my sons, well if we get past the colts through a punishing running game, and sound defense, we can beat the Jags, Rams, and the telling game is the Seahawks in Toronto. We can definintely beat the Jets at home as they are imploding! Then my wife pinches me and tells me to get back to reality (she has been suffering through my delusions for over 12 years), and realize I'll be throwing pretzels at bonehead coaching moves and lackluster play this week.


    Am i alone here?

  11. There is no comparison in that Polian was the most important part of this organization including players, coaches, front office. I state this as he was the architect of three winning franchises in Buffalo, started the process of Carolina, and Indy. He had the vision to create winning teams and hit more than he missed. I'm still a fan of Nix and you can't pin 2010 on him as he did not make all of those calls. He was just comiong into the organization. Now on 2011, we'll see, and what I look also to is Nix picking up people like chandler, and Barnett. He is good for this organization in building from within with a line in Urbik, Rinehart, Hairston, Glenn, and Darius, and so on. We can all agree a miss on QB with missing on Dalton, most likely Wilson.


    The next two years will say alot. Does he pick up value in special players, use free agancy effectively, and focus if possible on QB, WR, TE, LB, and CB? That is a tall order and will take two years of drafts and FA, to create a real competitor. I'm a much bigger fan of Whaley, and Nix, vs. Gailey and Wanny. I'll give it to anyone in a miss at coaching. Wouldn't you rather have a guy like Nolan as our HC from Atlanta. The thought of Gruden, Cowher, is a pipedream. The real problem is of course the instability at ownership. Ralph passes, we get our lease worked out, keep Toronto as the regionalization project, and one of these Billionaires in NY to keep the team here, and things will continue to progress positively for Buffalo.


    I just don't have confidence Ralph will make the right choices as hx dictates he will blow it up again every three years until he passes. I'm etenally grateful Mr. Wilson brought us a team, and kept us here, but the last 12 years goes on him. That is our real enemy!

  12. I agree with the Dalton comment. That was a huge miss. He played 4 years in a pro style offense and had broken all kinds of team records. Gilmore, Glenn, and I think Graham will be good picks. I also see with development and maturity Bradham becoming a starter. Lastly, will Brooks turn into a starter at some point. Now years past taking Troup over Gronkowski, and other dufus moves is beyond me.

  13. Remember by that game the O Line for the Bills were people we were taking off the street as we had lost so many to injury. Ross Tucker of the morning drive for the NFL Radio was just talking about it a week ago or so, and he was playing for us at the time. He remembers one guy we put in the line up we just picked off waivers the week before.


    Besides, we had such an easy schedule that year we would have lost in the first round anyway. Now the loss to the Titans whn we had an imposing defense because son of bum puts in Rob Johnson over Flutie was so stupid. That bothers me as the Titans as you remember went to the SB. Those days of Spielman, Washington, Wiley, etc was fantastic in terms of run and pass defense. We could have stipped the Rams.

  14. Previous FO Allowed to Leave:


    Antoine Winfield

    Nate Clements

    Ted Washington

    Macelus Wiley

    Pat Williams

    Jabari Greer

    Marshawn Lynch

    Willis McGahee

    Jason Peters

    Jim Leonard

    Donte Whitner

    Paul Pozlozney


    I know I'm missing a couple, but everyone knows the point. I'm not a Gailey fan anymore, and Nix doesn't own the 2010 draft so in two years, 2011, and 2012, I see a better talented team than before. What noone seems to want to admit is we decimated a team over a decade and it will take years to rebuild. The only reason I belive to keep Gailey is if he had a QB, and a solid WR, could he do something special with the Bills. I don;t know i fit is his talent he has or his lack of skills. You can't make a SB team with B talent. Has anyone seen how good Mike Williams looks in Tampa now that they have Vincent Jackson? Can Buddy retain Byrd, Levitre, and the rest of the guys and build on it in the next two years. I hate waiting, but maybe we do have the right mgmt and maybe I'm wrong and we do have the right coach.


    What everyone looks at is stories like SF. What they don't want to look at is a good FO that picked guys like Willis who with the right coaching made Harbaugh's job managemable to make a winning team. That doesn't take anything against his skills. What I'm saying is we had probably the weakest talented team in the NFL and will take 5 years to create a winning team.

  15. This team lost because of sloppy play with penalties, a bad fumble from one o fmy favorites in freddy, and lackluster defense again. For once, we blitzed a bit, but really we threw deeper than we have in weeks, and ran more. Fitz had a good game and as Graham admitted when it was on the damn line took the over vs the under route.


    I'm hard on Fitz, but this game he played well. I too want a QB, but there are lot of people to blame befroe him. Too bad as beat them and the titans adn we're still in it.

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