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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Alpha, I know Bopkins is far more accomplished, but the contrast is who threw to Jeudy? Hopkins had Watson and yes, he’s a POS as a human being, but had great QB skills prior to his suspensions, and then Murray is also better than anyone who played in Denver. I don’t think a 1st is the best, but I don’t know if we could get him for a 2nd. When I meant a player, I’m referring to someone like McKenzje. And fwiw, I respect the heck out of your opinions as well. There are some guys I listen to more and you’re one of them.
  2. But Hopkins is 31 in July. Jeudy is 23. He’s worth a player and our #1. Some names already floated.
  3. It sounds like we didn’t get the details of the reduction/restructure.
  4. This guy is in some ways the most important guy on defense. Sure, Von turned into our closer, but Milano playing vs. injured is a clear correlation to winning vs. losing.
  5. That was a good one Ridge. Enjoy your Saturday my friend.
  6. Maybe, but my guess is if the Waltons can buy the Broncos, they may like the Bezos even more.
  7. It is surprising the owners couldn’t come to a consensus given he was robbing them cooking the books on stadium sales etc. Youd think the owners would be drueling over Bezos as an owner. Between the owner of Amazon and the owners of Wal-Mart, the league as to be happy.
  8. Fanhood, you make a point, butdraftpositin doesn’t guarantee performance s a captain obvious take. If we can get something substantial for him, I can live with it. I don’t want to lose him, but if needed and makes a stronger team, then do it.
  9. He has somewhat underwhelmed the last couple of years. I never felt it was fair to compare him to Aaron Donald.
  10. In all 32 teams. Expectations are to hit on half. anything more and you’re making a mistake and will always be let down.
  11. I expected this to happen which is why I didn’t comment previously.
  12. Maybe you didn’t read the $37 mil. Dead cap hit. Moving on. Be practical brother. They don’t care. I can cite 10 other deals where the player had nothing to say about it.
  13. Sal just spoke on the Diggs rumors this morning. He made an excellent point we can’t afford to trade him, nor why would we? He’s out clear #1 and his dead cap is $37 mil. If we were to trade him. He’s not slowed down, only 29, doesnt turn 30 until late November and signed a four year extension last year. He’ll get over the “I’m not getting the ball thrown to me at the end of the season”. All top level WR’s are divas to a point.
  14. 1. He’s out of his mind if he thinks he can bully a well run organization like Baltimore. 2. He’s just trying to force his way out, amd making unreasonable demands as he wants to go to Miami or another destination which would be stupid as Baltimore built their offense around Lamar’s skills. Even if he made it to Miami, will he be exposed not being able to throw accurately outside the hashes to Hill and Waddle. I’m not saying he’s not a good QB, just has some limitations as opposed to Mahomes, Allen, Herbert, and Burrow. When Harbaugh tried to make him into a pocket passer, Lamar had the 32nd ranked passing attack in the NFL. 3. The obvious point is he needs an agent from a major firm. To think he, his mom, and the NFLPA, can do better than what a top notch firm can do to save the 2% in agent fees is dumb and wreckless. Bottom line is he’s not getting a fully guaranteed contract.
  15. HD, nope. We have exhausted too many resources on defense from the draft, and not nearly enough on offense.
  16. I think I’m ok with my PhD. PM me though. These comments don’t warrant the board.
  17. Then wrote it that way as it’s not funny. I have three children and one is my daughter. I find nothing funny about sexual misconduct. Nothing. Harraent is nothing to be joked or be sarcastic about. That promotes more of it. Laugh about taking advantage of a woman. I find it disgusting. Pm me and I’m happy to give you my number if you’d like to have a live conversation. I also have two sisters. I would break the law if I saw that happen to one of them, but then they can handle themselves and probably break the guys nose.
  18. He’s fine for depth. RB’s and O Linemen get hurt. You want depth on the defensive line to keep them fresh, but O Line as they get banged up. Hopefully we still go after two starters, possibly one under 30 Guard in FA, and one in the draft.
  19. So a girl with a short skirt should be taken advantage of by someone in a bar.? This Mahomes is an ars clown. He deserved whatever he gets, and no woman deserves to be taken advantage of in a bar IR anywhere else. If you’re a decent guy, decent looking guy, you shouldn’t have a problem with finding women that have an interest in you.
  20. IDK, I was single early in life in Buffalo, and eh. Living in Tampa in my 20’s was like shooting fish in a barrel. It was and still is easy. I’ve been divorced for a few years and it’s still relatively easy. People down here by nature stay (at least some) more fit and exercise a lot. You’re in shorts most of the year so there are gyms everywhere. Only because it’s the business season of the NFL, I don’t mind the distraction. You can only talk about position groups FA, and the Draft so much. Everything that needs to be said already has been by all of us.
  21. Chicago, you and I have seen this playbook so many times of course there will be disinformation.
  22. This is just posturing by his agent. He’ll get $35 mil most likely and deal with it.
  23. This was surprising. It looks like a mirrored version of the evil empire raiders stadium. It looks great.
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