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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Don’t forget the comp pick for Edmunds. It might be a 3rd if I understand the 800 loopholes and stipulations on Comp picks. The ton of picks will help with Beane’s never ending desire to move up (btw, I love that about him as we need top value not bodies. This isn’t the drought).
  2. The thing is Gabe his an ankle issue all year so we don’t know what he is at this point. He wasn’t able two years ago to step forward as Sanders became WR2. His ankle hampered him or maybe he’s not improved. I wouldn’t extend until after a standout year. i listened to Sal this morning as he was a guest on NFLR this morning around 10:45 for those who have Sirius and want to listen. He made a good point the only outside chance we extended Oliver was a cap move. We were on the hook for $11 mil. because we put the 5th year on him. He wasn’t trade able as no one would take that deal. We may have lowered the cap hit on Oliver substantially to clear up cap for others. This was a response to the D. Hop question from the hosts. He mentioned there is a very rare chance the extra potential cap possibility is for a D. Hop pitch, or he said it could be for something else, or there is no cap savings temporarily. What I took from this is we have no idea the details of this deal or why or what is Beane’s real strategy and all of the speculation is just a bunch of WAGs. My point is I wouldn’t over speculate on anything right now.
  3. To you’re point, they also have a very athletic TE in Cameron Brate. It doesn’t matter though as I don’t think they have done enough with that pathetic O Line. We had one retire before last year, lost another to another team, and another on IR. They were bringing JAGS off the street. BM might be able to do something if they make more effort for guys cut on O Lines by camp. A lot of ifs, but NO is my guess as with a bunch coming back and DC may be able to shine a little more. It was a ballsy move to bring back Gruden as a consultant temporarily who really did get the most out of Carr. The MTC guys always point out he has the athleticism and speed to scramble more.
  4. Im no Brady apologist, but that was one of the worst O Lines in the NFL and as a result absolutely no running game so Brady had 2 seconds or less on every play. It doesn’t matter as he’s gone, and yes even though I live here now, they are going to suck. They will be lucky to be 5-12.
  5. That’s hilarious. I’d set up a projector and show non stop Bills Mafia Insanity videos coupled with Bills/Fish Videos of all the games Allen beat them by an avg of 17. It would be like SERE training for a Dolphins fan. I must break you. Then give him a $200 tip for putting up with it. Im just kidding as I’m sure he’s probably a nice guy.
  6. That was my first thought. I’m not defined in my view yet, but I have serious reservations not because of his draft position, but due to his production and development.
  7. Because his cap is small for 23, but an absolute monster in 24. It’s daunting as they’ll be in cap hell soon unless they get really creative with Rodgers as well as the team. It’s already been discussed as nauseous on MTC by Pat and Jim on NFLR. The bottom Line is if we want to seal the deal with Hopkins as well over power KC and Cincy potentially worth that add, but it domes with lots more restructures to signing bonuses to kick down the road with the speculation the cap goes up by about $25 mil. Next year and another $20 mil. The year after and will be well over $300 mil. by the end of the decade. These are all gambles. It’s also a gamble we accept the team as is and hope the evolutions of this team will produce better 11, 12, 21, and even 22 personnel options hit and can keep up with the teams I mentioned.
  8. I can just see PT101 doing his Sheldon imitation tomorrow. Just kidding my loyal Bills bud.
  9. The guy was a turnstyle and he’s gone. Moving on.
  10. McBeane in the immortal words of Jean Luc… ANNNDDD, McBeane… Sorry, my occasional Star Trek nerd coming out. And no Gugs, I don’t have uniforms and pointy ears in my closet nor have I ever been to a comicon convention. I just teased you as either you, Donuts, or Lime., definitely Weo was ready to bust my chops. All kidding aside, I think Beane is working on it right now. He’s ready for this splash. We can stand toe to toe with Cincy weapons with this move given the new TE room on top of the WR/RB rooms.
  11. Only 200? You’re slipping my Odessa friend. On a separate note, every released player doesn’t necessitate a separate thread, but whatever. Not a big deal either. Just moving on. Oh and GET ME HOPKINS ALREADY BEFORE I HAVE AN ANEURISM.
  12. Enjoy your retirement Chuck. My dad for the BN for 44 years so enjoy you’re winters in FL or AZ.
  13. Chuck, the lot next to Hammers on the same side closer to the Big Tree doesn’t fill up as fast and you can just walk over. We’ve done that several times as you get space when you want it, and then pop over for the experience. Youre Mafia brother so means you’re family!
  14. Chuck, Dawk is right. You want to do it right you go to Hammers. It’s diagonal across from the famous Big Tree. Now, you’d better be there on a 1 pm game by 8:15-8:30 or you won’t get into the lot. Get a cardboard and marker and place TSW or TBD. Hammers is a friend and if you tell them you’re long distance, they’ll do the best to find a spot for you. If you don’t get in, just park in the lot next door and walk over. Youll get the full treatment with the bowling ball, the ketchup and mustard squirting from the RV, etc. it’s an experience brother with the best fan base in the NFL. Just bring your cooler, and have a blast. I’d say bring lawn chairs but so many stand all morning long. Well be up for the Raiders game in September. Should be fun.
  15. As always Donuts, you’re more eloquent than I. I agree. I’m not indicating Brown gets a permanent pas nor am I inferring you stated that point. He has a full of season, OTA’s, mini-camp, training camp, and preseason games. I expect he gets back to the bruiser adding from his raw power his rookie year to a more complete RT this year. If not, we tried and moving on. I felt the same on Knox and he delivered in year 3. His year 5 needs to be more like year 3 than 4. I don’t know why he want targeted, but I suspect the sudden loss of his brother probably was a deeper problem than we know. I’ve heard as we all have heard maybe the brother took his kid or he OD’d. IDK and it’s non of my business. Im just hopeful Dawson is more at peace at whatever took his brothers life and he is 100% Bills and Football this year. I appreciate as always you’re comments.
  16. Well they can’t be worse than the G’s last year, and I have compassion for Brown who fought through the neck and back issues and no off season all the way back to his last year in college.
  17. Same as we can to a degree compete with the Chiefs talent. The Bengals trio is a much bigger problem. If anything I want Hop so we on paper are closer to them, and have better TE’s we hope with DK squared.
  18. Herb, you make a sound point we’ve been very fortunate, even spoiled Diggs has played just about every game the last three years, but then we said the same about Dr Poyer and Mr. Hyde until last year. Then we were in a pickle at the safety position all year. Joe on the Extra Point made a very good point we could backload D Hop’s contract so he only hits us this year for 5-6 and escalates, and the same for Davis next year if we extend next year and not really hit us for two years.
  19. It was interesting this morning on WGR Sal was on at 7 (if you want to listen on Audacy) and discussed what options the Bills have with cap manipulation in order to squeeze in D. Hop. There’s too much detail to post from my phone. Have a listen. Oh, also Mike Ginnitti from Spotrac was on at 7:30am and he discussed how D. Hop could be worked into our cap situation and what we could do. He also mentioned Beane had been quite vocal about not pushing all his cards into the middle for this year, so not sure if he has the appetite to go “all in” this year. My opinion is we should do it, as early projections with gambling $ and new TV contracts is the cap is likely to go up by at least $24 mil. In 24, and another $20 or so in 25. We are in an arms race with Cincy and they have 3 top flight WR TARGETS. They lost their TE, and we now have two too potential TE’s. My opinion is place so much fire power as options for Allen and Dorsey, other top teams won’t be able to keep up. We would have options for 11, 12, 21, and 22 personnel. That is a potent offense. “Go get er dun” Beane as Larry the Cable Guy states.
  20. Alpha, I always respect your opinion, but I don’t know. If you think about Cincy, they have a trio of WR’s plus had a decent TE last year. Now of Harty, Sherfield, amd/or Shakir can take a big step forward and Davis draws a 3rd, ok. I just don’t see it. We need firepower for this arms race against the Bengals and Chiefs. We need to iutscore these bastages, and I trust McD in running the defense.
  21. I don’t see the upside there. He’s on a rookie contract and in the last year. I don’t see anyone with his ankle and performance last year trading a high pick for him.
  22. My Pat opinion on all these ratings. It’s old, but still plays.
  23. I don’t see it as a starting line up. It’s more of versatility using the leap we somehow get D. Hop. So for each game, my hope is they look at opposing offenses and decide how much in each formation and which #3 they decide. So, the constant would be Diggs and D Hop, then in 11 it would be a rotation of whoever is a better matchup between Davis, Harty, Sherfield, or Shakir. Each opponenets offemse and defemse will dictate what we want and what is our field position. For 12 we have DK squared, and Morris on the PS. For 21, what’s our goal. We can look at bangers for Harris and Murray, and for the pas catching role we have Cook and Hines if Cook gets a bit banged up so we give him rest. We don’t need to trade anyone. This may be the most dynamic set of weapons since Josh started if we get Hopkins. In todays NFL, there shouldn’t be a starting line up. That’s a linear way to look at offensive strategy.
  24. While I agree the scrambling to make another 1st down from a breakdown just won’t change, the coaches and team can do something about designed runs. That previous luxury can be reserved for the playoffs and on the critical 3rd and 13. If he doesn’t do it all year, it would be the perfect time in an AFCCG, when the SB is on the line. As far as Hines comments, I’m not placing every last persons quotes under a microscope as that is an exercise in futility, but the positive is Hines is accepting the team needs to be more effective so as for Josh not forced to play hero ball.
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