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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. In the immortal words of Ricky Bobby and yea we all love the baby Jesus with our KFC. Happy 4th 716! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
  2. You can test for GH via hair as it gets in your DNA. It’s not true there is no regression at all when they come off, but the athletes cycle as you’ll get tachyphylaxis otherwise. You basically grow at a more rapid rate when on Roids or GH, but if you train intensely you can maintain what you’ve gained when on. I competed as a Powerlifter at a national level for 17 years. Now I’m simply a relatively healthy middle aged guy with the joints of someone 10 years older. I spent decades around guys shooting up in the locker room, bla, bla. Before anyone asks I have never ever taken anything, but Creatine as it’s pretty much the only natural product you can take legally in the tested meets. The Olympics figured out all the way back to the 80’s how to test for GH. I thought they updated testing to GH 2 years ago, but I could be wrong and am too lazy to look it up. As far as what they should’ve done, I agree the standard 6 games would’ve been fair, but what they did do to promote London is also explainable and the NFL is a business. They don’t care about fair, just $. It figures his first game back is against us. He should be out of sync though given he can’t practice for four weeks. The good news for us is if Von goes on PUP he can return week 5 and go on a pitch count. The first four is going to be the Groot/Floyd show. Once we get Von back, that is an amazing trio. And Shaq can off set Von on clear running downs. Lastly, GH is dangerous in at high levels can enlarge organs as well with chronic use. Steroids at extremely high levels is not the only risky product. It was never worth the risk for me. No during the suspension. He can’t be at the facilities at all.
  3. Aimee, I agree the Bills would benefit immensely from D. Hop. On this team and according to Vegas we still are the 2nd most likely team where he lands and that the Cheats and Titans are just bait to drive up the $ from contenders. Hoppy thinking a contender will be as desperate as Baltimore to get a WR, given the Ravens needed OBJ to close the deal on Lamar signing his contract. So I still contend there are hopes out there Hopkins comes to Buffalo for a reduced price from the OBJ deal. Not the minimum, but something Beane can do with converting some salary to signing bonuses for pick your guy (Dawkins, Tre, Josh). I’m not suggesting it will happen, but I still hold out hope it could happen if McBeane wants it. Aimee, don’t forget Davis had a bad ankle he tried to play through when the Bills blew it and should’ve shut him down after TN for a month. With D Hop, we have our top 2 and the 3rd could be anyone of what we want in Davis, Sherfield, Harty, or Shakir. We’ve also upgraded our 12 personnel with In-Line TE IN DK, and DK2 for the flex. Just think with Hopkins how potent this offense can be this year. If he signs anywhere it will be at the end of July when camp starts.
  4. This is not an issue. He’s not going anywhere, and the dead cap hit is ridiculous over two years. Besides why in what universe does Beane and McD want to move on from one of the top 5 WR’s in the league still at his peak. Moving on. Even if we picked up D. Hop., we’re still not doing it.
  5. House, it’s the holiday weekend. No crapping in cornflakes. 😇 I used to get in bar talk arguments I would’ve taken Thrumon over Emmett Smith any day of the week. I loved how versatile he was in all phases of the game. It still chaps me Marv couldn’t get his head out of you know where and recognize what Parcells and BB we’re doing laying 8 back in that SB. As it stands Thurmon had 135 rushing and 190 yards overall and we lost. Had we just pivoted the Giants would e had to start placing more guys in the box and then the K Gun could’ve worked. I remember it like it was yesterday. It’s the only one of the four that really gets to me, because we were the better team. Anyway, OP thanks for the fond memories on this red, white, and blue holiday weekend.
  6. I think you’re onto something. Then when coming off Richie can take a dumbbell to his head and go all round rage on him.
  7. That’s ok as he’s a pro compared to the rookie as the op had a large total of 8 posts. Yeah I’ll take him seriously.
  8. That’s how we roll PRIMETIME! You know guys when Prime gets primed to start a thread he has to get in character and play his song. 😂😇😆 WHOOP, WHOOP!
  9. This is Chandlers attempt at flirting with a girl. Ya know I luv ya Chandman.
  10. Thankfully Lime gets my sense of humor. I guess that means Lime, you and I are the grumpy old men.
  11. I don’t see it that way in that matchup is only on during the season and MNF/Manning Cast is really the same and only when there are teams In interested in seeing. From February to August, it literally never is on my tv. Their opinion shows are just not remotely interesting to me.
  12. I stopped watching anything ESPN except the Manning cast, NFL Matchup, and MNF. The rest is hot take crap and does no real analysis of football or any other sport.
  13. You’re not kidding old wiseman Shaw.
  14. This was incredibly helpful for an out of towner. Thank you.
  15. Well for you Doc, I’ll draw common ground as the avg players only lasts 3.5 years so it’s practically a life sentence for the many. The players just need to know it’s a grave decision.
  16. Doc, Pat’s point I agreed with is not that I or he has a problem with gambling by law abiding citizens, it’s just the integrity of the game. These players and employees have it beaten into their heads no gambling. Period. If they ban players or even more so employees who are not millionaires, it stops in one week and never happens again. That’s it. You guys want to do fantasy, place bets on fan duel or whatever, I could care less. It’s you’re money. I don’t only because IMO the house always wins. If one wants to for fun, who cares. I don’t care about the hypocracy of owners making $ on betting and prohibiting the employees and players, or coaches. It’s about the integrity of the game. Pete Rose’s example etc..
  17. Ethan, I had more questions than expectations of the Cheats his rookie year. I’m not quick to make assertions when someone hasn’t touched an NFL game. It’s the same as DK and Torrence I think will make an impact, but we really don’t know at this time. It’s more of hope. I don’t think Mac is a bad QB, but his development was stifled by the OC debacle last year. We’ll see what OBrien can do with that offense.
  18. For me it’s a big so what. He’s a middle of the road WR who’s already peaked. It really doesn’t matter as he has an avg QB. The Cheats will still end up 4th in the AFCE.
  19. I agree with Pat Kirwan from MTC. An easy fix. Suspended for life or at least 5 years. That will nix it. these guys are morons. Their avg shelf life is 3.5 years and they get suspended for a year. Make it 5 and no one will break the rules. They can gamble as idiots their life away once they retire and be on some sad show how they pushed ot away. i make a very nice living and I don’t gamble because you lose more than you win. A fool and money. The old phrase.
  20. Prime, it’s funny every time I see your posts I think of the Primetime days prior to NFL Sunday NF. Those were fond memories as my kids were little and would climb into bed with us at 7pm when their tub Hes were done and they loved Berman and his antics. As far as the Line, a lot of guys discount Spencer Brown had no offf season last year, as he had neck/back injuries. It affected him in a critical year 2 with no time to perfect his craft vs. outmuscling people in year 1. I have modest high hopes for him in year 3. If Del would just drive past the buffet in the off season, he’ll be fine. Go Bills!
  21. Gregg: Excellent points as our G’s were horrible last year. I have a lot of confidence in Conner and Mt. O Cyrus as significant upgrades. This will help give the protection and time Josh needs for success. It will also provide better running lanes for Cook who is much more explosive than Motor (I liked Motor so not knocking him) as well as Harris is a banger. Towards the end of the year Murray can come in with fresh legs and help the team. Better rushing and interior protection will make it easier for Allen to find his targets faster as he did all the way up to the KC game.
  22. Thanks for the replies. I believe I was simply verbalizing what I’ve read from many of you. I honestly don’t care most of the time as I ignore more than not people who just try and drag this fanbase down and plant seeds of doubt on a nonstop basis. After awhile, it’s just stop. I have still some question marks on the team, but nothing will be answered until camp starts. I’m hopeful on some of these new additions at WR, the G’s look like a real upgrade which was sorely needed, everyone was excited about the 12 personnel option now, but measured excitement., etc.. On defense I like the idea of more speed at MLB and one area I have no doubt is the return from 1st and 2nd team All Pros in Tre, Hyde, and Poyer. I keep going back to WR. This is why I’m hopeful at the 11th hour I still hope we push the chips in and get D Hop to believe the Bills is the best option for him. It’s possible he’s negotiating from a position of weakness as I don’t see any contender throwing $15 mil at him as Baltimore did for OBJ. That to me was a one off as it was partially done to make Lamar happy and sign his WB extension. For D Hop to think he’s getting the same is sillly. A starting line up of Diggs, D Hop and a healthy Davis with no ankle problems is now on par with the Cincy trio, and even superior if you consider the dynamic 12 option of DK2 works out. I guess to sum up its cautious optimism, with a little bit of butterflies. I can live with that gut feeling.
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