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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Gregg, he hasn’t signed his tag and his contract is up once he does or hold out. He’s free next year. he’s also another year older. Bad decision. Rbs are not worth big $. Their not. That’s our fathers generation. We need a platoon like we have now, but we don’t need a high contract on a RB. Bad call brother not on you, but in general. The league has made that call. McCaffrey is a unicorn, but he’s one in a million as he’s a unique talent.
  2. Dawk, thanks for the sanity. What you demonstrated in your exMples I’ve made for a long time. The only part you missed is when you make $225k, I’ve not been taxed yet. These guys are actually living off that 4% draw of 200k, which is a ver nice living. the real point is these guys are fighting a losing battle. They won’t change the market, just like Bell didn’t, Graham didn’t for TE’s who are pass catchers. It’s the way of the world. You’re paid by your value. im no more valuable than the fantastic teacher or police officer who is the best at their job. We move towards our talents, and our lives are by choice. The NFL market for RB’s is now platoon based, knowing they drop at 27 or so, so they won’t get paid a WR wage. They can blow smoke about their own union, their own wage scale, but why would all the other positions in the union vote for one position group. They won’t Nd they know it. it doesn’t matter what’s fair. Life’s not fair. I was listening to Pat Kirwan the other day on MTC. He mentioned Chris Johnson told his two boys (one a WR and the other in middle school a RB like dad). He told his younger son once he gets to HS, he’s converting him to WR and not up for debate. My point is even the current RB’s who’ve just recently retired know not to let their boys who have incredible talent follow the RB path. My boys were great at football, but were exceptional at lax. If my sons were graded with NFL talent and they weren’t, I’d push hard for them to love to any other position. WR, TE, LINE, whatever met their physical capabilities. Lastly, there guys on a rookie and even one modest second contract can live a nice life if they don’t piss it away. That falls on them and sorry of other positions get paid more. The owners league and PA Owe them nothing. Just like the PA doesn’t owe the TE’s WR money as their advocate.
  3. If they do bud, they will go the way of Bell. He lost $13.5 mil / yr. For less at the Jets a year later, wasn’t used in the same as Pitt. And faulted thereafter. It was a very bad decision. These RB’s are not going to change a league evolution to platooning RB’d vs. a workhorse, and lower second contracts of they get a second contract. It’s not going to change. Just like athletic TE’s lost the battle of demanding WR $. Remember Jimmy Graham. Safeties babe this problem and off the ball LB’s are not marquee spots anymore.
  4. The Giants offered him $26 mil for two. He wanted $16 mil per. Dumb decision for RB’s these days. Did he not learn anything from Bell. RB’s just don’t seem to want to accept their reality. I’m sorry for the Giants though as I’m quietly rooting for Daboll and Schein. Hell have to come around. He has zero leverage.
  5. Amen So Tier. For even thinking garbage is wrong, but to be dumb enough to write it down as a record and send to others is idiotic. Ive done everything I believe possible to instill a disdain of racism with my children or any prejudice. I’ll never condone it. It hit a little closer home for my sons two years ago as their sister, my princess was adopted from China. You wouldn’t believe the crap she heard when COVID broke out. My boys wanted to Rambo her classmates. Thankfully my daughter is very open with me. We handled to the right way, and once we had the parents involved, they were disgusted by their Children’s comments in school. And yeah that was at a little Christian school. Gruden ks an arrogant narrow minded pig and I’ve met him more than once in Tampa. It’s sad as his wife is very nice and a Christian school teacher.
  6. That is encouraging as pro bowl selections are just popularity contests this point vs. 1st team all pros. I like what Sal stated the other day or maybe it was Jeremy that Kincaid May increase effectiveness for Knox. I think he’s right. Polian gushes over the Kincaid pic as he thinks our 12 option may really put defenses in a tough spot.
  7. Well it’s over. I hoped we would pull in an offer and he owned up to the words of a stable team, ownership, and franchise QB. His actions as always happens to show they were fake and it was only about $. Too bad and now he can enjoy mediocrity in that dumpster fire in TN. Sure theyll probably finish 9-8 or something, but Henry gets another year older ya da ya da ya da.
  8. Chevy, thanks for the heads up. They just mentioned this cast on WGR Friday morning. Dibiase had some things to say about it with Sal.
  9. Scuba Steve, that’s very nice of you. A little far for me living in FL, but appreciate the sentiments. When I see you post, I always think of this scene from Big Daddy. I’m a sucker for silly movies like this one.
  10. Brick Bar. Loves that place in the late 80’s. My buddies stole OV splits into an art form, but then everyone was stealing from our split cases top and throwing the empty bottles into the ground. The brick was fun 100 years ago.
  11. On defense in the 13 second game and ST. Gabe Davis had 4 TD’s in that game and Josh did not choke.
  12. It seems some real Bills fans (not the occasional troll pretending to be a Bills fan) have second guessed so much in every aspect, and some questions are valid. It’s the lack of confidence by real fans not seeing several areas. 12 personnel will help significantly in the red zone so maybe not a ton of yards like a Kelce, but a lot of TD’s from DK2. The other less talked about improvement was in 21 personnel where we have explosiveness with Cook and Hines as a backup, bangers in Harris and Murray especially Murray in December and beyond. We’ve needed this personnel flexibility since McBeane took over. Daboll certainly was creative, but Dorsey is now in year 2 and he can be more creative with this talent. Would I love D Hop to really seal the deal, sure. But we just don’t know in the slot position battle who will end up as the starter? Shakir, Harty, or Sherfield. Im wondering how aggressive as Rivera said of McD will get with this defense. What will the edge rush look like once Von return with now 3rd yr Groot, and Floyd. In obvious passing downs will Groot pivot to the inside and all three on the field. That’s an exciting thought. This board has had an excess of doom and gloom since Cincy. Im not overconfident, but I’m interested to see how it shakes out. Can we get back to our healthy ways and prior to 2022, we did have a solid red zone offense. Much of it had to do with turn styles of Guards last year. Those guys absolutely sucked. I will remain hopeful Mt. O Cyrus and McGovern could be highly impactful overall on the offense. A top end line will affect all of the weapons. I watched first hand what O Cyrus did at UF. He’s a fantastic talent. Lastly fingers crossed although I’m down to maybe 7% confident we’ll actually land D Hop.
  13. Yes and no for me. The true red helmets were just painted red, almost dull in color. If now they use that more metallic red, then he’ll yes. Chris Trapasso was guest hosting on OBL Friday and he had a good idea he’s been promoting. Instead of color rush (I never like the color rush look) Thursdays, he suggested the league should go with “Throwback Thursdays” so that for us could be the 60’s look, but I like the updated 90’s look. I kind of like it. It would be pretty cool going with the red helmet on any Thursday night we play. Sign me up.
  14. You’re a funny guy. R u really serious about Belicheat? Make him go away. Oh and he won’t get fired. Probably in a couple, but it will have to be miserable to fire him.
  15. Yep, he and Beane scraped into the playoffs with a mediocre team. Purges bad contracts and slowly built the team up the right way. Get your franchise QB, build up your lines, focus on weapons and add depth. 62 and 29 I think a lot of fan bases would take. That doesn’t mean I’m not thinking we’ve got to get closer to winning the AFCCG, and shal I whisper it win it all. 31 teams are disappointed every year.
  16. And that was to rebuild the team cutting bloated contract players. They were textbook, win by the skin of you’re teeth, reduce, restructure, release players, find you’re franchise QB, build lines on both sides of the ball, and then create depth.
  17. Not that I care about any rankings from ESPN, but the rating for Knox seems right.
  18. And the kicker is it will bankrupt the Chiefs because they can only pull so much from the Mahomes contract. Please keep driving these contracta up to kill their future.
  19. This show is for fans, not intel for other NFL QB’s. They were discussing on Jeremy’s show and Mahomes when asked who he would rather play in the Bills or Bengals, he thought the Bills were a better matchup for him, but between the trash talk, he wants to take it to the Bengals. I wouldn’t read much into this stuff. If you’re just thinking a little entertainment, most will probably like it. I’m not a documentary/reality show guy so I’ll probably pass. Give me a good episode of SWAT, Chicago PD, etc any day of the week.
  20. Are you trying to say House is a T Rex? 😇🥲🏈🏋️‍♂️🦬👌
  21. I’ll say what I stayed when this was new, I don’t condone either nor does any reasonable person the horrible remarks, but to write it down on a permanent record is ######ed. My sister and other family members are in law enforcement and she has stated so many times “everything is discoverable”. I’ve talked to my kids so many times and told them not even Snapchat that they tell me goes away in a date or two is crap. If law enforcement wants they can get just about anything. Texts, IG, Facebook, Snapchat and just about any other social media venue, even this board. Thankfully we have mods to keep knuckleheads from themselves here (for the most part).
  22. No that’s a good question. Typically 5 in the newer category, 1 prior HC or Contributer like Polian or Ron Wolf, and 2 Seniors. I’m almost positive those are the numbers except the exception year when they let in 20. It will be unlikely he gets in his first year, but hopefully gains momentum over the next couple of years. Of non kickers, he was one of the most impactful STers in the history of the NFL. Someone else asked what can we as fans do? Well one venue you can get an audience to one of the voters is calling in on the right shows on NFLR. Vic is on Saturdays on Press Coverage, and I can’t remember, but think Pat Kirwan may also be a voter. Vic though is the one to plead Taskers case and is highly respected in the sports media. There are two committees. One for active and contributor, and a different committee for the seniors. They spend months debating their candidates, but since the voters are relatively static so if they hear Tasker’s case more than once, he has a chance.
  23. I’ll stick with dumbass for me. A ___bag I reserve for guys that beat their kids or wife. He’s just demonstrating he’s an idiot and feels the need to write stupid comments back and forth with fans of his old team. Grow up KT. Zero, you’re fine, but I wouldn’t get into spitting contests with some of these posters. It’s just not worth it. Hopefully Reid can put an end to it once they hit camp.
  24. Stop calling en Shirley. Classic line. Permer, I’m not saying Andrew Luck wasn’t one of the most talented QB’s to be drafted in a generation (outside of Josh and Mahomes maybe), but he played 6 of 7 years and his O line got him beat up repeatedly. He went 53-33 in those 7 years. He decided to retire and the likelihood of the voters signing off on him is low. RB’s can rarely but get in with a. Short career like Sayers and Davis, but not usually QB’s. I just don’t think it will happen. If he stayed in the league and even took another year off to heal or something, but played until he was 35-37, then absolutely. I just don’t see it happening. I was a big fan of his and he was constantly running for his life.
  25. Luck won’t get into the HOF, but is more of a sad situation as he was a generational talent. The Colts not protecting him was criminal. I hope he’s found peace.
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