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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. I’m not really sure why people hate owners of billion dollar purchases make money. The more they make, the more most spend. in my business sector, owners, or CEO’s don’t spend even nearly the amt of money that we spend on players and in my industry people make or have the potential to make multiple six figures.we’re well skilled and are paid well. To think an owner owes us more is questionable. think about the 1.4 billion pegula spent on the bills to keep it in Buffalo, and his yearly return. Yes, when he he someday sells the company he’ll make money, but until then if you knows business he doesn’t even come close to the return on investment other owners of other businesses receive for their investment. im happy the players make the millions in many cases they make, and the guaranteed money keeps going up for people are one hit away from a dead cap hit. I understand people come from different backgrounds, but yes these owners will always win when they sell,and they most likely have tremendous write offs with these acquisitions, but they still place a tremendous investment for the pride of being an NFL owner. think what you want, but we are damn lucky to have the pegulas. He. Could have drilled another hole to use his words.
  2. God, I haven’t been to Chef’s in years. It was great. When we come home for the weekend for a Bills game, we only really have time for a Beef on Weck, Blasdell Pizza (my kids favorite), and of course Mighty Taco. We also have a family reunion on Saturday so family cooking. i will try to get there this year.
  3. One of you super tech savvy people should consider reaching out to him and see if you can help. I don’t have the skills, and have never made that site, but sounds like many of you did read avidly. just a thought. I can only make time for this site typically on weekends and occasional weekday early morning before gym and work. Have a good Sunday All as I’m quite busy today.
  4. You make a compelling argument, but he would have made it in by now if the voters want him in there. My point was not I don’t want to see Bennett getting into the HOF, just I think it would have happened by now. For being relatively new, you did a lot of hw for this one and on behalf of the crew, thanks for such a thoughtful post.
  5. I’m jealous to all of you as I can only fly up for one game a year. Not sure which one.
  6. If this is not a joke, I cannot see how people would want him on the anti-bullying anything when he gets let go by Buffalo and the next week is throwing a weight at someone in the gym. in my world, a 300 lb. man throwing something at another person is bullying. Too bad as a player, he gave us three good years.
  7. It’s funny you say that PTR as every time I’m in TX, there are a lot of pretty women, but I have never seen a large proportion of blondes. If you like that, as I only can only go on personal observations, but most likely a small sample size.
  8. With our losses and you’re Rodgers return, I don’t think you have much to worry about in that game. i wish I could make it as I’ve always wanted to go to historic Lambaugh field. Nice to hear from you Ice Man.
  9. No not at all common sense, but more men like fit women. I could care less, and again, I said there are probably just as many pretty girls in Buffalo, just that in large metropolotin areas in warm weather climates, there is a tendency for more per capita fit women. im not slamming my hometown. I love Buffalo.
  10. I liked Bennett, but agree with several of you he didn’t have the long term success usually required to make the HOF. Think about Bruce, and others and he just doesn’t rise to that level of greatness.
  11. I’m not saying there aren’t pretty girls in Buffalo, but per capita, there are a lot more in Tampa where I live. People just have a tendency to stay more fit in many warm weather climates in decent sized cities. All of my friends from Buffalo when visiting me when I was single used to say the same thing when down here. The women are probably just as pretty in Buffalo, but too easy to put on the winter weight, when down here you always are not wearing a sweatshirt or sweater. everything down here is t-shirts, tanks, shorts, etc almost the entire year. as far as the show I heard a little, but not this caller. Thanks for sharing.
  12. Omg- I just. Woke up and laughing so hard had tears in my eyes between the hitler thing and the comedian. thanks for sharing. I really hope. This Shady thing is just a person trying to exploit him, vs. true. I’m not taking sides til it is found out for sure. If he did do it, it is horrible.
  13. It sucks we could have been in SB1. We won in 64 and 65, and lost in Championship AFL game for SB1. I don’t know if we had a chance in the SB, but still would have been cool if it was us, win, lose, or draw.
  14. Agreed on Franco Harris and as much as I like talking to Gil on NFLR, he was off with Thurmon’s Ranking. I agree with a previous poster who said 12 is about fair. I agree with a lot of top 10.
  15. This rule is stupid. I know it helps a team have a better kick, but it is also safety for the kicker. He slips and hurts his leg, I’m not normally a fan of suing, but the NFL should have their butts sued to the hilt for millions citing they wouldn’t have been hurt if they could clear the field. the last thing I want is for our kicker to get hurt b/c of this rule and I’ll take the 15 yards if it means someone doesn’t get hurt. What a bunch of baffoons.
  16. People who are Kap supporters seem to forget after 1 1/4 years of success was followed by two terrible years where his QBR was below 60% and couldn’t get off his first read. He’s an athlete, but not a great QB and then add the distraction part, and why would any owner allow him on a team who is trying to win and yes make money. Kap even said the harshest response he ever received was at our stadium. Do you actually think the majority of Buffalonians or Bills fans in general would support a guy who kneels for the anthem. We have always had a ton of African American players on our team and no one I’ve ever heard made disparaging remarks b/c of skin color. When I hear those words from anyone even if it were in my family, I walk away as the only thing you can do with racists is avoid them and not give them power. The only persons I would correct are my children. I just won’t tolerate it. So im clear, I fully support demonstrations, walks, interviews, and so on for racial equality, but don’t kneel for the anthem. You may have the right, but doesn’t make it right.
  17. Inaugural it’s called auto correct. I know it’s Berman and just tried to change it again. Thanks for being petty. I did and just commented to Inaugural as my correct is a killer.
  18. I hope everyone had a nice 4th. Now it’s time to push the rock back up the hill and finish a short week. Glad people had fun. For the racist comment you obviously don’t know history as the founders tried desperately to end slavery as part of the revolution , but the Democrat slaveholders in the south with their farms would not go along so they made the concession for independence. it took a Republican, namely Abraham Lincoln who wouldn’t stop until they ended slavery. The civil war was as much about economics as freedom, but he lobbied successfully for everyone’s freedom. Funny as people I chat with about color All thought it was the Democrats, yet, it was the Southern Democrat slaveholders that fought tooth and nail against it. im not trying to make a wonderful celebration political, but know you’re facts before you make comments. These aren’t opinions, and I have a degree in History as well as something else so pretty well informed. Hopefully all this race relations stuff gets better as it is terrible to treat anyone different b/c of color, ethnicity, religion, etc. I won’t tolerate it in my family.
  19. Old Timer, I agree as I’d love to see Ivory take a little pressure off Shady, but he’s won me over and want to see him keep climbing the ranks. The more playoff appearances and hopefully wins, we’ll see if he get the notoriety he deserves. The way he is playing he is already a HOF in my book. If he gains a couple to few more thousand yards could mean first ballot. id actually fly up for that induction ceremony with the boys. I want and want my boys to see Canton.
  20. Not a fan of the NFL LIVE show or even the Sunday morning before the games now that Bergman and Jackson are gone. I still the old Prime Time they used to do at 7 pm where Bergman was classic Bergman in his description of plays and players. My boys as before my daughter and even my wife liked watching it as she thought he was hilarious. i simply watch NFN or later the network previews as they are better for me. I also like NFLR in the morning. The only NFL show I still record is match up, but even they have changed with getting rid of Jaws and Hodge. I loved those guys. Don’t get me wrong I love Cosell on air now, but the other guy sucks. At least they still have Sal. Have a happy 4th guys! I’m sure all of you deserve a nice family day and bbq.
  21. For me iat’s The Thurmonator with him mentoring me as I loved his play and was always built and played running back. Between wrestling, football, and eventually powerlifting, it was my calling. had fun when younger. Now just about trying to be in shape.
  22. Thanks for doing this as I just don’t have the time to look up pod casts and even twitter stuff, so appreciate my fellow Bills friends who attach these things. i hope everyone is having a nice. Kind of holiday weekend as I know a number of you are taking off next week. You certainly deserve it.
  23. I feel he has not only created space with people not in their vision for the future, but in addition, he and McD have. Picked up a number of role players people never thought would produce well like Poyer. Their drafts seem to be solid, but as always. Only time will tell. im very happy with this regime and the silliness of suggesting they will both be fired in two years is ridiculous. Anyone see that that playoff game last year in their first year when they purged Darby, Dareus, Glenn and so on. They didn’t fit into these guys scheme.
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