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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Listen - I’m excited about the possibility today, but to say we have an advantage is silly. This Is Rodgers. I believe eve we have a chance but we don’t have the advantage.
  2. Play action pass to Ivory for 5-7 yards. To get things going. Long pass after.
  3. FL is not all it’s cracked up to be as it is abysmally hot in the summer through October. November through May is awesome.
  4. Joe -good point. I just would like us to stick to football. I know you post very thoughtful threads.
  5. I stil have my Flutie flakes. Good point.
  6. I still like the blue jersey, but the white is pretty cool. I think before the end of the year I probably will get an Allen jersey. I only have Fredex and wanted a traditional Kelly. Now, I’m seriously considering the Allen Jersey. He’s awesome so far. We’ll see how he does tomorrow, but wouldn’t it be awesome to have another franchise QB. Everything else gets better with that stud. I know McD will get the defense lights out by the end of the year. Now can he load up on offense so we have a great year in 19.
  7. How about we don’t take personal shots on people and just stick to disagreeing with their opinions. This would be a better board if people didn’t take cracks at others. I certainly am am no where near perfect, but really make an effort to disagree. With a football opinion, not knock on someone personally. It’s below us.
  8. Vic’s a good guy. I agree he was probably referring to training camp, etc. No biggie. Let’shope for a good day tomorrow.
  9. I asked the same question of Coach Weiss on NFLR yesterday. He stated some similar opinions that pressure up the middle is critical b/c of Rodgers injury. He’s just not as mobile as he usually is in games so a good chance to throw him off his game if we push. I agree with playing press, as he will try and release fast. on offense which OP dint mention too much it’s about the run and ball control. That can also mean Allen. We can beat them, not that I think we definitely will, but we have a shot.
  10. First, you’re not going to get flamed. It’s a reasonable question and welcome to the board. Don’t be a stranger. second, McD and Beane do not gel with Dez. He’s the type of guy we’ve been purging since they came into Buffalo. The WR in my opinion played a better game, not a great game last week. It’s the same reason we didn’t bring in Gordon who is at this time far more talented than Dez. i know on paper it sounds like a good idea, I just don’t see it happen. Again, welcome to the board and don’t worry about everyone. Heck I’ve been flamed more than a few times, but probably deserving. No one means anything by it, just simply. Disagreeing with an opinion about our beloved Bills.
  11. To the OP, have you watched an Arizona game this year. If so, you wouldn’t have started this thread. Absolutely not, and he is not tradeable at this point.
  12. So he’s a Rochester TV reporter covering a sports beat? What an idiot.
  13. I like the optimism. One game at a time.
  14. Wilkerson is definitely out for the year. This could be a fun game with Rodgers b/c of that MCL.
  15. I told you the Bucs secondary sucks. That was embarrassing for us. I have the over on 60 pts.
  16. The Bucs are making it look easy. Anytime another AFC team loses I’m happy to an NFC team. Since our only 5% chance of a wildcard is the other AFC teams get bludgeoned, and we keep evolving.
  17. rooting for my current home team. The Bucs are a very talented team on offense and the defensive line. Their secondary sucks, so Brown might have a really good game.
  18. How about we stay concerned for continued improvement in Buffalo. Maybe their WR woes keep coming, but they are still the Pats who get hotter as the year progresses. That’s why the absolute best time to play them is in the beginning of the year, and week 17 when they are playing for nothing. not cynical, just read this comic book 18 times.
  19. They just need need to execute the exchange better in practice. It’s no different than when I coached pop warner. It takes time to get that exchange down. Nevertheless, it was a crappy call. Allen’s hand was moving forward. It may have been sloppy, but a clear cut forward pass.
  20. I thought I heard on my drive home Dr. Chow, that medical analyst stated Wilkerson was hurt last weekend. Can’t remember details. I’m sure someone can figure out if he is really hurt. As far as the positive attitude, I’m all for it. I don’t expect us to win, but want us to win with the recent improvements on this team’s performance. I wonder if Shady’s ribs are healing. I say sit him if he is not 100%. We need him for the rest of the season.
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