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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. It’s the Hot Take Network. I’ll say what I normally say, matchup during the season is a solid show even with the changes of some characters, MNF and the Manning Cast. Again during the season. Outside of that it’s white noise. Or worth anyone’s time.
  2. Like the color blind game against the Jests. I personally can’t stand the color rush. Too much of one thing. Red helmet cool. Red over white cool. The trad outfits cool. No all blue or red. White is the only one that is cool for me. Besides if anyone really took a shot at Allen, Spencer would probably rip the guys head off.
  3. Honestly Einstein, I don’t know. Just heard on both stations, but maybe they confused one for another.
  4. SC, that’s what I heard on the radio. I don’t know and honestly it’s not us so I always just thank my stars it’s not us. the way the media is these days they could’ve tripped the up.
  5. WGR reported and then echoed on NFLR it was an LCL sprain and only out a couple to few weeks. Good news for him, but bad news for the Fish. it’s a toss up whether the Fish or jets have a worse line. Not that we are world beaters, but given our additions of McGovern and Torrence, it’s likely we’ve improved.
  6. So I guess you saw this over the weekend… I normally hate horror movies, but this one was good. It was very close to the chapter in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. A great and scary freakin book as a kid.
  7. Doc, if you listen to Sal, he’s made the point repeatedly that it doesn’t help Bates wallet per year, but he’s important as he can play either G or C. That makes him valuable for years, and they are going to give Mt. O’Cyrus every opportunity to start. I believe he will grow into a road grater as a RG. He’s powerful and strong. This line should be better on the interior. You can always count on Dion, and I’ll remain hopeful the sophomore slump was really about the lack of off season and back and neck injuries. His one minute overblown call out he’s injured again and the next day he’s in practice is just overreactions. I’ll say what I’ve said before, if Spencer plays poorly again this year, we bench him and place one of the backups in to get by. We know what our 2nd rd pick will be next year at Guard. Now if he ends up competent, we have a solid line. The weapons improved I hope and we still had the #2 scoring offense. I’ll agree we fizzled a little last year down the stretch, but we still scored a heck of a lot of points.
  8. I hear you Gregg. I don’t think we’ll light them up like 35-17, or anything like that, but Im confident we can achieve 24-17 as we improved in the facets on offense needing improvement and we were 13-3 last year and another year of the #2 scoring offense. I absolutely agree their defense is sharp, but we most likely will have a tough defense as well. If by some miracle Von is ready even for a pitch count, will devastate their O Line. Floyd, Groot, and Von even if just part of the time will be solid. He was younger, but came back even faster last time from the ACL. Even if he starts on PUP, Dalvin is going to have a tough time against Daquan, Settle, Jordan, Poona, and Oliver.
  9. What I like about you Green is you seem fair to Bills fans, are honest you’re a Jets fan unlike some people, and you guys should have a good season. The Jets are the only AFCE team I don’t loathe. Just do me a favor and bury the Fish and Cheats as you have the defense to do it. I only think we’ll win game 1 as Rodgers historically doesn’t fare as well week 1 of several seasons, he’s still trying to get the offense to gel, but the defense will get you through the early games. I just see the Bills offense humming week 1. There a lot of continuity on our offense and we’ve been historically under Allen a top 3 offense.
  10. Im sure you’re kidding as I’ve seen him at least once a year as he, his wife. And daughters come up to O’Briens in Brandon FL. It’s the biggest and best Bills Backers Bar in the Tampa area. He lives in Apollo Beach. That’s SE of Tampa. It’s known for its golf carts everywhere as people don’t drive their cars as much as their carts. BTW- he is one of the nicest, gracious guys to Bills fans.
  11. Triple B, you might be right. Shakir has not been impressing at camp. Beane has been trying perpetually to get more and more speed. Sherfield is fast and didn’t hesitate to say when asked the fastest guy on the Bills is now Isabella. If he has hands, he, Harty and Sherfield will provide the speed Beane wants.
  12. I’m listening to OBL, and at the joint practice with the Bucs on 10 drop backs, Rodgers was reportedly sacked 6 times and the other 4 were quick dump off passes. If Von hears this one, he’s going to chomp at the bit to ensure he’s not on pup week1. He’ll have a field day on 9/11. Groot will as well.
  13. You’re kidding right. Eman. Did you notice the originator of the thread surprisingly has only 5 posts? Hmmm. Not that aJets/Fish/ or Cheats fan would ever troll a Bills fan board and try to plant seeds of doubt. I’m sure that’s not the case here. Things that you go, hmmm. Good song from the 90’s. The silly thing is when he comes out on MNF and lights up that offense, all the negative, worried, concerns go away. The Jets defense is one of the best in the league, but their offense won’t be humming in week 1. Where I am more concerned is in the 2nd meeting in OP with the Jets. By then, their offense will be in stride and that will be a tougher game.
  14. Hey donuts, you may be right. He’s definitely lost a step. Most likely he’ll be good for 7 yard quick out passes, but not much after the catch. That will help the Giants keep the sticks moving. He’s reliable and has sure hands. He’s just lost the athleticism he once had at a younger age. This isn’t me banging on the guy. The Giants need bandaids to keep in the hunt in the NFCE. It makes sense for Dabbs. Since he and Schoen went there, I’ve become a small Giants supporter. Nothing like the Bills, but I want them to succeed. I’m still hopeful we beat them in October, but confident this may be Von’s first game and you know he’ll have a big game.
  15. Um, no eman. This isn’t exactly a huge loss. He most likely recognized he wasn’t making the 53. Doyle’s knee issue probably isn’t as bad as we worried about last weekend. Doyke is a tough guy and maybe is impressing at camp.
  16. just let him throw it for 70 yards. He can pretend he kicked it. why are we revitalizing this thread from 2 years ago.
  17. I don’t think there’s any surprises. How is MLB, RG, WR, and returners developing. Maybe the other Allen can show some development, or maybe Barkley keeps surprising us positively. There is a little hope Isabella can turn into something. McBeane have no been shy about speed. Just like they haven’t been shy about 12 personnel. They’ve been chasing that for years. They are going g to give that kid every opportunity in the preseason. Even Morris might have a shot as the 3rd TE as he is athletic.
  18. And Rapp for Taron. That’s the counter for 12 personnel and 21 or even heavy 11 run teams. Rapp’s a thumper. As far as Zeke, he has a job so good for him. I don’t know if he’s shot, but he’s not the featured back anymore. He’s the complimentary guy.
  19. We’re not going after Dalvin. It’s a nice story, but he wants $ like every other RB, we have a nice trio in Cook, Harris, and Murray. That’s a nice combo. They can save as much as possible Murray for December unless Harris gets hurt. Cook does look good. I think he may breakout this year.
  20. So Benford and Rapp are tiny? Rapp is quite a bit larger than Hyde and Poyer, you know those 1st and 2nd team all pro guys that before last year were the best safety tandem in the league. Tre a previous 1st time all or sucks. Taron who is considered a top 2-3 NCB in the league has somehow forgot how to cover. Rapp is for our heave TE and running teams instead of Taron. Mika I’d size has never been a problem and we have length and powered up from the first 4. Beane admitted he was going for more speed at MLB. When Von is back, we have the potential to have Groot inside at 6’7, and Floyd who also has length.
  21. You guys saw how raw Richardson was today so I tend to think they are going to milk as much as they can from Taylor and then try and tag before they let him go. There isn’t much a RB can do about it.
  22. If you listen to Movin the Chains training camp tour, Pat and Jim interviewed among others Hyde. Hyde made a point to let them know he remained in the stadium, not going back to San Diego. He said had the Bills won he would’ve played in the AFCCG. He was already cleared to play and shortened his rehab down from 6 to 4 months by staying with our trainers in the facilities. Laslty, he made a point to tell the guys he’s never had a season shortened in his sports career from HS, College, and the pros. I remember before last year he and Poyer had played the 5 years prior with the Bills at around 94% of the snaps from 2017-21. To say Hyde or Poyer are injury prone makes about as much sense that Milano was injury prone vs. just he had a couple of bad breaks. He also made 1st team all pro, and in 2021 both Hyde and Poyer made 1st and 2nd team all pros. If anyone gets some playing time, it will most likely be Rapp. Rapp can fill in at Safety, but he also can sub in for Taron when we are playing a TE heavy and run heavy teams. He’s perfect for that role, and that doesn’t take anything away from Taron’s success. He’s built more for the pass happy WR teams who are heavy in 11. This will be one of the best secondary units we’ve had and that’s saying something that for 5 years has been a top 5 pass defense.
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