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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. He has no business working as an NFL coach, but this is what sports shows are paying him to bloviate and exaggerate. it doesn’t bother me, I just choose not to watch him or ESPN. I prefer NFLN, NFLR, and WGR app when they have a Bills segment when on drive time with work.
  2. I agree that I’m glad Peterman was released, but calling out a poster you disagree with in the title is low class. I hope the mods shut this thread down. i can’t stand these threads that are personal against one person. So he likes him, so what? He has his right to his opinion.
  3. Agreed. I wish we would cut Benjamin in the bye. Probably won’t happen but he’s doing nothing.
  4. Same here in Tampa as Macdill is one of the most important bases in the country.
  5. Raiders by far, then the Jets. I agree when Allen comes back we’re going to lose more games while he develops. We can only hope he learns this game by the end of the year, and we spend most of our Capital on offense. i just hope as well as K Williams and Lorenzo don’t retire. They still are playing at a high level, are great leadership for this young team.
  6. OP - Do you really think we are going to beat the Pats in NE?
  7. Amen. Whenever I see someone in uniform, I always thank them for their service.
  8. Barkley Allen Anderson By Nate. Nic guy, but not an NFL QB. I wouldn’t even put him on the PS. We have a week off so Anderson will be ok. If Barkley falters, then you go back to Allen.
  9. If he comes back, the debate I heard on NFLR was about a transition tag on full year salary, or what he makes for the remainder of the year which is only about $8,000,000. That would still be around the top RB in the NFL. I hope they do it and he ends up on a crappy team for 9 or 10 mil. im so sick of this guy and the non-stop talking about the issue. It will end up going away after Tuesday.
  10. I’m still looking for a Wang jersey. All kidding aside, he does deserve compassion, but that’s it.
  11. Of any of the participants are on this board ( I assume not as I know many of you), you just demonstrated no taste, and if I were I would have stopped it. 911 can be a good thing. I would have loved for those involved to be taken away in bracelets. As far as Peterman, I feel for the kid, but he’s not demonstrated he could even be a back up in the NFL. We won’t remove him unless we have another option, but he’s gone from the NFL after this season. No one will pick him up.
  12. He’s not going anywhere for 3-4 years. The Pegulas were informed of the personnel decisions so they knew it would take time to rebuild this team.
  13. I would work him out and see what his agent wants for him.
  14. Anyone want to wager on how long it takes for Barkley to come in the game?
  15. That picture never gets old. As far as QB’s, I’m not down on Allen, but taking Maholmes last year, or keeping TT would have been better options. We lose Tre White, but then if you want to really go back why they could have kept Darby as less expensive than Gilmore. OMG, as Austin Powers said my head is going to explode. woulda, coulda, shoulda, and all we can do is hope the front office will completely focus on the offense, including possible trades later before the deadline and double down on next year.
  16. I understand people’s frustrations and in hindsight probably should have kept TT, fire Peterman, and make a run for Bridgewater before NO scooped him up. With that said, we are playing with a lights out defense, and yes this is the worst Offense in NFL HISTORY in the SB ERA. Next year we have 10 picks, and almost $100 mil to spend. They just signed Pryor, and should trade Shady to Philly. I can’t believe we don’t spend 85% of our money and picks on offense. Having the players in only their first or second year, we don’t have that many people to resign. im done with the Bills for this year as I can’t watch that offense. I cancelled my ticket for the first time in 20 years. Thankfully I live in Tampa and is a huge mistake to not try and trade Winston today and live Fitz for the year.
  17. I voted in the 3rd to 5th, but to be more specific a 5th is right. Why bother for a 6th or 7th.
  18. When we are competitive, yes, but this is awful. The biggest disappointment was watching the defense play so bad against the Colts. I think Anderson considering played better than expected, and will be good for Allen for a few weeks. I’m doing something I haven’t in 20 years. I’m cancelling my ticket, and if I want to see a game I’ll go to the Legion with my dad. It is just not worth this exorbitant expense to be horribly disappointed almost every week.
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