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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. I don’t believe for real fans of any team, it’s not that they want tons of offense, but competitiveness. More games today are won or lost by less than 4-5 pts. No one wants to see if not a fan of that team a 45-14 win. Think about the last few playoff games. How boring was the Pats game. How exciting was the Saints game with the Eagles having a startling 14-0 lead. I was shocked as I expected the Saints at home to shred the Eagles. It makes you want to keep watching. I know our offense was terrible other than the heroic efforts of Allen, but how fun was seeing our defense shock other teams with punishing them.
  2. I could see us going for Tate as a great route runner and getting open over the middle and John Brown as another speedster. They might pick a Guard or Center in free agency, and draft the rest of our needs. We can talk more after the SB. It will be a long 7 months.
  3. I say Chiefs/Saints. The home teams win. The noise in both places will be deafening. That hurts the Rams more than the Pats as Brady has been in the last 8 AFC Championship games. McVey is always coaching Goff from the sidelines and won’t be able to do it. The Pats play poorly on the road, and the Chiefs will out muscle them on offense. I can see Belicheat trying to slow the Chiefs down with Michell, but I haven’t seen anyone mention they have Justin Houston (otherwise known as the ox), and hard hitting Berry. I see Berry hitting on a few blitzes Brady. People talked a lot about the Saints slow start, but remember Brees didn’t play the last regular season game so he was basically out of rhythm for three weeks with the bye. That game will be a nail biter as they both are awesome. I’m rooting for the Chiefs so I know I’m a bit biased.
  4. Go Chiefs and Saints. It would be fun to see those two match up in the SB, and yes I will watch every last minute of the last three games of the year.
  5. For those who are survivors, thank you for sharing. I’m so happy for Jim and his family. He is one tough SOB. I hope the Mods don’t mind that last comment, just so happy to hear the good news.
  6. I liked Chan as well. He didn’t have a lot to work with, but made the most of our team. His defense left a lot to be desired.
  7. Im so sorry for you’re loss bud. I understand all to well.
  8. The answer is simple. If they want to lose weight they can while they have the $mand NFL Insurance, get a lap band on their stomach which is pretty safe today, shrinks their stomach so they feel full on less food, go to a nutritionist who would work with them to slowly change their habits, and most importantly do a ton of cardio everyday. Choose SPIN classes, hot yoga, whatever and you can lose the weight. They choose not to do so and most made enough money to take a year off after retirement to get them in adult life shape. Managed by a doctor to monitor their glucose levels, heart disease, cholesterol, etc. and stop eating to excess. This country is always wanting to blame someone else. Look at Lorax. He gained and lost wait between O Line, D Line, LB, ST based on what is needed to have another contract at 36. i know it’s hard to change habits, but it can be done. Look at how many alcoholics kick it with AA, or smokers with help, and is more addictive than crack. I commend people who take control of their lives and don’t blame everyone else for their issues.
  9. I’m excited for his future with us. I hope the Pegulas give this regime 5 years like they did in Cincy as the fruits there after.
  10. I’m sorry for his family. Way too young to pass.
  11. Youre right No Huddle. It is so hard to put you’re pants on everyday and keep moving forward.
  12. His life is a lot easier now, and probably making even more money on NFLR, Westwood One, and anything else he is doing. I agree it would be fun but not likely.
  13. Mango, thanks for sharing and just awful. I’m so sorry for his family. I hope he has faith and a strong support network to get through it. Those losses don’t go away quickly.
  14. I would love Brady to play. The whole game and get hit multiple times and finish the game, but wouldn’t mind him getting some small injury that would only give him a week to heal up. I too never want to see a player like Garroppo lose his season at the beginning of it. I never wish for a career ending injury or something so serious he is out for a year. It’s not my way or my faith as much as I want them to lose. Rooting for someone to be permanently getting hurt is just wrong.
  15. I’m fine with a separate thread. Easy to capture, and yes he is worth what he will paid. Love the Kyle went out as it was special,but wished he would have given one more year as he could still play well. I’m sure he has other interests with children and his volunteer work. Great that Lorax. Is up for the Walter Payton award. Thanks for sharing OP.
  16. They both need lots of help, but happy the duty to warn mandate worked this time by professionals.
  17. KJ - Thanks for sharing. I don’t normally talk about it, but my mom died unexpectedly on my 40th birthday, and my middle son was born at 28 weeks at only 2lbs. 4 ounces. On top of it there were severe complications with my wife who almost died several times. God willing Ryan is great, and Diane came through it after months of treatment. I only share this personal info. As I might have some small understanding of how he must feel. I was very blessed not to lose my wife or son, but there isn’t a day I don’t thank God for their health and my mom’s peace. i wish only the best for NCR, and am sure he must have a good support network to get him through it. A parent should never have to bury their child. I can only imagine his pain. God bless NCR AND I’ll say prayers for you.
  18. He should never be a head coach again, but McDermitt has a knack for hiring very experienced coaches.
  19. Old Man I agree. It’s not easy to move at 20 to MLB and captain of the defense. He has a ton of raw talent and with an off season to prepare vs. last spring training for the combine, etc. I bet we’ll see improved play next year.
  20. Agreed on the Chargers defensive game plan. Why they didn’t switch to press man to man and at least going after Brady, preferably up the A gap. Bradley was a terrible coach in Jax and he blew all of that talent Sunday. If he started with this plan and quickly adapted after seeing what the Patriots were doing I would understand. It reminds me of the stupid notion to keep passing no huddle in SB25. Thurmond ran I believe for 145 yards in a small amount plays. If they kept running, that would force Belicheck to place more guys on the line and we could then pass effectively. I know ancient history, but Belicheck is up there with Lombardi and Paul Allen as the best coaches of all time, as much as I hate losing to them twice a year.
  21. The only thing that will make this narrative go away are repeated playoff showings. He looks to me like the best we have since Kelly. Sure he has a lot to learn, but I choose to be optimistic. I’m sick of hearing from Coach Weiss how inaccurate and such a high risk picks. I swear the man takes notes from Schoop and the Bulldog as he can be so rude to some callers. I don’t understand why some radio hosts don’t know or want to be cordial or agree to disagree with their customers. Sorry, I know a tangent. Yes, I know the answer is don’t listen to him, and I normally don’t as I’ve made up my mind. I stopped listening to WGR in the afternoon over a year ago. I echo the other poster who thanked you for the homework put into this post by the OP.
  22. This was a nice list to review, and we should pick up some pretty good people. I don’t why AB wasn’t on that list as Kareem Hunt and AB, along with a couple of Guards and a Center (at least two). These additions we can afford, and a solid draft will make a dramatic difference to this team.
  23. Funny, I thought the Pats game would be closer and this game would be a blowout for the Saints. I screwed that one up. Nice to have a good game to watch. I’m always a little sad as we only have two games next week and have to wait two weeks for the SB. Then 7 months of purgatory.
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