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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Now that’s funny. We have billboard material forever on this board, and I’ll enjoy every quip. As far as the Redskins trade, that sounds promising as we can still get one of the top OT’s at 14, but would be a gameday trade. I say this b/c if they have two in mind like Jonah Williams or the kid from FL, then they would not pull the trade and take the Tackle. It all depends on Beane’s board and can they still get what they want at 14.
  2. We have one of the best tandems in the NFL in safeties, and I didn’t think Hyde or Poyer were that old in that Poyer is 27, and Hyde is 28. I guess if he’s a possible late pick for depth it makes some sense. What makes more sense is more depth on the offense even after we use free agency and the draft high picks for offense. I can also see taking a lat DT for depth behind Phillips.
  3. Beef- One if my favorite movies. “Play for blood” “I was just kiddin”, “I wasn’t”. Alright Longer. “ C’mon. Good call. I’d rather not get this guy. I would much rather grab two O Lineman, preferably Saffold and Paradis, and two WR, in Tate, and either Funches, or J Brown. Then draft Jonah Williams at 9 and even if we have to bundle a 2 nd and 3rd, get the Iowa TE. Now that is one helluva off-season, and BPA after in the draft.
  4. I have a feeling it will be #1 Mayfield, but it will be a toss up between Allen and Darnold. I believe Josh is doing everything he can to improve. It’s just too early to tell. This off-season is big for him. No combine, and pro days to prepare for can simply get a couple of weeks off, and then work on his craft all off-season, and then another year in Daboll’s playbook and coaching. I have hope and trust at this point. This free agency and draft is so important for a good year.
  5. GG- Now that was funny. As far as a Kraft’s alleged acts, they are much more serious from an NFL perspective than Irsay. He’ll, Favre was addicted to pain meds, cleaned his act up, and made the HOF. If there truly is sex trafficking the DA can prove, everything else is meaningless, but the NFL will have to take a strong response. There is no way they do anything prior to the draft, but next year, I can see punitive measures against the team more than a fin and owner suspension.
  6. Just from the report that there is video of him on multiple visits is damning, and he will pay a price by the NFL. I’m wondering what that would look like given the penalties for Irsay in Indy for doctor shopping, b/c a back issue turned into a pain medication problem. This is much more aggregious. Suspending him from the team doesn’t do much as Bill runs the team, but if they decide to take away draft picks, that would hurt. The fine doesn’t matter as with his Gillette company can afford any penalty. I know he lost his wife just a couple of years ago, but this was not smart. The allegations that this was part of a sex trafficking ring if proven makes it even worse if connected or the PR from this is a nightmare.
  7. I’m not concerned as much with the kids he has had with women as there are more than enough players who have done the same thing. I have no idea if he is providing proper support for them. If he is in fantastic shape, and has a clean record, he can help this team for not a lot of money. I’d be open, if he is really in tip top shape as he was impactful in his rookie year. He probably would be an upgrade with those conditions than Ivory simply because of his age. He’d have to have a tight leash.
  8. Thanks for making me laugh on a slow Sunday. I guess I shouldn’t play poker with you.
  9. I’d love it T. I’ll send you a pm with my name and phone number.
  10. Agreed. They have traded down if you believe McD ran the first draft, not Whaley and Beane was probably consulting. I like them taking 10 slots to 7 for the better quality players and if you get four starters and three for depth is better than picking up a crap of later picks. The chances of 4th round and later becoming starters are low in the league. It almost shows how they can find gems in later rounds like Milano. I believe he was a 5th rounder who played like a 1st or 2nd. Should be a fun two months before we go into NFL withdrawal, as OTA’s and camp are not exactly exciting.
  11. I may be in the minority, but I’d rather stay put, take the best T in the draft or 2nd best, and bundle two picks to get this guy. If we pick up two stud interior O Lineman on top of Long, then it’s not volume of picks but as many starters plus depth you can get. I’m a broken record on two WR as well in FA, and outside of that I’m a happy man for this off season and we should have a better team. I know it takes time for an O Line to gel so I don’t expect miracles in the first four weeks, but maybe get lucky and get some of the weaker opponents at that time. After a month in the regular season and everything prior, we could be looking at a very talented offense to compliment this defense. We’re only to this point losing Kyle on defense, but that’s why we picked up Phillips. Just my two cents.
  12. That was funny. Chuckle will run the Raiders into the ground and Dumber with Mark Davis who is not independently wealthy beyond the Raiders to give a $100 mil contract. He’s great for marketing while moving to Vegas, but I watched Chuckie first hand screw up the Bucs after the SB. Tat team was built by McKay, and Dungy. He may have not won the SB, but they were good year after year. McKenzie is not good for us as he will build a strong team in the next couple of years. At least we have a leg up with our admin, coaching, and hopefully franchise QB. At least three years from now people won’t be talking about weak the AFCE is compared to other divisions. By then, I’d lay money Brady and Belicheck will be gone, the Jets should improve, and Miami will be competitive. God I can’t wait til the Patsies go into non-playoff hell.
  13. There’s a good reason for you’re handle. Well said. I’m getting sick of people pulling the trigger too fast on Beane or McDermitt when they inherited a mess both in cap space, problem children and lack of talent. This year and next year will tell whether not only do we have our franchise QB, but also our franchise administration, and coaches. I know the soap opera will weaken this argument with Bell and AB, but the Steelers have had a ton of success hiring the right people, staying out of football decisions, and maintain continuity. You can bash Marvin Lewis, but does everyone remember the Bengals were a mess before he came there, and maybe they didn’t win in the playoffs, but they went from perpetual losing seasons for 15 years to six consecutive playoff appearances. His message got old, but is another example of success through continuity.
  14. 9 is a bit much. Allen, Foster, Jones, and McKenzie belong on this 11. I’m with you we need an O Line, TE, and two WR’s. That makes 7 by my Oswego math ( sorry for my colleagues who also went to Oswego). Tasker, you make very good points, and I’m on record stating we need two marque O Lineman, and two WR in free agency, and 10 picks to fill a lot of holes. Dan on Press Pass mentioned yesterday (NFLR), Long played well as a starting G, but b/c his hand was busted up he had to be moved from C. So if true we then need 3-4 offense starters from the draft. So many if’s it’s just speculation.
  15. I can’t wait to bust BradY’s chops on NFLR this week. His co-host Bruce will rip into him as he very funny.
  16. “My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die”. “Stop saying that”! Love that movie and so do my kids. I’ve been saying you’re points all along. Pay a premium for Saffold and Paradis, and Long played well last year as a Guard. His busted up hand forced him out of the Center position. I also mentioned about two WR as well in FA, and couldn’t agree more take the best Tackle with the 9 th pick. We already have 10 picks so we don’t need to trade down. We can probably use Dion Dawkins at RT as he looked a lot better left of Richie and Wood. I still draft another Tackle later for depth, but first get a solid TE as there are several rated high in the draft. Beyond that just pick BPA instead for need even if it is one of our positions of strength.
  17. I didn’t want people to think I’m an advertisement as I have no stake, but it is called Mothers, in zip code 33626 of Tampa. Not only BOW, but also phenomenal wings, and they use Prime Rib vs. Roast Beef for the sandwiches. Every friend I’ve brought there loved it. It’s not a cheap restaurant, but is a very fair price, i’ve moved away from beer these past years, so I would imagine they probably have Labatts, but again not sure. Their entire menu is great, and game day is really fun. So much fun that even though I have the Ticket, will often go there for the first half to hang with Buffalo transplants, and get my BOW. Can’t forget the Woodford Reserve on. The rocks, with two limes. The best is when you treat the glass like a Margherita, but instead of salt, you use raw sugar cane. Turn upside down, then add what I mentioned. Adding soda, or anything else to Woodford is blasphemy, Only one as driving, but great sipping whiskey. Not cheap anywhere as high end. As much as I’m Irish, I prefer it over Jameson’s. The only one better for you Irish Bills fans is Tullamore Dew Irish Whiskey. It’s a tradition in my family for generations it is broken out after the funeral breakfast for a family member lost, and after all the crying, we honor them with a sip of the aforementioned, a toast, and telling funny stories about them. Sorry for the tangent, but if you ever get a chance for that drink, you will love it. BTW- I know where Fredrick, MA is located as I took my oldest son on recruiting trips to Mt. St. Mary’s as they were offering a full ride in lax, and Division 1. He declined, but a really nice place to visit.
  18. Thanks RB. HE’s on my list. My original statements weren’t for you, but for others. We have tons of diehard Bills fans around the country, that was their home, and can have a Bills as a primary, and a secondary team. Appreciate the advice,
  19. That’s awesome. We have a restaurant/bar where you can get a tremendous b on week down here in Tampa and shocker the owners are from Buffalo. There is also a place next to it that has real wings and I’m always skeptical. i love seeing the Bills fans and games featured on the best TV’s even though I have the ticket. Nice to have a small piece of Buffalo when you don’t live there anymore. I’ll have to find it on my next business trip.
  20. Well, first I live in Tampa for over 20 years so of course I’m a Bucs fan, but make no mistake I bleed Red White and Royal Blue and grew up on South Park Ave. and went to St. Francis. I just wanted to clear up for anyone else I’m not a Bucs fan on a Bills website. The only time Im in conflict is once every four years and every eight years I have my Bills jersey on in the Bucs home game. As far as #5 it’s a toss up. They a,ready have a highly productive offense as stated above, but have the pics to pick the top CB in the draft or OLB. I know they invested in defense last year, but I would keep putting resources throughout the draft on defense like I hope we invest heavily in offense. It’s too bad the Bucs only have $15 mil in cap space and maybe they move on from McCoy, but hope not as he is $13 mil on the cap. If that does happen, I can see them reach for AB. He was a stud under Arians in the past, and responds well to him. The team could make it happen if they want move things around with their cap. I can’t even imagine a team with AB, Mike Evans, OJ woward and company with a solid O Line. If Winston can’t make it happen and take another step forward, they’ll cut him and start again. Totally hypothetical, but a Bills defense including coaching and a Bucs offense, and we would have given the Pats a run for their money. Not that they would win, but they would have been phenomenal games. Most people don’t watch the Bucs up north and understood, but they were dynamic on offense. So there is my answer, but the draft is a crap shoot as we don’t even know who each team picks up in the first and second round of free agency. Bowles proved to be a better DC in Arizona, vs. Smith who made things too complicated. Anyway, although I made a comment on the Bucs, I know we are here to discuss the Bills. I appreciate you’re question and a Trey White CB is desperately needed down here.
  21. Well, first I live in Tampa for over 20 years so of course I’m a Bucs fan, but make no mistake I bleed Red White and Royal Blue and grew up on South Park Ave. and went to St. Francis. I just wanted to clear up for anyone else I’m not a Bucs fan on a Bills website. The only time Im in conflict is once every four years and every eight years I have my Bills jersey on in the Bucs home game. As far as #5 it’s a toss up. They a,ready have a highly productive offense as stated above, but have the pics to pick the top CB in the draft or OLB. I know they invested in defense last year, but I would keep putting resources throughout the draft on defense like I hope we invest heavily in offense. It’s too bad the Bucs only have $15 mil in cap space and maybe they move on from McCoy, but hope not as he is $13 mil on the cap. If that does happen, I can see them reach for AB. He was a stud under Arians in the past, and responds well to him. The team could make it happen if they want move things around with their cap. I can’t even imagine a team with AB, Mike Evans, OJ woward and company with a solid O Line. If Winston can’t make it happen and take another step forward, they’ll cut him and start again. Totally hypothetical, but a Bills defense including coaching and a Bucs offense, and we would have given the Pats a run for their money. Not that they would win, but they would have been phenomenal games. Most people don’t watch the Bucs up north and understood, but they were dynamic on offense. So there is my answer, but the draft is a crap shoot as we don’t even know who each team picks up in the first and second round of free agency. Bowles proved to be a better DC in Arizona, vs. Smith who made things too complicated. Anyway, although I made a comment on the Bucs, I know we are here to discuss the Bills. I appreciate you’re question and a Trey White CB is desperately needed down here.
  22. We’ve had two solid drafts. Watch what Allen, Edmunds, White, Milano, Phillips and so on are going to do moving forward.
  23. Rob Johnson Todd Collins Rob Johnson Trent Edwards JP loseman Nathan Peterman EJ Manuel Should I keep going and yes Hobert too. We’ve had Kelly, Kemp, and Ferguson as decent to excellent QB’s of their era. I feel dumber for scanning this article.
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