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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Inigo, I love the Princess Bride references so keep them coming, but regarding the question, I’m going with the over. Star will eat up the middle for the run and Oliver will penetrate with Hughes as you mentioned getting him to 10 is my guess.
  2. GB, that’s a nice story and thank you for sharing, but sad for you regarding you’re grandfather. I pray every week at church it doesn’t happen to my Dad who turns 89 this August. He’s still as sharp as a tack and golfs three times a week. Happy Fathers Day bud!
  3. At least they had the first three right, and am hoping we see in a couple of years JA keep climbing up the ranks.
  4. Well said. Working in the medical field and at one time in Neurology, it is painful to see what happens to the family. Some really nice stories I heard before going to a meeting on NFLR, from former players.
  5. I’m very happy with our organization. If someone gives more competition against the evil empire, great. How nice would it be watching the Patsies only go 3-3 in their division moving forward and have to fight for 10 wins.
  6. This is a big so what. Nothing against the OP, just McD was I guess trying to be funny, and working on getting closer with his WR Corp. the posts were funny and I could care less about the 80’s Redskins. Lots of teams reinvent nicknames over the years. Anyway, OP, thanks for sharing as you were trying to help.
  7. Guys, don’t forget every NFL team turns over 1/3 of their roster every year. That’s not me saying it, but experts on NFR and other sources. I agree there is a lot of change and the overhaul in the O Line May take the first three weeks into the regular season, but the obvious I have concerns are always injury. I believe in our coaches and the defense is somewhat stable. Also the offensive and defensive scheme is similar to last year which allows Allen to play faster and the game slow down for him. im in the glass half full camp.
  8. I understand people have different opinions about these players. Personally, when playing Tasker was rude as hell to my sister who arranged a signing event at Wegmans and she is used to being around big names as she is high up at Wegmans, but my interactions with him were very cordial and friendly. As far as Andre, he held the door for me going into the Big Tree when I attempted to do the same for him when he and his wife were still dating and he had stopped and had a nice 5 minute conversation with me when he could have blown me off. That same night Thurmond who comes across like a nice guy was rude as hell. Maybe he was in a bad mood, or hurting from the previous game. Then in 2011 we had a National Sales Meeting in Beverly Hills (Medical Device Industry), and our team building exercise was a chili cook off from each of the Regions. It was fun, and he was the guest judge. He was with the VP’s and my Director brought me up to him and said “this is the biggest Bills fan in the Company”. We spoke for 10 minutes, and of course talked Bills. He was very down to earth, and then later he had to judge our chili (we lost -shocker with the knuckleheads I worked with at the time). Anyway, a friend said, why don’t you call you’re sons and see if Andre could chat with them. He. Thought was a great idea and b/c it was 9pm EST they were getting ready for bed. He spent 15 minutes talking football with Ian and Ryan (my sons and sent them an autographed pic of him). He made two little boys very happy that night. i realize everyone has a different reactions to the old players, but he went out of his way for my sons and people were pulling him to other places, but he told them to wait so in my eyes, he is a good person. I don’t doubt anyone else’s interactions, as I have the same feelings about a past Buc in Warren Sapp. He is by far the biggest jerk and ass I’ve ever met, and has treated so many people I am close to including my wife when his first baby was born so I understand. I know he’s not a Bill, but some players are pretentious with fans.
  9. Guys- It’s a nice pic from an old team who brought a lot of joy to us back in the day. I’m happy for Bruce getting a football life episode. There is nothing around the neck of the new guys. They will build their own memories. lets get away from the negativity and attacks as a nice piece on Bruce’s career. I’m sure it will be done well. I wish Andre was there, but he does spend a lot of time in San Diego, so maybe just not in the cards. He always carried himself well to me even personally in the handful of times we spoke. Happy for Bruce and what happened years ago is just that, years ago.
  10. That was Ralph mandating the switch. That came out years later.
  11. Are you forgetting Tom Donohoe, Marv Levy as the GM, Ralph for his choices for hires ( yes I love Ll the good he did here, but he is culpable for this drought as well ), and Greg Williams? Then we could also add Chan as well, but he was given a severely limited roster.
  12. James Hardy. Most receptions in Hoosier history ended up in stories as illiterate, and embarrassingly flopped with the Bills over 3 games and 7 more in Baltimore. Found dead in a river by his home, mostly speculated as a suicide, but nothing official. Bad pick, but sad story. Just b/c you don’t make it in the NFL doesn’t mean you end you’re life. The only loser here from a football stance is another bad decision in the draft without vetting the talent properly.
  13. I love it. The Queens. He’s not worth the hassle as he was such a pain in contract negotiations they rescinded their offer. As someone said above, we had the best passing defense in the NFL last year and we had two additions. This defense could be something special with those moves and Oliver. I love Kyle and he went out on top and his knowledge of offenses will be a tall order for Oliver, but in the beginning if he soaks it in, he can win with his raw talent and grow into the person Kyle was for this team.
  14. Happy Birthday Zo! You’re our leader now with Eric, Fred, and Kyle gone. I’m sure Josh will develop into that role.
  15. Big difference between a QB who’s been in almost the same system for 19 years, 41, and allows the new draftee to get some playing time, vs. a WR in a new system, new teammates, 2nd year QB, and a brand new coach. He he doesn’t even know the system yet. I’m no fan of Brady as I can’t wait for him to retire, but the two situations are not remotely the same.
  16. Spot on Joe. You always want to give a person the benefit of the doubt, but really not good for an UDFA. It’s hard enough to make a team, but to have this kind of accusation typically leads to not getting a job anywhere.
  17. Not bad KJ. Like our newer guy Yoho, not to be convinced with our favorite Yolo stated the other day, basically who cares what these guys have to say in May. I know his post was much more comprehensive, but was eluding to some of these dumb articles that have zero todo with what our Bills will do this year. Some of his rankings are all out foolish, but who cares? Our standings this January, and next January will tell a better picture.
  18. Agreed John, but the tipping point was Oliver adopting the Bills way just after the draft visited Pancho while in Hospice as we all know it was the end, and he I assume spent his own money to fly to TX to visit our best fan. says a great deal about his character on top of his play we believe he will do from college. im an EO fan. I’m pulling for him to take Kyles game to the next level.
  19. Yoho, I almost misread and thought it was Yolo, but good post. You just perfectly described the “fly off the handle one way or another” post. Any way, interesting thread from everyone.
  20. Shaw, well written, only I’m shooting for 10-6 and believe we can do it. I loved you’re post and the negative nellies just want to say “I told you so”. id rather take on that illness you speak to and I just on a slow day reread the last chapter of Big Russ and Me’s book as was unpacking with a move and found that book, “The Bills”. Russet was such a Bills homer and so eloquent in how he articulated Buffalonians past and present true passion for their Bills. His stories of the Rockpile were awesome. You keep up that illness as it is infectious. Have a great rest of you’re holiday bud.
  21. Ridgeway - not trying to argue at all, but the previous comment requires us to win the AFCE to host a game unless we win one the road, and then face a worse seated another wildcard team. So that means we have to win the AFCE. I just don’t see it as does most of the football world with a team that has been winning the AFCE for over 15 years except one when Brady was out and they still won 11 games. I appreciate the posters sentiment as I would love to see us win, but am more realistic to see the advances Beane made this off season to be 5th or 6 th and get a wildcard. As far as other posts , send me a pm so we don’t go through this with everyone else and always happy to listen. I do not personally attack people just can agree to disagree respectfully at times with other posters. Anyway, I do hope you have a nice Memorial Day with you’re family as all of TBD persons.
  22. Defensive coordinators now had a year to figure out how to defense against him. As someone else said, this is RG3 and I’d include Kaep all over again. Fast, great runner, and looks to his first maybe second read at best. He’ll flame out, and our team will be ready for him. In some ways, I’m more concerned with the Steelers and Browns this year from AFCN. IT’s going to be fun watching all of these second year QB’s go against each other this year. All 5 play each other once or twice this year. I bet Allen has a winning record overall against them. Should be one of the major talking points by the Pundits this year.
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