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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. First, TY Chans. This was thorough, and had a fair and measured approach. There are hits and misses in every draft. This will be 5th or more time I’ve said this point. A man I respect and most of you as well, Bill Polian. He has said multiple times on Late Hits on NFLR where he is a host on Wed nights has self proclaimed he hit on 58% of his drafts lifetime. Now he wears the gold jacket, and is in the Bills history books as an all time great. It places things in perspective for one of my heroes growing up is giving his audience realistic expectations. The 49ers and Bills have had hits and misses. If Purdy was healthy in last years playoffs, there may have been a different outcome in the NFCCG and the 49ers may have been in the SB. I like Chan that you live the Bills, can be both positive and critical of the Bills with the heart of seeing the most out of the Bilks even though it like every other team has flaws. I consider SF and Philly on the same tier for the NFC. Dallas is ina lower tier not just because I hate them. I will say because of Dabs and Schoen am quietly rooting for the Giants. I want as many of our guys who don’t make the 53 gets tagged to the Giants. Give Daboll something to work with to hold up against Dallas. They have the coaching advantage as McCarthy is an idiot.
  2. I’m sure Beane is shopping Basham or Epenesa, Cam Lewis, maybe even Shakir. If he can get value, we have the depth. My thoughts are we may go with 4 DE’s and 5 DT’s. I like Ford, and the others are valuable especially we have the time to allow Phillips to get to 100%. On the other hand we can live with 4 on the end if we have Von on PUP for 4 weeks. Then when Von is cleared we’ll probably shed Shaq. At the end of the day we only need only 1 either Boogie or Epenesa. Not both. Beane May as well get something in draft compensation. They were both 2nd rd picks. Were too deep at WR so if he stuck with history, we’ll probably end up with Diggs, Davis, Sherfield, and Harty. Isabella can back up Harty, and Shorter as the 6th as he’ll end up on ST, and maybe if he’s lucky at the end of the year be in a couple of red zone plays for the back shoulder pass with his size. My point. Shakir is expendable. I won’t keep going on Cam, but you guys get my logic and the OP is right. Beane loves August surprise trades as well as August extensions. We already have I think with the comp pick I think 10 picks. Add to that and maybe we get a couple more. Knowing Beane’s history, that gives him a lot of latitude to bundle picks next year to get higher quality players. Beane wasn’t GM of the year two years ago by accident. This is why I tune out to all the chicken crying the sky is falling on Beane sucks crap. His peers consider him one of the best, yet a small minority of TBDers think they are smarter and more accomplished than the experts who wield the wand. There’s only 32 of them and ours has built a team with talent that drew 10-6 (because we didn’t care about the Jets finale), 13-3, 11-6, and 13-3. Yeah he’s horrible. The negativity has gone to new heights on the team that has one of the best records for the last 4 years. That makes us 2nd overall. KC 52-14 Bills 47-18 GB 47-19 Bal 43-22 SF 42-24 Im not Pollyanna on this team as it needs to improve in some areas, but I’m not taking a doom and gloom approach either after we had one embarrassing loss in a meaningless game. Just a measured approach in looking at this team. I love my Bills, and I also see some her warts. After all it’s not Madden. I think Monday will be more interesting than Saturdays game as that will be about getting 43-69 lined up with the last 10 of the 53 and the PS. Monday on the other hand May end up inventful of the past is a prelude to the future as it pertains to Beane’s track record.
  3. Barley, Agreed, but they had to bolster other aspects of the roster. I look at Dorian as a red shirt year backup to Milano, while being groomed for the mic in 24. I can see as we have more pics next year and with the comp an extra 3rd, taking a Tackle high unless Brown somehow puts it together. This is a familiar scene with Dawkins thinking he’s in the 70’s he goes to camp to get in shape vs being in shape. He will put it together. He’s cheap for a LT on a 2nd contract. Its too early, but we’ll need a Safety as well as Hyde’s contract will be up and we’ll have one more year with Poyer. Take the safety a year early so they can groom him for the Hyde or Poyer role and Rapp swing in 24 for the starting job vs. big nickel this year and backing up our 30 something guys. Lastly, we’ll probably take a WR high as they are cheaper than free agents.
  4. That’s why i wrote earlier Carolina would be an excellent landing spot from Indy’s standpoint. A weak team wit a rookie QB needing help and in the opposite conference. Indy wouldn’t want to trade with a contender in the AFC. There are three competing players. Indy, Walker, but also the buying team. Sure Miami may want him, but that doesn’t mean if the same offer is given between Miami and Carolina, where is Indy siding on that fence.
  5. So where do the Bills leverage their future by extending who to free up another $12 mil/yr. Also, how high of a draft pick do we give up as Indy says he’s worth a 1st. according to Indy.
  6. Shocker! An ESPN analyst who is so far out there it’s laughable. Not directed towards you eman as you’re a friend. My sarcasm is towards that ars clown of a network. They replaced years ago analysis with click bait hot takes.
  7. Lime, that and we’ll most likely see more Rapp inserted vs. heavy run and TE set teams as he would compliment Taron. Keep Taron out there for obvious passing downs.
  8. The article yesterday based on a pod cast with Donte Whitney espousing how we are in the hunt or have an interest in Tayler is just a guy out of the spotlight, trying to get back into it. We have no $, and we already have 3 RB’s who can get the job done. I can see Murray as the compliment to Cook in the beginning while Harris heals up with his leg issue. Then insert Harris for the bulk of the season allowing Murray to rest as we’ll need him for December and the playoffs. We already pass 67% of the time, and the league avg us around 60%. We may want to float down to the low 60’s to ease Allen from feeling we have to pass on every play.
  9. Defense, I work I. Rare disease orphan drug sales and our corporate decisions are very easy to see the ramifications of choices, but I am very careful as to what I say and even more what I write about my company. It’s the way of the world. It’s why you get some criticism from the WGR analysts, but not OBL. They work for the Pegulas.
  10. I was bummed, but my extended family lives in Hamburg and OP. My nephew drives by on Abbott RD and told me we have to find another place to go for a game each year. Sucks as I really needed a shot out of a bowling ball and some extra Keith hip and mustard all over. 😂
  11. Ya got me. Ya got the tater. Sorry, Ron White reference. One of my nephews told me Hammers is closed with the construction of the new stadium. He’s very respeknsible and was our place as the home opener has been a thing for years. We had to break for COVID, but I’ve created this thing where cousins, sons, nephews all hit the game and in 19 we had 23 of us coming from different areas of the country. Not sure where we’re going, but should be fun.
  12. DOOMED I SAY DOOMED!!!!! That really made me laugh. To the OP, I’m in. I’m flying my three kids up there from Tampa and my boys are going with me, my nephews, some cousins, etc. it will be a blast. Im just bummed Hammers is closed due to the construction. That pace is half the fun prior to the game. DM me if you want to catch up and that goes for any of the true blue TBDers. I’d love to finally meet some of you jabrones. I classify in that category as well. If anything you get to listen to my two sons bust my chops for an hour or two.
  13. I couldn’t have written any better my friend. We definitely have questions, but we also have many additions. I just wish this board occasionally take a measured approach.
  14. Baller, it’s like he’s stuck in a time where NFL guys went to camp to get in football shape. Vance why coaches had two a days and more. I know but as he ages, he’ll have to adapt. The reason is why Peters lasted until he’s 40. The man came into camp ready to play. Now Dawkins isn’t as bad as our lovely previous DT, Dareus. Hell get there. After 5 years it’s like clockwork with him.
  15. Dawkins seems to always have a crap preseason camp each year. He comes through at the needed time. Brown I agree because of a number of factors. I made apologies for him until this camp. There were good reasons, but there are none this year. He’d Bette the this act together the next three weeks. I feel good about the other four.
  16. Mark, I’m with you in that just like the Jets line problems may be overblown, so may be some of our troubles. I saw all of the troubles Saturday and yes it was concerning, but this board acts like we were 3-13, vs. 13-3. We didn’t fall off a cliff. We’re sloppy right now, but we’ve cleaned up our act each TC the last few years. The roster to me is better outside of Edmunds. I never agreed with the hate for him, yet I never agreed with the national media going on and on about him making the popularity contest called the pro bowl. He was a talented player with skills and limitations. If we remain healthy, our secondary will be one of the best in the league, a 1st team all pro in Milano, and when it matters our D Line with the addition of Floyd and fingers crossed Von maybe back on a pitch count can be the difference. I cautiously high hopes for Harty, Sherfield, and our regulars and DK2 with our new 12 personnel package.
  17. Possibly, but players who are STers didn’t make a lot of $ back in the 80-90’s. Granted CBS was probably a good gig for 20 years, but he probably wants to have that sunset career to wrap into a ful retirement, and they only are on air for 2 and in season 3 hrs one day a week. I’m sure they do some preproduction stuff, but I don’t see tons of prep before their daily shows. My point was simply you’re not going to air a bunch of criticisms about you’re team when in essence your eemplyed by the owners. You get more fair balance from the morning and extra point shows. I refuse to listen to the shirt show that’s in at 3-7pm. I’d much rather listen when in the car to Movin the Chains on NFLR. I don’t want to mislead in that I know what I get with Tasker and Brown. I listen when time, but I make no mistake they are a biased pro Bills show. I have adequate expectations.
  18. Kf some of you guys are expecting objective reporting with a critical eye from employees of the Pegulas, you might want to rethink you’re POV. Herss a question. If you work for. Fortune 500 company, are you outwardly critical of your employer and their leadership decisions. That’s a quick drive to “You’re fired”! Well find someone else says the employer. The guy is probably 60 and needs to work. I expect the advertisement when I listen to OBL.
  19. The thing with Hamlin is he’s a nice 4th slot for depth at safety. He was a 7th RD pick, solid guy, but he’s been immortalized with the near death experience. inthink it’s great how he recovered, how he’s used this as a platform for change, and good for him. on the football side he’s a 4th slot with the Rapp signing. That doesn’t mean he’s not a great guy, nor did he accomplish the 4th slot on his merit. He’s just not Poyer or Hyde. Rapp is close, but Hamlin is a typical 4th spot safety.
  20. It’s not just ESPN. I’ve about had it with the Jets love fest. It overwhelms NFLR daily. Between the callers and the analysts just not shutting up about that team, it just fuels me even more to please Bills destroy them in week 1.
  21. That’s a sound point. I keep going back to Carolina. That teams needs help and a pressure valve release for the rookie QB. Im sure they want some kind of win this year so they are at least competitive and it is a cross conference trade. Indy would want that more than the Fish.
  22. Yep, 3/12. I see his value, but I’m pragmatic. I can see the Fish moving on it especially as they have still some questions on Tua. His concussions has to be a cause for concern. Having a stud RB takes some pressure off Tua.
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