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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. We need Peanut Tillman to come in again and research how to punch that ball out as he was the best. Worth the consulting fee from the owners. He was amazing for years at this skill.
  2. At a minimum you dress all 53, and maybe increase the practice squad by a couple as they are cost efficient.
  3. I don’t care if it was a game, that was assault on National TV. I’m surprised they didn’t take him out in handcuffs and will be suspended for the year. This is exactly what the NFL owners, Goodall and even NFLPA don’t want to see. There will always be small skirmishes in just about any sport, but this was over the top. I would support if one of our players took Brady who we all maybe respect, but can’t stand to have that Bill go out in cuffs. Make a statement to the league. Deter this from anyone even considering such an act. To the person who said he could have killed him, you’re not exaggerating, or at least created serious head trauma. That was disgusting to watch, and before tonight, I liked Garrett as a rising star and real talent. You can’t just brush it off as the heat of battle crap, and yes I competed at a high level in multiple contact sports. There is a line you can’t cross.
  4. Limeaid, I’m stating the TV revenue will increase significantly and even stadium attendance goes up with real games vs. pre-season where it is almost nothing for preseason games, except for season ticket holders. It depends how many preseason games they cut. The other consideration is these sixteen extra regular season games in neutral sites increases the potential NFL fan base. I can see games in Mexico City, San Antonio, Birmingham, Toronto, London of course, but possible a city in Germany. Remember in NFL Europe the highest attendance for those games came out of German cities. China and Japan is tough given the distance, but I can see the NFL trying to push for it. My speculation is they will look at only two preseason games and more competitive practices throughout the league.
  5. This scenario has been floated by MTC on NFLR for two years. It makes sense and less preseason is a great thing. The league and the NFLPA both win. More $ for both sides. I wonder if they get a second bye as a concession. That would make players happy. Kirwan and Mills made the case that the last six years as of last year the #7 wild card seed wood have a 9-7 or better record. The division winner will never change and there is always the possibility a division winner has a worse record like Seattle several years ago. Sounds like a good negotiation.
  6. That’s funny. How many times does it need to be said it’s not just that he is a lightning rod for negative press, but his performance declined each year in SF before released.
  7. This probably a dumb question, but wondering if this is nationally televised even for any of you have a guess, as I thought they only have 1 4:30 and 1 8:00 pm game on these Saturday games and thus would at least be on NFLN if not the network. If not I’ll be going back to my Bills Backers bar which is always fun.
  8. Well - He has one of the lowest completion records this year among active kickers so could be a slump, and he breaks out of it, but if this continues for the rest of the season, we won’t be spending another season with him. It wasn’t necessarily missing the 54 yard field go, but the earlier one and the extra point. We should have been at 20 pts and won. He wasn’t the only problem, as Allen made poor decisions again like the Brown Pass vs. Beasley. I don’t know why Daboll keeps calling up these deep passes when they are not working. I can give Daboll a pass if he gave Allen the freedom to see the field and that was only of three choices Allen could make, them on Allen. you don’t get stupider points for overthrowing people deep vs. work on timing, or don’t keep going to these high risk, low probability of success. I know this is about the kicker, but these were also factors Sunday and House shouldn’t be the scapegoat. He should be playing bette r like the last couple of years.
  9. Agreed Gugny. They are committed to Allen’s development, and will stick with him to gain the experience. Like it or not he’s starting unless he gets injured.
  10. I’m just glad I was busy and didn’t listen to any of the three statements by Daboll, Frasier, and McD.
  11. I only live 4 hours away, and now way in hell Im going there after yesterday and the Philly game as well as barely beating the Fins in Buffalo. I’ve been there many times over the years, but not this time. I hope you guys can enjoy the time. Miami can be a lot of fun. You’ll enjoy South Beach and Brickel.
  12. This is a nice thread. God bless all who have served like my father and three uncles. Three in Korea, and one in Vietnam.
  13. Well we blew it on not taking Maholmes, and everyone blew it on not taking Wilson. I’m losing confidence each week, Allen and the coordinators as well as much of the talent of the team. I was so disappointed as just about everyone was on yesterday. If we can’t beat a 2-6 team, after losing to a 3-4 team just disgusts me.
  14. Wppete, good take, but I’d replace crown for Woodford Reserve. Excellent if you treat like a margarita, but use raw sugar cane on the lid, and a couple of limes on the rocks. It is awesome. Go Bills!
  15. I see the pressure and sacks aren’t everything. Making the QB very uncomfortable which we have done all year is easy to see.
  16. Have a great time. I knew this would be a Bills home game, especially when they are 2-6 and so close. I love the fact we are turning into the Steelers with the road show.
  17. If a solid DT, or WR, I get it, but a RB, WHEN WE HAVE Singletary on the cheap who had 140 yards overall last week and a durable Gore for now. We can draft one on the cheap after a WR and DT. Sorry for the caps. That was a mistake. I wasn’t yelling so apologize.
  18. Mental illness is no joke and I have a doctorate and practiced psychotherapy for over five years before going into the business side of medicine. I’m truly sorry for his troubles, but he is also responsible like regular folks for their behavior when they don’t take their meds. They usually end up with a clinical and legal history. im not making a claim either way. I’ve not diagnosed nor treated him so I don’t have the ability to make a speculation. I just hope he is compliant with his treatment as a good plan includes psychiatric and psychotherapeutic treatment plan. Otherwise you’re confirmed to keep having these problems. What he needs the most is a caregiver to ensure he is compliant.
  19. Janhyc- well written thoughts. The part about us continuing to get run up the middle is spot on. Everyone has seen in the league where the Bills are suspect on defense. It’s very difficult to pass on us and we normally can stop the runs out to the sides. I trust McD and Frasier as they probably have been working non-stop at making changes. The teams you mentioned doesn’t even come close to wha.t Wlliot’s going to do us on Thanksgiving.
  20. It will never happen, but wish we went back to the old way in first score wins and go back to 15 minutes. We’re not even close to as long as college football games.
  21. I took it so long ago, I don’t remember the exact score, but was in the high 30’s.
  22. The Vikings would be nice. They have a long tradition, and went through as much SB loss as we have just not four straight. I always like the idea of a new team winning the SB.
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