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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Looks good but surprises me as Dallas always prefers white and they are obviously the home team.
  2. We’re onto Dallas. I’m Belicheck on this one. Then we think and talk about Baltimore. Then we have a couple of weeks with this 3rd string QB, and see what are his tendencies.
  3. The good news for Tasker is I believe after this year he is a senior candidate, and with 20 going in this year, he will go up the list for a senior candidate. There is no doubt he is the best ST non kicker of all time, and with Vinaterri going in eventually and Guy in, the voters are starting to look at ST stars. i hope he gets in someday, but don’t think it’s this year.
  4. No way we’re sitting anyone with the Ravens not hurt. This guy obviously never really followed Beane, and McD. We’re not laying down for anyone, and we don’t have the record to sit anyone even at the end of the season. We need to ensure 5th seed as winning the division is a severe long shot. Let’s hope KC beats the Pats this week. That certainly would help. 5th means we’ll probably start with the AFCS and not afraid of Houston, TN, or Indy. Winning that game would be awesome. I’m not that confident after that week as we’ll most likely get the Pats or Ravens. Maybe we shock everyone. This week will show a lot as we’re digesting our turkey.
  5. BB - I always appreciate you're thoughts. I would only suggest Zeke has had less than stellar performances the last three games and Dak has been on fire most of the season. We need to be balanced in our approach and keep playing fast. Agreed on up tempo even no huddle, but we can still go huddle so no defensive substitutions, but keep running the ball. We are 5th the n rushing offense for the year, so I would keep doing what we do best.
  6. Well, as we’re going to church making our kids Sunday breakfast and for me workout before the game, I read on TBD the beginning of the article to extend these two, and unfortunately I refuse to pay monthly for BN articles. Anyone who wants to send a link for the rest of us, great. I just agree with what I read. Lawson has played better and better each year, and Murphy is not worth his contract. I’d rather give Lawson a reasonable contract extension and a show of good faith. He knows he hasn’t been the best the entire bid here, so I think he would take a fair offer. Jordan Phillips has definitely earned an extension. It was funny, Sal C. Mentioned this week on one of his spots that although the smaller Oliver is actually a better run stuffer, but the larger Phillips is better at penetrating one the pass and sacking or pressuring the QB on pass plays. My humble opinion is he earned a fair extension. I’m not a capologist so not sure what that would look like, but the earlier we offer extensions, the better price we get these two. Overall, much of 5is large cap space on a side not needs to be at extending these solid players like Milano, and White while we can and purge the dead weight like Murphy. I started this as I imagine each of you have you’re own thoughts, and happy to listening to similar or opposing views. Go Bills, and beat the crap out of the Broncos today.
  7. 18-10 Bills. This will be a slug fest. Running is key for us. Not worried about their pass offense at all and our run vs their run defense is the key. Pull out the stops. single tray, Gore, Allen, maybe Foster or Brown on end arounds. That’s how we win.
  8. While I agree with you living in FL and born and raised in Buffalo, my home, when the Bucs were a winner, they had sold out that stadium for over a decade basically through the Dungy and Gruden periods, and even made the seat deposit thing. They are nice fans and root for their team, but every year when I bring my boys to the game, they can’t believe the difference in the fans in both cities. They love when they go to a Bills game. My middle son always says our fans are nuts. My reply is always, this is what a true NFL Football town is like the Steelers, Chiefs, even the Browns.
  9. After these repeated problems on ST, it’s better to just boom it in or past the end zone so the worst we have is on the 25 yard line.
  10. He’s getting better at sliding, but his natural inclination is to dive for those extra yards as a competitor. Someone needs to get through to him he’s no good to the team if out for four weeks and blows the season. I’m fine with him running when warranted, but ***** (sorry mods) can you just slide big guy. I’d rather let him throw or have one of our guys run it in.
  11. Right now it is supposed to be 39 degrees and cloudy, so I just went to the Redskins game and it was 38, but the winds were 20-25 mph. I still can manage the cold even though living in FL, but had to buy a Bills winter hat and Bills gloves. I was fine after that. I should have brought my gloves and hat, and for that matter a scarf. Two layers of thick Sox helped with the sneaks.
  12. Agreed. If NE loses to the Cowboys, and the Chiefs, there is always a chance. The Bills beating the Ravens is another thing. I have very little hope there. If we can at least score the 5th seed in the wildcard we start with the 4th seed division winner. That is probably the Colts or the Chiefs. I know it’s still a long year, but we have a chance. What would be nice is even if the Pats win the division, but the Ravens have the #1 seed everything doesn’t go through Foxborough.
  13. This is a rerun right, as I may be wrong, but I could swear I saw this before. Maybe not. It’s a holiday weekend so should be fun.
  14. Well they are 11th, and we are only 18th against the run. We are better on both categories on offense, and better on pass defense, but not by much.
  15. We just don’t know. It could be something legitimate with his family. He’s not AB. I’m not going to play the what if games as it could be anything. If it is BS, then it will come out.
  16. I could see us at 11 or maybe 10 as a stretch, although I don’t take much stock in power rankings, but never understood why anyone gets upset if we’re not higher. What do we care. The record is what matters. We beat Denver and Dallas which is possible as the Cowboys will be coming off a tough game the previous Sunday so there is a very good chance.
  17. Limeaid, thanks for sharing, and I never fault a group of people who want to capitalize on their fame while they are still in their prime. Good for them.
  18. I wouldn’t be against at least giving Henderson a workout. That illness really hit him hard and he flashed at times. If I remember it was Chrohns, and that is a terrible condition.
  19. As you and the OP made arguments, my response is “a boy can dream”. I’d be extremely happy if we went 11-5 and beat those bastardiges in Foxborough, and still get the 5th seed as a wildcard. Then we face the #4, which will probably come out of the South which is a winnable game and see what happens. If we won that game, we’d get the #2, which probably will be the Ravens, but could be the Chiefs. Most likely the Ravens, and would be a fun game, win or lose.
  20. Thats not exactly accurate b/c although Beane wasn’t officially on the staff, Whaley had nothing to do with trading back, passing on Maholmes, and getting Treh White at 28. Beane you know was consult d by McD the whole way. He moves around sometimes up and sometimes down. It’s easy to play hindsight about guys like Maholmes, Wilson for that matter, and Jackson. I think Josh will grow into a long term franchise QB, and Jackson may work out, or he could end up like Cam, getting slammed for too much rushing. I’m not saying it will happen and yes Allen rushes as well, but he is pretty smart about it, and sliding a lot more this year and also much larger even though athletic than Jackson.
  21. I don’t care if they work him out. It’s just back up if they want him.
  22. Adam, welcome to the AFCE. I hope you’re here for awhile as he sucks.
  23. Guys - if you want to go down that road, ok, but I don’t think about schedules until the season is over, then free agency, then draft and then knowing who we are playing where, and when. It’s just as someone said let’s move onto Denver. 8-3 would be great going to Dallas as they are Jeckyl and Hyde. Then we have a Steelers team we don’t even know which team we get that day. A novel thought is the above mentioned comments should be an off season conversation as it will be extensive. For every team we go to the left coast, they also have to come here. Lets talk about it in March. No disrespect to the OP. I understand you’re concerns. I do.
  24. only a high in the 60's today in tampa. 50 right now. nothing compared to Buffalo, but a welcome change around here. lets hope we see another 140 yard all purpose fame for Singletary, and Allen sees Beasley this time
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