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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Eman, that’s difficult to predict prior to cut down day as we don’t know who is available. I’m sure we are looking at depth from the usual suspects in QB2, MLB, and RT. We just don’t know what’s out there. I think only 1 would get signed at most.
  2. There’s a pretty simple solution. Call into Movin the Chains between 3-7pm on Sirius. Mills is opposite pat kirwan and anyone can ask him directly. See how he responds.
  3. We can always count on GB for a detailed breakdown. Accuracy is always you’re friend. The seasons coming GB. Are you ready? I am.
  4. Or they hit on Benford a 6th RD pick unless you’re looking only at the glass half empty. Elam definitely is not showing and will be CB4.
  5. Pete, I’m not the syntax police, but maybe possibly consider paragraphs and shorter sentences your friend. From my phone I’m the worst so I’m living in that glass house. Your premise though is accurate. I’d hate to be a bubble player for the next 48.
  6. Agreed, and Kyle sucks. I’m not normally negative about our players, but he’s a liability. Thankfully Josh almost never misses a game.
  7. ThNks guys as I respect many of your opinions. I think I’ll clear up business stuff and be able to watch at 1pm tomorrow. Very thoughtful to all. It stinks when you live in Tampa, and am not paying for a preseason to get any info. I rely on you guys.
  8. Nah he just writes in Hebrew. From right to left. 😂 All kidding aside, I wondered why he went from right to left, and then thought about the Hebrew reference. So for the line geeks out there, tell us more on the line play. I’m aware the Bears sucked last year, but supposedly they added a bunch of talent.
  9. Monday through Wednesday will be eventful for sure. I expect we ***** up a couple people who are cut casualties. BesidesIm taking the over on the over/under 3 line the Giants grab 3 Bills and are now Giants.
  10. Thanks Jkeerie as I could only watch the quarter by quarter highlights. It airs Mooshocker tomorrow at 1 pm on NFLN. If I have time, I’m going to catch it. Lastly, it makes sense with McGovern nursing that small injury. I thought McD said it wasn’t a big deal, just giving him extra rest. Ok, anyone have some feedback on Brown today?
  11. You want o hear something funny Spikes. I was bouncing at this club near USF in Tampa in 91. I had just moved to Tampa from Buffalo just a few days before the Bills/Giants SB. So anyway, I’m at Club Trends as a bouncer and bartender. It was my side gig as I was a teacher and in grad school. Back then I was freakishly built as I competed as a Powerlifter on a national level. ‘We were told by our manager everyone regardless of age gets proofed. So I did just that. Suave came in without his shirt of course, just that stupid leather multi colored jacket. What a tool. Anyway, his security starts getting in my face, and I’m not letting this guy in without proof. He had to go to the car and get Rico’s passport, because he barely spoke English. I didn’t care. No ID, no entry. He was still an ars clown. Hey, Eman, I like 4D. I can run with that one. I’ll mention it on NFLR this week as when close to the season I chat once a week with pat kirwan and Jim Miller on MTC. They are the best on NFLR.
  12. I’ll get behind that comment. I’m leaning towards the Bills, not because I’m a homer, but I’m guessing the Jets offense won’t be humming right away, and our defense and offense comes together in this game. The Jets will make every point count. I see a low scoring game where we win 20-17. I wouldn’t be talking down the Bills after that game as the Jets have a punishing defense. Later in the year, even though it will be in OP, I can see an even tougher game at home.
  13. Don’t forget this was in the 4th quarter against Bears players who won’t even make their team. It’s why late in preseason games you see some of these dramatic plays, but it’s not against starters.
  14. ‘I tend to agree with you. I never expected him to start the year, but he’ll most likely go on a pitch count to be safe in the Jags game. The Jags Arent a joke anymore, so we’ll need him. The weakest part of the schedule is the beginning FWIW. We should have no problems with him for the Raiders and Washington. Once he’s placed on pup, he has to miss all 4.
  15. Nah, we just gave it to Oliver. 😭 Sorry, it was an easy shot. The RT and MLB has been talked to death so we’ll find out soon what McD’s going to do.
  16. I was thinking the same. There will be certain teams we want more press man coverage and that is his strength. Benford was made for more zone backing u- Dane. Dane’s going to get the starting job.
  17. Slow your roll their Cochise. Just like the sky wasn’t falling last week, this week, we’re not a lock for the SB. It’s a long year, and yes, they looked sharp today. Ive been cautiously optimistic about this 2023 team stronger than 2022, but again we haven’t played a snap.
  18. For me, once a guy’s drafted, it can’t be a consideration as to playing time. I watched the highlights on you tube and to their credit, each quarter was 8-10 minutes so didn’t miss much of the game. There are injuries every year and we need 4 quality CB’s. It’s just instead of #2 as projected from the draft, he’s #4. It’s certainly a disappointment for a 1st pick, but the idea was good. I think McBeane is going to keep him. On a separate note, I liked what I saw from Benford.
  19. This team doesn’t need more leaders, and players criticizing other players isn’t leadership. Demonstrating an introspective desire for perfection and discipline shows leadership. Letting your teammates know I won’t personally allow any sloppiness from myself. I’m going to keep working on each basic skill until I master one. That’s leadership. Not tolerating mediocrity and surrounding yourself with like minded others is infectious with groups in the team until you don’t want to not be on the bus. McD has flipped a horrible culture for 17 years of crap. It seems some here have a short memory. I’m 55 and I remember what it’s like when it really sucks. We just finished 13-3. Do you know how ridiculous this sounds to Houston fans as an example? That’s a lack of leadership. Las Vegas, AZ, and even Dallas. That’s a lack of leadership. Players want to come to Buffalo.
  20. Seven, im not banging on you, but like the guys on Movin the Chains say to callers, add this guy or this contract. Were it coming from? think about it bud. If you are critical and say we need 7, ok. Where’s it coming from and of not cost implications fine. Guys on the board provide wish lists but they don’t provide opportunity costs to put in business terms. I do the same with the draft. Just use the JJ famous draft cost board and when guys propose a draft move up or down I always ask why. As maybe you I’ve been very successful in business for a long time. we all need to think through “we need 7”. Ok, which offensive unto loses a slot. once you have time to digest what you think is the 53, what’s the exchange? What’s the cost of there is one? another example. Guys say, get Jonathan Taylor! Ok. What player or draft picks are you giving up, is it a requisite value, whee are you getting the $ to pay him, does he fit into the scheme we are trying to employ? I just wish guys would provide real cogent and complete answers that are .logical as I think a lot of the guys on the board are opening to new ideas. this reply, you never answered the questions. I know the concerns and respect that POV. I do, but answer the question. Take away an o linemen when we already basically lost one to retirement and another to a season ending injury. Do you want to go to 2 QB’s? 3RB’s given one will be Gilliam as this team values him. What about that gamble. Again who? Defense. ThTs another litany of questions. Do you see where I’m going with this train of thought. I would accept we are taking 6 and think through who you think meets all our needs. That includes backup ability and ST play. Not just WR. WR 5 and 6 almost never make the field so I’m pragmatic. Shorter can be a ST gunner. Maybe red zone later. isabella could fill in for Harty we think if we’re as he was managed on a train wreck at AZ. Nothing is in question on the front four. we’re going with Diggs, Davis, Sherfield, and Harty. If you want Shakir, even though a kid round 5th round pick has done nothing and picked almost the exact same spot as shorter, then who doesn’t get a musical chair on Offense? I swear I’m not antagonizing. Maybe you think we can just get by with DK2 at TE even though the team wants a 12 personnel do cut Morris. Ok, but unlikely. O Line. They have historically been hurt and we almost always like the league keep 9, but who and why? I hope my tone comes across the right way. It’s not to bust your chops at all. Just finish. Add something, take something away. What?
  21. Where do you take it from? Add that to your comment. Tell me where you provide more scarcity at another position group on offense as you’re not going to take from the defense. Youre comment is only half the full comment.
  22. No, because a perfect backup is a capable guy who is polished, experienced, can give you 2 & 2 in a 4 game stretch. Your third is a later round developmental guy who needs work. That’s what he is at the end of the day. You don’t trade for a 3rd place project. You just don’t. If you see a guy in the 5th rd next year in the draft who has saw talent you can develop over 4 years, you do it. Youre second is like a Trubisky guy, or Keenum, or Bridgewater. Bridgett and so on. The 2nd string guy doesn’t have to have a style like Josh because there is only one of him. So a pocket guy is fine for a couple of games. Someone who makes good decisions. I was a little disappointed Fitzy last year didn’t want to finish with us to hang out for the year. When we are blowing out teams, he’d get a standing ovasion for mop up duty. He’s moved on and good for him as he’s done a nice job on Prime.
  23. Besides the first series I can see Briwn getting extensive line play along with Torrence, and the other three rest. I wouldn’t have Knox last more than a series, but longer for Kincaid. I think they go longer than a series for Sherfield, and Harty, and Isabella all game. Cook and Murray can go a couple of rounds, then just let the guys who will be PS for the rest. The only guys on defense who should play past the first series are all these MLB guys competing for the starting job. Just my perspective.
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