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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. I have showtime, and it makes me sick every time I see that crappy special on his life as they play it all the time. I refuse to watch one minute of it.
  2. Well, it’s supposed to be a deep WR draft so we have more than enough time to get into that after free agency.
  3. Well to the fanatics, cry or get angry and drink you’re beer, and wake up tomorrow and have fun with whatever you guys have on TV tomorrow. Down here, the Cowboys/Eagles game is showcased at 4 pm. A loss sucks when we thought we were close but as Belicheat always says, it’s onto the Jets.
  4. You received more detailed answers above, but the bottom line is if KC beats the Bears tomorrow, it’s almost a lock we’re playing the Texans. Besides if Southwest flies to both, there is no penalty for flipping flights. Even if another is direct, and SW may have a stop, that would be the safest bet, plus you get check two bags for free with SW. I just checked for a fellow TBD guy, and to both cities, each as 1 stop to either city, but just to warn you the flights are not cheap. Higher than I normally see for SW. I hope that helps.
  5. Phil, you make good points, mine only is we had the best chance in 20 years of beating Brady in Foxborough. I do hope we don’t rest anyone healthy. I understand Morse, or anyone else with an injury we don’t know about yet like a hamstring, etc. We should be focused and I can only imagine McD is thinking we need to go into the Wildcard weekend with momentum and would be nice to have the best record in 20-25 years.
  6. It seemed like we ran on 1st almost all day. I don’t have the stats, but just a thought. I know we wanted and needed to have a good run game today, but don’t have to be predictable.
  7. I refuse to listen to that afternoon show. I would much rather listen to movin the chains on NFLR from 3-7pm when I’m available.
  8. Sherman I know you meant no harm and you are new to the board, but the mods do not like posters wishing injury on opposing players. FWIW, I want to beat the pants off the Pats withBrady and everyone else from their team on the field. No excuses on Monday morning shows. We just flat out won. Whether the Bills are still the 5th seed, I want us to finish 12-4 as there is no denying we are a legitimate playoff team.
  9. I love the history. Probably half of this board is before their time, and that’s ok. The 60’s were before me, and my first memory at 3 was was OJ’s 2013 yards in 14 games in the 70’s. He’s a rotten person, but did what no other person has ever done. 2000+ yards in 14 games. Not AP, Dickerson, or anyone else.
  10. Not that it matters as Phillips will be much happier with an extension, winning the last two games, and winning at least one of them in the playoffs. With that said, whoever makes it to the SB, will miss the PB, so more players will get in as an alternate. For me, I’d like to see JP, and Edmunds given the nod.
  11. It’s likely Marrone, and even the GM could be gone as well in two weeks.
  12. I love Schein even if he is dramatic at times. I hated when he left NFLR for one of the other Sirius sports shows. Go Bills!
  13. With them beating the Titans, it’s likely to be the Texans. They have a better offense, than the Titans, but a terrible defense.
  14. Motor works for me. On a side note, McD should make him go everywhere with the football, even to sleep. Can’t afford the fumbles this week.
  15. Could he do some things better, yes, but there was an article how he was the unsung hero against Lamar Jackson, keeping him from rolling out by setting the edge. It’s the reason Lamar kept going back into the pocket so he’s not doing everything wrong. I don’t know many teams that have two Treh White’s on a team.
  16. I’ve never been so hopeful we beat the Pats. We’ll see.
  17. Everyone knows we need a true #1 WR. I believe we’ll buy one in free agency or draft one which is more of a chance as you just don’t know vs. a proven commodity. We could have one that game. Our defense was amazing. Let’s hope we run the rock hard on Pitt tonight using no huddle. Get those bastards tired. Sorry mods. Billieve. We can win this game, and it will be epic next Saturday if that happens.
  18. Regardless, I want to run the table and prov through wins we belong in the dance. We haven’t seen 12-4 since the Kelly days. We only take the division if this happens and the Pats have to lose two of the next three. One of the time breakers is who did better against common opponents. Well in the NFCE, they were 4-0, and we were 3-1. No one probably thought how important in retrospect including me the loss to Philly was as important as the others.
  19. Hapless, thanks for sharing as it’s not the $, but on principle won’t pay just to read Bills stories. Rochester, Toronto, and Syracuse papers, don’t require it. Funny as my dad work as an exec in advertising for them for 44 years. His only job except for his bout in the Korean War. It was my college job too. Appreciate you sharing.
  20. As far as Marty, I’ve never seen such a bonehead move by Mgmt and ownership than to fire a 13-3 coach. Norv was a big step backward.
  21. That’s the least of their worries. The Feds don’t make arrests unless they have overwhelming evidence against the parties named. If convicted which is likely, they will be in Federal prison for a long long time.
  22. Several of you probably don’t remember him as he was not that big of a Star in San Diego, or Tampa, but once he left the NFL, the same thing occurred for Michael Bennett. I knew him very well as he was my direct neighbor for two years. He squandered his money though, and like others went from wealthy to broke and did the same Medicare fraud for DME products. The Feds don’t play around when it’s Medicare fraud.
  23. I know it might be popular to pick up the 5th round option with White, but that is kicking the can down the road, vs. giving him a contract. It will just go up t(e following year. Ive said it before, but we need as many contracts of our better talented players while we still have a QB on a rookie deal.
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