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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. As far as the Titans game, the Pats have a great defense, but Henry will plow over people and wear them down. Besides the Titans will be on the field longer keeping Brady on the bench. I’m not a betting person, if I was, I would pick the Titans especially however many points they get from Vegas.
  2. Process, you are absolutely right in their draft pics, but by giving away their Tackle, etc. They have a lot of players to replace so I respectfully disagree (I know you make very good takes) as when you have approximately $108 mil, and have to spend 88% of their cap although can maneuver it. My point simply is they are going to plug a couple of holes in free agency. Not a spending spree, but strategically plugging a couple of holes.
  3. As far as Marrone, we did have to suffer with Rex for two years, but now we have one of the best tandems in the league in McD and Beane, but as far as Marrone’s coaching skills, they leave a lot to be desired. Khan will get sick of him either now or next year.
  4. Tickets are at a decent price. I wish I could go, but have a work conflict. I’ll have to settle on the Bills Backers Bar in Brandon. Cheer loudly.
  5. I forgot one last thing, the Dolphins will have $98 mil next year and given the history, everyone will increase by $10 mil. That is a lot of $ to extend contracts and strategically get some decent free agents.
  6. I see the Dolphins rebuilding, but could be ascending if they draft well. As long as Gase is the coach, the Jets will suck.
  7. I've heard the same on Movin the Chains. They were banging that drum for two years. They believe the league can make more $ for them and the players by a 17 game season, less pre-season games, and one more wildcard team. They proved over the last six years the 7th seed would still have winning record. Yep, they did say dressing all 53 makes sense and I agree with all of their points. The solution for the 17th game would be played at a neutral site to increase NFL interest in either othe markets in the US, and OUS. This way every team still gets 8 home games. I know I hate when we have to play one of our home games in London.
  8. I remember the Buffalo News cover the next day with this pic, stating "End of an Era".
  9. Can you imagine having you're birthday on New Years Eve. Those were some drunk college days as there season is over by then unless playing in the Outback Bowl tomorrow.
  10. Chan will run the spread, but he will get the most of the running game as well. He’s a solid OC, just not a HC. The Dolphins are still in a rebuild so not worried, and as long as Gase stays at the Jets, we’re likely for four wins. We’ll need it playing the AFC and NFC West. Seattle, SF, LA Rams, KC, will be tough wins, but if we make the playoffs again as well the Patriots twice, we are a legit playoff team.
  11. Good question. We resign like the Eagles do players we want earlier as the price always goes up, such as Lawson, Milano, White, any of the decent O-Lineman who either not under contract, or only have one more year. Then we have a better handle on what we want to do with our investments and save some for the following year, and the year after as Allen will cost money in a couple of years when he’s ready. I don’t know who to go after as we don’t have a clue who will really be available or will be tagged and do we want to trade away top draft picks, or do what Beane has done in the past and bundle picks to move up to get better quality. We have 9 picks. If we end up with 7 potentially solid guys, that would be awesome. I’m not against a high priced free agent if available if has a healthy history, younger in their career, and has runway with us. I could be one of those positions, or it could be in another spot.
  12. Because if the Hawks win, Brees and NO get first round bye and their first game at least is in their house. That’s all.
  13. Well I know the topic is starting about Lynch, but as far as the game, I’d love to see the Hawks win, as I love Brees. He and NO could have beat the Pats last year. More experienced coach, smarter QB, and lots of talent. They were jobbed last year. On a separate note, this is driving me nuts why the NFL doesn’t just announce the games next week so we just know already.
  14. The combo against running teams with Murphy and Lawson vs. Hughes worked better than the rotation of Murphy/Lawson, and Hughes. Hughes is making quite a bit for someone not performing like he used to do. They probably keep Hughes as they take a hit financially, and WR, and DE, are two of the highest paid positions in free agency or trades. It‘s much more likely we draft both positions as well as drafting a hammer for a RB, and I think TE opposite Knox, and cut Kroft.
  15. I wish more of the owners would just have the conversation and get it over so we wake up tomorrow morning and have all the coaches done. Every owner if they wanted would contact the coach tonight when away teams get home, and just let these guys start looking for next gigs.
  16. Wel, it was reported as you probably know Winston is getting tagged, but I’m not so sure. The analysts down here think the Glazers do a 180 on him. Arians and Bowles are completely safe. Licht has history with Arians at Arizona, and both have four year contracts. The Glazers won’t pull the plug on Mgmt or coaching. I wish we would give Winston the boot as he hasn’t improved at all in five years. The fans are so sick of him. I know there is a lot of sentiment they move up in the draft and find their next QB.
  17. I don’t know about Pittsburgh, NYG, as not normally their MO, and I would fire Kitchens, but doesn’t mean he will get fired. As far as Rivera, would you want to coach the Cowboys, vs. the Jags who have defensive talent, and if the Browns do fire Kitchens, Rivera is the type of leader to corral those personalities. I seriously doubt Rivera takes that Redskins job for similar reasons as Dallas. Who wants to work for those owners.
  18. Well, another fine for this guy coming tomorrow. Can’t go ref bowling.
  19. Right to replace Foster he’s only the fourth WR to sometimes situationally the third. Depends what the Bills are trying to do with McKenzie, vs. Williams. If you mean ever, ok, I get you’re point. Oh, and these Duke threads in so many different ways is getting a bit much so not going to reply anymore. Try and do my part. I can’t wait to find out when we play next week. The WGR guys keep saying it’s most likely the first game on Saturday.
  20. Well hopefully he goes out in a blaze of glory in the playoffs. He’s going to be missed. Maybe WGR can find a spot for him. Anytime Schoop is not on the radio and it was him even one day a week, would be the day I listen to that show.
  21. Do you remember that wildcard weekend where the Ravens demolished the Pats in the first half, and were just beating up Brady.
  22. You make good points, and additionally the Chiefs have been holding opponents in the last several games to low point totals, so their defense is much better now than in the beginning of their season. Neither team is an easier path. As much as I want us to win in Houston, if so, it is hard for me to wrap my arms around beating either team. It would be fun to watch the Titans ram it down the Pats throat, and they do have a solid defense.
  23. Just so funny the Pats fan who said they couldn’t believe the Pats have to play on wildcard weekend like the Plebes.
  24. Scott, in the Duke thread, one of the posters mentioned in one of his pressers, Daboll stated I coach whoever McD activates. He may have input, but McD make the final decisions on activations which makes sense. As far as Daboll’s play calling, there are some valid points on Daboll.
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