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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. I’m betting they give Brady a two year contract, but he has to as he has in the past take a good deal for him, but also the team, with the promise they will draft a TE and WR. Oh and BB retires when Brady retires.
  2. In my role as a Medical Device Regional Manager and Director, which are multiple six figure jobs for the reps, the directive for the last 12 years from two companies was you have to reach out to diversity recruiters and make a very serious effort to recruit diversity candidates, which includes in my business women, people of minority ethnicities and race, but the directive was also hire the best person. This is the right directive. As an aside I had the second most diversity employees on my teams ranging from African American, Latino or Latina, women, and so on including multiple gay persons because I could care less about people’s etHnicity, race, gender, religion, or any thing else. I want the #1 person for the job and happy to extend my search to make sure I’m thorough. My employees who were highly successful from people of color never wanted a job because of their diversity. They wanted to be hired because they were the best, period. I believe in that philosophy. I believe owners and GM’s should make every effort to find the best effort including all diversity and non-diversity candidates, but when you’re sales is on the line in a highly skillful position, you only hire the best person, but never should be influenced by people’s diverse areas as mentioned above. I just simply don’t care. I just want the best person that can win. That’s all.
  3. Some of the stupid negative comments are ridiculous. He and Sean took complete accountability for the loss and the season, and had us out of cap he’ll last year, found a ton of good role players and draft pics, and we won 10 games only b/c the last one didn’t matter or would have been 11-5. For you negative people, go root for another team. This the best leadership we’ve had from top to bottom in 25 years. I believe in these guys and we have the collateral to make a serious push next year. I know the loss hurt. I’ve heard all of the criticisms of execution and coaching, but it still went to OT. We’re going to make a push for the division next year. Not saying we get it, but I’m more confident than ever this leadership will get us home. How do you think NO fans feel this week with that super talented team, and robbed basically three years in a row? We’re not at NO level yet, but even they lost in wildcard round. Thank you to the OP as whil working I listened to large portion of one bills drive today and felt good about these conferences and interviews. I’m glad he was upset and emotional. It means he cares tremendously to the dumb buts out there. What you’ve never been emotional. Are you a robot? Lastly, I don’t care to those who were super negative if I pissed you off. Just proves you have emotions too.
  4. Understood. Same for me. It was fun when we went in the past. It’s been several years though, but made it to Buffalo for two games this year. GT.
  5. BTW - I’m in Tampa, so if interested next year, I have some Bills Backers at the best one in Tampa probably heading to the Miami game in Miami if interested. Short drive for both of us, and South Beach and Brickel is a blast Friday and Saturday night.
  6. Steelers are in decline, most of you’re pics I agree, but the Browns until we see who is the next coach is a ?
  7. MAJ - I appreciate you’re trying to provide us more info especially the draft class, but it’s impossible as I think you said in a later post to predict who is truly available in free agency yet. We just have to wait and see. When day 1 in free agency comes, this will be a great time for all of you learned TBDers to post this type of list for all of our needed upgrades. I welcome it and MAJ, I know you’re heart and efforts were in the right place, so thank you.
  8. I don’t think the OP is ridiculous, but do agree Allen players poorly in Q4 and OT. Brady is definitely on the decline, and not because I hate the guy, but he should hang it up. He’s had a great career, and more SB wins than any other QB. He has nothing left to prove. If he was smart, he would left last year when he won the SB like Elway on his second win. Allen has a lot to learn about not playing hero ball. He improved a lot this year, but regressed when the pressure was on in this game. We should have won that game. Granted we could have never beaten the Chiefs and neither will Houston. Maybe they have a chance if Fuller is completely healthy, but they still have a crappy defense.
  9. Alpha, agree with you, but neither of these QB’s had excellent defenses most of these years. I still don’t believe in the GB defense, and it’s only recently NO has a top flight defense since their SB year. I was shocked they didn’t make it these last three years. There was that MN miracle then a famous no call, and even yesterday a game winning no call. MN deserves to advance as they were running at NO like I haven’t seen other teams do except maybe the 49ers. On thes other points from the OP, well said and we can’t blow up a team every couple of years in Buffalo. It’s still raw for everyone, but they have made the playoffs 2 of 3 years, and will be stronger next year. We’ll get there. I’m finally over the depression yesterday and it’s just let’s move on and let it go.
  10. Agree with most, but another pass catching TE to round out the unit, drop Kroft and Smith, and we’re good. I believe Knox if he’s smart will work all off season on a jugs machine and even travel to meet Allen and get lots of practice on their own time.
  11. Hapless, nice post. I couldn’t agree more with all of his points and I’m sure he was just focused on QB’s, and although stated to death the choice for only 3 running plays in OT, and the lack of running by Singletary in Q4 upsets me. Not to the level that I want him fired or or get the Cleveland job, but he needs to stop getting too cute.
  12. I don’t see him getting another chance. He’s fine as our DC as long as McD is supervising him. Remember last year when McD took over for one game as he lost confidence temporarily for Frazier.
  13. My add is Spain,and very likely Sweeney is brought back, but will grab another pass catching one this Spring.
  14. ND - agreed and can only do so much in one year. This year’s free agency and draft will give you you’re wish. Outside of extending contracts, we’ll be strategic in free agency, not take injury prone 32 yr old WR, but younger ascending talent, and grab some serious talent in the draft. Allen still needs a lot of work in the following areas; stop playing hero ball, greater ability to read coverages and scan the field faster, more of the great throws we’ve seen this year. He’s a keeper, and yes he’ll have all the toys he needs come the end of April. My one regret is we didn’t grab Kareem Hunt when available vs. Cleveland. He would have been a great addition and counter to Devin.
  15. It’s usually today or at latest tomorrow. Not sure. Let us know if you find out.
  16. Perfect. Thanks buddy, and welcome to the club. I see you’re a little new to the board and always try and welcome new posters. We can always use more intelligent posts from people like you from this one.
  17. BB, Kubler Ross, the five stages of grief. Most of you probably know it. I’m with you though big guy. Given how much iron you push around, just think about how much you’re going to bench, squat and deadlift this week. I bet you have you’re best week for the last two months. Right there. The gym was very productive this morning after church.
  18. Chaos, I appreciate the post, but small constructive feedback, make sure when you put a chart up, get it on you’re laptop, enlarge it, so we can read it. It’s a complete blur. I’m sure I can surmise what it says, but would love to see it. With that said, I really do appreciate the post sincerely.
  19. Loyal, correct. Is it just me or is Allen holding onto the ball too long. Part of that can be fixed with more weapons, but part is decisiveness, and throwing to the right guy. I love Josh, but he has to take another step forward this off season. I a,ready read his locker room interview about getting out to Palmer’s QB clinic. I just hope he takes 10-14 days off to decompress and self reflect on his development, then get it. None of us probably even take all of our three or four weeks vacation. I know it’s a good year when I take the full two weeks, as I’m in Medical Device sales and Mgmt, and it’s kind of like athletics in that too much time off and you get behind.
  20. Reed HOF, first fantastic post, and appreciated both Joe B’s comments liked a lot you’re editorial. I can’t disagree with not one point you and he made regarding yesterday. Lastly, I’ll just say Gore is a HOF, but can’t come back. Just take a page from Lorax, you’ve already cemented the HOF, probably first ballot, and retire. I will keep repeating myself in we need a hammer like Carson in Seattle, or Henry although I know they are special players. It must be the worst kept secret we’re going to grab a 1st rd WR, and may even move up to get the best one, and I debated this at the Bills Backers Bar here in Brandon, FL we can purge Smith, and Kroft, keep Sweeney, develop Knox, and get another top flight TE. Look what Baltimore is doing in 13 personnel (for any casual fans not most of us that means 1 RB and 3 TE sets with the rest as WR so that would be 1 WR, or at least 12 personnel. I’m in awe of what Harbaugh has done with this offense in Baltimore. Talk about getting the most out of you’re players, and creating personnel and scheme to revolve around you’re team’s strengths. I think that’s why people get so pissed at Daboll and really McD.
  21. Happy Days, well said. If he’s eligible, Foster should go to the practice squad or cut him as you know we’re picking a WR high in the draft. I like Williams although not obsessed like some on this board with him either way. Beasley should yes, be a higher target though. Someone said he has bad hands, and that is not true. He’s had bad throws to him by Allen and that is just Allen growing as a QB. He’s also made some incredible throws. As for now until after the draft, the order should be Brown and Beasley, and situationally McKenzie will be third and sometimes Williams will be #3. They have different skill sets for different situations. Once again we draft hopefully a true game changing #1 WR then I d rather have McKenzie fielding kick offs and punts over Roberts because he can do both. I Roberts did a very good job, but the room will be crowded after April, and this supposedly will be one of the deepest WR drafts over the last 5 years. I know I’m getting off book, but now that it’s over might as well start talking about the draft and free agency. If we bundle picks, move up if there is a trade available, then we might be able to get the top WR, and will really add to this offense. Again, nice take Happy Days. (Besides I like you’re avatar that movie was hilarious).
  22. Agreed, and in additIon offer contracts early to Milano, and White. Then we’ll have a handle on how much to invest in free agency vs. holding some back as Allen’s contract is coming up unless they place the 5th year option on him, and to me you only do that if you still have any question whether he is the future.
  23. Twist, thanks for the link. To me it is important to put it in perspective. We blew a 16 point lead, led the game for three quarters, and just couldn’t finish. Allen will continue to progress and Sal had it right, we took the lead b/c Daboll was aggressive in plycalling then coached not to lose. Fatal error. We still need weapons. With our $90 mil before it goes up in a month to probably $100 mil., we need to give contracts to J Phillips, Milano, White, Lawson, and let Hughes finish up this year as one more year on his contract. Between the 9 picks in the draft and free agency after we extend these guys (Philly mentality to sign them a little early as the price will only go up in time), but we need a Gore and Alexander replacement, especially a hammer for a running back like a Henry or Carson, not easy to find, but we can do it. 1st round has to be a bundled pick as we can finish with 6-7 picks and move up to the best Wr in a deep class in the draft in the mold of a Julio Jones, another athletic pass catching TE, and I’m not clear in which of the starting O Lineman we’re under prove it contracts. The longer they gel together, the better they will be. Nsekhe should have been when healthy been our RT tackle vs. Ford. He wasn’t ready yet. We have Harrison Phillips coming back, which is a big positive in the run game. After that is it is just plugging depth holes. We can do it, and if we won in NE, we would have played our starters against the Jets, and would have won bringing us to 12 wins. All of this the sky is falling mentality from some is just an overreaction to a heartbreaker when we should have won. I hate it too, but we weren’t ready for KC as the Titans are taking on the Ravens. That actually could be a fun match up. I see the Texans getting crushed by the Chiefs and the two everyone expects will play in the championship most like Baltimore and KC, but I wouldn’t count TN out. They could pull the upset.
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