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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. I didn’t know the Pegulas adopted I think two of their children. Makes me like them even more as we adopted my third child.
  2. Hapless, Chandler, Yolo, whoever, I hope of you or someone else starts the Ravens Titans thread. I was actually looking forwa4d to this one more than this game. Good chatting guys. Time to watch the Friday night latest Blue Bloods episode. Love that show.
  3. SF scores again and I’m putting a recorded show on as I have the second game on record as well, and actually is cool as you can skip through a lot of these commercials.
  4. What the hell is Collinsworth talking about comparing SF players to the WWE.
  5. Putin. I’m kind of rooting for Seattle. It’s not that I dislike Green Bay, but I like Wilson, and the Seattle team overall, now that the mouths are gone, especially Sherman. I hate that mouth, and hate that he had a pick today. He’s such a tool.
  6. I don’t know if anyone checked the weather, but both games tomorrow could be snow games. Seattle is used to rain, but does Green Bay have a slight advantage as KC definitely will. They rarely play in snow.
  7. Agreed on Collinsworth, but on Michaels. I like him as he plays a solid straight man all the way back to MNF.
  8. Man, what fun would it be for our offense be as complete as SF and agreed Allen would thrive in this offense.
  9. This is a much better game than I expected for the first half. I was hoping we would have four close games this weekend so makes it fun.
  10. My only wish is he does come back for two years and we beat the Pats all four times, and if they make to the playoffs as a wildcard, because we won the division both years, then I hope we beat them two years straight on wildcard weekend. Now that would be awesome. Then the Boston Globe writes what the Buffalo News wrote years ago when Kelly went off on the cart from a conclusion “THE END OF AN ERA”, and BB retires as he ends as a loser in his last two years as he hits 70. Now if I’m really fantasizing, I’d want in those two years we win back to back SB’s, and I tell my Pats fans friends, you’re toast like all of those years in the 80’s and 90’s.
  11. I’m not rooting for either team, but if making a bet, I go with the 49ers.
  12. Rc, I don’t have a strong opinion about rooting for any team, but it would be fun to see the Titans take down the Ravens. The Ravens have won two already and only been around twenty years. I most likely will root for the AFC team whoever gets to the SB. I hate these people I know that keep telling me the NFC is the superior conference. The AFC has won 26 SB’s against the NFC’s 27. Therefore, if the AFC team wins, we’ll be even against the NFC.
  13. You have to love those outfits of Mark Davis, not. For someone pretty rich, you’d think he could take a stroll to Nordstroms.
  14. I’m happy for her and the Pegulas. I’m assuming she’s one of the daughters. What a cool family. I really like the Pegulas not just because they kept the team in Buffalo, but the sincere interest in revitalizing Buffalo for both teams. My sister works for the Sabres for years and she said they are awesome to work for and Kim has invited her into the Bills suite each year for a game. my sister told me Kim is the most down to earth, easy person to talk with in social situations. Lastly, I love how they approach their ownership. They are involved, but are smart in they let the football people take care of football decisions. I know they blew it Wrex, but they learned a good lesson, and we now have Mgmt, scouting, and coaching to a group of guys who should be here for a very long time.
  15. Now that’s funny. I bet the Pegulas would pay for it if they could. I like the idea though. Now Ford can pay them in pennies. In all seriousness, this really does suck for Ford, and he didn’t deserve it, just like it was very iffy that was actually a penalty.
  16. Kirby, you literally took the words out of my mouth with the draft piece, although not sure on the WR trade. You might be right. This was a great interview I missed yesterday, so thanks Zevo.
  17. I didn’t vote as we have several needs and difficult to ascertain which is the most important. I respectfully disagree on the O Line as they gave him over three seconds on most plays. Ford needs to improve, but most lineman take a couple of years to develop. For me, we do need a play making WR like a Julio Jones, a DE, battering ram RB to compliment Singletary, and a replacement for Alexander. Between extending the right players, between free agency and the draft, all of these needs can be addressed and still hold back a little each year as Allen’s contract will be substantial in two to three years, if he ends up being the guy. Oh, and I like Allen, but want to see him improve with each year to pay him that large contract.
  18. How about neither. I’ll never root for Brady even on another team, and it will be snow in hell before I root for the Patriots. NEVER!
  19. He’ll learn to improve in time. I never thought was good at pass pro either. Don’t forget they often have DiMarco out there with Singletary and can block well. Lastly, it’s almost assured we’re looking for Gore replacement this off season and will want a guy like Carson or Henry. I know Arizona is open to a trade for Johnson and he is a bruiser as well.
  20. As good as the Titans played last week, they might have a shot at the Ravens, but there is no way the Chiefs lose. Then again I thought the Saints were going to win.
  21. agreed on most, but an additional TE who is a pass catcher, and the Rb needs to be in tha same as Carson or Henry. We need a young battering ram. Not as concerned about the backup QB. Barkley is not a starter, but solid and should return. We put these kind of weapons on offense and dense, and we will take the next step. Enough on the Allen firing. Big Ben and Brady didn’t come into their stride til year three. They had fantastic defenses.
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