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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. He’ll most likely play out his contract as a back up at least for the upcoming year, and maybe they give him a shot again in 2021. He’s not worth anything on a trade, and Miami will probably also pick a QB with their first pick. They have so many holes to replace in what they gave away, that they are far behind us in a rebuild.
  2. As I said with Ford, so glad these guys did this immediately, and now we will see what these two monsters will do completely healthy next year, Shoulders typically have a high cure rate, but are painful in their rehab. These guys as well as they did play, must have been pushing through an amazing amount of pain each week.
  3. Exactly Augie. Josh and the team need continuity to continue their ascension. I know a lot of you don’t like him, but has done a lot right, and McD has paid attention to the tape and behind closed doors probably explained how he wants to see things change in play calling in certain situations. Defensive coaches watch tape on opposing offenses obviously so know what works and what does not. It will be good for Josh to have the same coordinator for multiple years. My opinion is the Bills made the right call, and for all we know, Daboll asked Beane to decline it to save face as he wanted to be a Bill. He also might have the request as leverage to gain a larger income. None of us know from the inside what went on in this decision. I’m just spit balling, but there are a lot of variables that we will never know.
  4. The funny thing is some of us can afford to go to the game, but have no interest. I’d much rather go to the Ralph for any game I’m traveling for the Bills.
  5. I’m not watching this at all. On my ex-wife’s side who I am still friends, two people who were sexually abused and two of the older generation brutally physically and mentally abused, and they chose to be good people in their lives and are or were very religious and kind human beings. There is no excuse for a multiple murderer. What about those families and how they feel after their child sibling or children feel knowing the person so close to them was killed in cold blood. I don’t need to know anymore. Someone brutally rapes and murders you’re wife or children, ok I have some mercy. I couldn’t fathom that kind of pain. But his story is not that.
  6. I wouldn’t be overly worried about it. It’s January and he didn’t wait like some. Most likely fine for OTA’s and no doubt he’ll be ready for training camp. Just depends on how hard he works on rehab like Watt who came back early because he is so determined.
  7. Usually though it’s not the flu, but a reaction from the shot, and may feel like they had it when they didn’t.
  8. Thanks for the info. RW is awesome, and his team has evolved over time. I believe JA will get there with more weapons and protection and continuing that development of our own Legion of Boom. If I were pressed to pick, I’d pick RW, or Mahomes over Josh which is not a negative on Josh, but how exceptional those two QBS are and we could have had them,. Water under the bridge as we don’t.
  9. Unfortunately, I don’t know many of those players as they were way before most us time, but Sabol is great and well deserved. He and his dad did so much for this league.
  10. I’m so sorry for that little guy, and even more for his family who has to suffer such a loss. Most people don’t realize quite a number or die from the flu each year especially the elderly, pregnant moms, and children. Outside of the fact that I have to do it working in medicine, I have always made a point to get a flu shot, and for the most part it works. No guarantee, but I haven’t had the flu in well over a decade. Again, I’m very sorry for their loss. Allen did the high character thing with that jersey.
  11. This is the first time maybe some of you are right we could convince him out of it after listening to the tape. Most of the time the messaging on Megatron, trading for Rodgers, etc. is absurd, but maybe, just maybe, there is a chance. Especially if he gets the whole off season and even half of training camp to just rest and heal. I believe if he would ever come back, it would be for our guys.
  12. Well, the disciplinary committee has disciplined players even when they were not prosecuted. You know the deal, the NFL does it’s own independent investigation. I’m not saying he will get disciplined, but it’s possible. You can bet he’ll be tested a lot.
  13. Corkscrew, good article. My guess is they will give him his four years of his rookie contract, and even a 5th year option to make absolutely sure he is our franchise QB.
  14. I’m guessing SF vs. KC. I don’t see the Packers beating the 49ers. I know the Titans are hot, but that performance by KC this weekend, it may be close, but I would take them over TN. That game though will be close. watching SF, and KC, I wouldn’t even make a prediction as they are both stacked.
  15. Agreed Mark on the second part. I don’t know what they are thinking for a third pick whether in free agency or the draft. Very rarely does a top flight TE come available in FA.
  16. Or, it’s an exit plan where Brady wrap things up over the next two years, and McDaniels with a wink and a nod gets the Pats HC job. He gets a pretty good team as they will add to their talent and BB will prep him as he doesn’t want to see the Pats go down. Brady would be 44 and BB would be 70.
  17. KC has been allowing almost no points the last several games. No one will argue with the potency of their offense, and Mahomes is not Jackson. He is a legit franchise QB. I think SF will get to the SB, but GB and Seattle is going to be a fight tonight.
  18. We’ve discussed this at length. Nothing more to say other than yes we need a battering ram to compliment Singletary. Mods please end this thread. Not upset, but we’ve talked this topic to death.
  19. That will never happen, but he is awesome. There is no way Arians is giving up a weapon like that. I’ve been watching him for years as I live here. Basically two TV’s. The larger one is for the Bills, and the smaller was the Bucs.
  20. I misread then the summary. I know she was adopted but thought the way the summary came across they adopted as well. Funny, as I know she is adopted from South Korea, and my daughter is adopted from Southern China. My little Mulan. She loves when I call her that from Disney.
  21. we need a guy like this maybe not that good, but think about that 1-2 punch with Singletary. Wow! I think it’s hard to find a gem like him.
  22. Wasn’t Maholmes hurt or coming back during that game. I honestly can’t remember. Too busy watching the game to look it up.
  23. I want to see the Ravens play the Chiefs,as well as the 49ers vs. Seattle. Two good match ups. I just don’t buy the Packers pass defense.
  24. I didn’t know the Pegulas adopted I think two of their children. Makes me like them even more as we adopted my third child.
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