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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. It’s not a burning issue for me, but making it to 7 NFC and AFC championship games is impressive. With that said, if his team wins next week, and even again as good as the team may be, he cements it.
  2. If Marino and Kelly who never won a championship, and Warner won 1 and lost 2, and also had a bad record for several years, then Eli should eventually get in the HOF. I’m just glad he beat the Pats twice.
  3. Well, now that the Bills are on the map, they’ll probably get a couple. I’m sure I’m in the minority, but I love 1 pm games. It’s early enough you can sandwhich the game between lunch and dinner with the family, and for those like me who get up at 5 am, I hate night games. The only advantage is they are nationally televised. 4 pm games are fine to me, but that’s just one man’s opinion.
  4. Well I’ve not read anything, but if McD thought it would help, I’m sure he would use it. The issue is he can’t really tell Allen or anyone what tool to us The only way any are using this tool is if was given during the season, or they looked for it on their own.
  5. you’re correct, but I would just add if we kept running the ball down their throat and not been stubborn between Levy, Marchibroda, and Kelly who called plays, we could have made them bring more at the front which is what I think you were saying, and then that K Gun offense would have worked when Thurmon didn’t have 145 yards, but when you hit the 250 mark, they would have to adjust, and kept them off the field. Then Andre and Lofton would have torched them. That was the only one I knew we could win. Crappy coaching and letting those guys get drunk throughout the week. As I know people who were with them, would have been the difference.
  6. Dopey, no worries bud. Have a good day, and hopefully we not only keep Williams, but ad some depth to see who is the next top line up.
  7. disagree. Foster will be gone. We want that field position. Shorter the field the easier our suspect offense scores. If the Jets game mattered, we would have been 11-5.
  8. He was a lunkhead with that party thing in Philly, but overall after his negative comments before he came here, he was nothing but positive for the years here, so I’m happy for him. He is certainly not McGahee, or Lynch who left so wrong. I don’t know why even if not happy, they just don’t keep their mouths shut and move onto their next team.
  9. The owners won the last deal. They’ll win this one. They’ll concede on several things, but not the rollover cap. They already have to spend 88% on a rollover basis, not in one year. The players union may make some headway on the 88% per year. I can see that, but not taking it away. You’re talking about a union based on 100’s of thousands to multi millions, vs. Billionaires combined times 32.
  10. do you guys how many pounds not ounces of marijuana he had in his vehicle in CO? I really liked him while here, but talk about stupidity. For the guy who said Mueller, he’s Caucasian, and about 35 lbs. heavier of muscle. He was a beast back in the day.
  11. We’ll grab one, but not necessarily in the first round. As far as development, there are multiple positions that takes time, for example, QB, O Lineman, and even LB’s. It should be an interesting spring or winter with free agency, and the draft. I do agree I would rather bundle picks for whatever position to go from 9 to maybe 5 or 6. If we hit on the right guys, this team will be much better.
  12. I respectfully disagree with a couple of points. Roberts was one of the top return persons in the league. There was just a graph on this the other day. Our punter ended up doing very well this year. I agree with you on kicking. He really lost a step this year.
  13. I’m sure he’ll root for the 49ers as that was really his team.
  14. It’s not really a lateral move from DB coach to DC if he were to get it. To me, it’s bad business to hold people back. It’s different with Daboll which was a lateral move.
  15. That’s funny as I moved to Tampa 6 days before the Bills / Giants SB. Of course being 21 ( just graduated from my Bachelors) I had no $ for a ticket. I couldn’t believe the number of Bills fans there. It was kind of cool as before One Buc Place, there was a Tampa mall. We showed up at 8:30 am with four cases of beer and had from row seats to wall of Macy’s where they placed a monster movie screen and one of the rock stations had these monster speakers so you could hear everything. By game time, there had to be 15,000 people in that parking lot. It was great until Wide right. i would never spend that kind of money on a ticket. I can afford it, but I’d rather watch on TV with no one, as I want to watch the game and not be distracted.
  16. I can see Arians taking him as he wants to be done with Winston, and loves veterans like when he took Palmer and before that Warner. Living in Tampa, I’d love it as a bridge. The Tampa offense has a ton of weapons. A lot more the the Chargers. This would give Tampa time to find their QB in the draft. Before people give me a hard time, I’m a Bills fan first, second, and third, but lived here half my life so want to see this team do well as well and in a different conference.
  17. I’m finally rooting for a team. Up til now I just wanted to see close exciting games. Now I’m all in on wanting the Chiefs to win it all. I just love Mahomes as he is so exciting to watch, and I really like Reid. So sick and tired of listening about the Pats, BB and Brady. Fun hearing Brady is officially moving when the kids get out of school. Hopefully it leads to their demise, and outside of the Bills winning it all hopefully multiple times, but if not I want to see the Chiefs win back to back SB. That would be great for Reid and Mahomes.
  18. I understand several, but think we’ll keep Long for depth as O Lineman get hurt. I also don’t see them cutting the best ST return person in the league in Roberts, and depending upon whether they draft a RB which I suspect, Yeldon still provides a nice change up option. Gore is gone for sure which you didn’t have on here, There is no way we are picking up AJ Green as he only played 45% of the games the last two to three years, and is 32. That is not Beane’s mo.
  19. Garrett can only help so much with the Cowboys as McCarthy is going to change the whole scheme so he can only let them know tendencies of players that remain on the roster, but you can get that from tape. I never thought much of Garrett, not that he’s a bad guy, just not an innovative coach.
  20. Cortes, good take. You may want to just say Raiders as Most of us had to get used to the LA Rams, and LA Chargers. Not a criticism. My son just turned 21 so might take him to Vegas for that game as I read it most likely is in Late December which means does not conflict with his college schedule. Thanks again for the post.
  21. Funny you bring this duo up, as I watched them a ton, and although Dunn would cut and juke everyone, Alstott would literally run at defenders and bowl them over. He was a jack hammer. Gruden was an ars for not using Alstott as much as Dungy. I couldn’t agree more with all of what you said, and a solid pass catching TE, dump Kroft and Smith. That would be a nice trio with the other weapons and watch what happens next year with our offense.
  22. Well deserved. He made a big leap from year 1 to 2, and at his age to be the captain of the defense is impressive.
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