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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Augie, hindsight is always easy, but we know we could have had Mahomes at 10 and not moved back for White. Now I love White and believe he is the best CB in football, and I really believe in Allen, but even a blind man can see Mahomes is something amazing. That’s why I’m really pulling for them this Sunday as well as Reid. I have nothing against SF, but I typically when not the Patriots root for the AFC team, and always root for whoever is playing the Pats. I was so pissed as Philly several years ago was in that game, ATL totally blew it, and Seattle should have won if they just would have Wilson roll out and either pitch to Lynch or take it in himself instead of that stupid call. As far 19, I agree with the OP that first four have tons of promise. That’s why we don’t need 9 picks in this draft as we are more talented, and if we bundled some of the 5’s and 6’s, We could definitely move up and probably get more sure fired winners. I’d be fine with only 4-5 picks if they all workout.
  2. That’s not completely accurate except for Atlanta as you’re right Destin is closer to ATL, but there are non stop 30 minutes flights to Tampa. Tampa is the perfect spot for him as Arians made Palmer a huge success at the end of his career, and would love to move on from Winston like every single Bucs fan. Winston is not getting better. If he signed, the Bucs wouldn’t have to give Winston another year for $20 mil. The Bucs had the #3 overall offense, #1 in the pass, and yes would need to improve in the rush game, but part of that is they played from behind quite often. They also have the #1 rush defense, but sucked in pass defense. It makes sense as the secondary sucks down here. Rivers would be perfect. Before anyone says anything to me about a Bucs fan, I am as I’ve lived here half my life, but never over my Bills. I root for the Bucs every game, except once every four years when they play the Bills. I’ve been to every Tampa, Bills game since 93, and worn my Bills jersey every time. I do agree they should draft a QB as well as LA chargers, but could easily see Brady going to LA. For both guys it’s probably just a 2 year contract and help develop the young guy like Garropolo did under Brady and is now the starter in the SB. I’ve always liked Rivers, and a big part of his problem kind of like Eli is he’s had a weak team around him. That’s my two cents. If his family is in Birmingham, that’s also a very short trip non stop from Tampa. I just can’t see him wanting to go to two developing or weaker teams like Jax and Miami. ATL, nor New Orleans wouldn’t want him with their current QB’s not to mention the dead cap $ if either wanted to move on from their QB’s, especially NO as they have their next QB already on their roster.
  3. Chas, if it helps I called into WGR today, and gave them you’re idea. Tasker and Brown didn’t necessarily say it was the right idea, but they did say something does have to change and maybe flag is an option. Just wanted to give you the credit on this board.
  4. you know Chas, I never thought I would say this, but I agree with you. These guys would play hard if there was no hitting, and you’d get the best out of the skill players. I’d actually watch that game, and there is more to flag then most people think. There is a lot of strategy involved and speed kills. I coached it in a very competitive league for 7 years before I coached my boys in tackle. I had more fun coaching them in flag then tackle and I played tackle ball for years.
  5. Working first clinically, then on the business side of medicine, doctors are businessmen as much as clinicians. I don’t fault them for it as many are just trying to find a way to help more people. Yes, some are scheisters, but many more are caring persons. As far as CTE, I believe it is real, and am lucky with three concussions in a car accident and wrestling, I’ve not had any symptoms. My son asked me who originally played football, but made himself an awesome lax player making it to team Florida, and eventually a full ride to a university. He had his 4th concussion, and asked me what should I do? I hopefully being a good dad, put it right back on him and asked what logically should he do? He said I should quit. I then said, well you knew what to do, but was looking for confirmation. I said, Ian you didn’t need my confirmation. I raised you right along with you’re mom and you have good common sense. Know when to hang it up. What I worry about, is not a couple of concussions, but these lineman who play a long career, and hit their helmets over and over again. That is the greater concern with hundreds, maybe thousands of hits routinely. I feel they are at the greatest risk.
  6. I wouldn’t get worked up about Roberts TD. They barely play defense in these games which is why I didn’t watch the last couple of years.
  7. my vote for the missing piece was the Honey Badger. Now healthy he looks like the earlier player when at Arizona. He’s a leader and a stud. Immediately made the secondary a lot better.
  8. Roc City, thanks a bunch as I missed on a couple of facts, but essentially had the jist. I’ve only watched the first 5 minutes, but this is great. I’ll get through it today, and all of us on TBD, should watch it hen you have time. Very cool my friend. For most people you may not be able to click on it and work, but you’ll easily find on you tube.
  9. Funny Motorin you bringing this up as this was a topic discussed last night on Late Nights with Alex and Gil Brandt. It was also written in a post over a year ago by one of the veterans. It’s good to know the beginnings. The first pro football team in Buffalo was in Tonawanda (they ended pretty quick, maybe two years if memory serves as there were a couple of deaths). They played in a local high school. Then in the 40’s after WW2 we had the first Buffalo Bills team in I think it was the World league. We can thank George Halas for not letting us enter the NFL as he said were not profitable. This is why Wilson when being a major part of the Foolish 8 called the team again the Bills. He was a student of history.
  10. Beane may go after one top flight free agent, but I don’t see two to four. He needs money resign the one he and McD want, need $10 mil for the draft, and a solid team always holds $5-7 mil for an emergency fund. I see him wanting to hold more as Trey White won’t be cheap the next year, unless they want to put the 5th year option on him. Then either they place the 5th year option on Allen to ensure he is the guy, or not. It’s a bad idea as three years more watching Allen’s development is a good thing. We have to make White a priority. Someone like him doesn’t come around easily.
  11. Since we probably won’t resign, Jordan Phillips as someone will pay him more than we are willing to do (hope he is disappointed and not offered the big contract as I see $6 mil. As a fair price. Anyway, Harrison Phillips will be a nice add for the team next year. He was so good against the run when he played.
  12. You just beat me to it. The voters, a couple on NFLR state to get in you should have as an attribute who changed the game. Well, he accomplished that in my eyes, and next year, he starts to be in the Senior category as it will be 25 years post, which makes me feel old. I’ve said before, now that they put in so many this year, his chances go up. You know Polian, and Vic will be lobbying hard. Polian has a lot of pull in that room. It’s too as Felzer passed, god rest his soul, as he was so influential in the voting process. I miss that guy and his Sunday articles. He was really close with my Dad as my father worked at the news for 44 years, and that as I was working there for college, I used to see him all the time, and was always very nice to me. Tasker always says the right thing on this topic on his WGR show, but I’m sure he privately is disappointed each year he doesn’t get voted in to the HOF.
  13. Not trying to be Siskel and Ebert, but my girlfriend loves movies, so we went to that War movie that was a true story. It is heartbreaking, but excellent. Yes, was a little misty a couple of times. This soldier was so brave. Anyway, watch8ng the Prow Bowl is like getting you’re appendix taken out without anesthetic.
  14. They are on 32 now. Eball, it’s 1pm and 3 pm. Just looked it up for you.
  15. My understand the interest, but I’m just happy these guys went for it as soon as they were out, vs. prolonging the inevitable. The other positive is these guys gutted it out through part or all the season to get us in and try our best to win playoff games. I’m proud of these guys, as they are trying to be ready as soon as possible to get back at it the earliest they can finish their rehab. They gave up a vacation with the family, like a lot of players do in the league, and I may be taking a leap, but to me it looks like they are 100% committed to this team and family approach McD has been preaching for three years. Oh, and as always thanks Hapless for the topic.
  16. MJS, I know one of the free agency options mentioned in that article this week was Kareem Hunt. Even with his previous substance abuse suspension and a small personal amt of weed taken from, but not cited by the Police wouldn’t hold Beane back from going after him. They tried last year, but Cleveland picked him first, and he was a significant compliment to Chub who is much like Singletary. He is big, powerful, fast, can be elusive, and a good catcher. I would still keep Yeldon, for his pass catching skills. He wouldn’t be that expensive, could sign back who we needed, and probably fill some holes like they did last year. Frees them up in the draft to go after two WR, a TE, and an edge rusher.
  17. I love Singletary, but there is no way he’ll get it. If he started all 16 games, his stats would be a lot higher and would have a chance.
  18. Best show hands down on NFLR. They almost always give you an interesting perspective.
  19. For those who like movies, just went with my girlfriend to the Gentlemen and was an awesome movie. Some big actors and great plot keeping you guessing.
  20. Orlando is a good place as so many have families and can enjoy the different parks, and the weather is usually very nice at this point in the year. Hawaii is great, but even the players who fly so many of their family to see them spend a truck load vs. Orlando which is basically very economical.
  21. Jump suit, I never said most of what you mentioned, and couldn’t agree more I am angered and a devout catholic that the Bishops, Cardinals, etc. allowed this to continue. It’s reprehensible. I also agree those that abused children are horrible and should be punished in the most severe way. I may not have forgiveness in my heart for these people priest or otherwise, but would be fine with making it a capital offense. Every time I think about a child being abused, I can’t help but think what would I do if one of my three children had this happen to them. God help them, because I won’t.
  22. It’s not a bad idea, and the person said all games on Saturday, they are not going to compete with D1 college football. Now on the SB, that is all over and yes some people go out on Saturdays, but also is a great excuse for a fun party where no one has to go to work the next day (at least most of us), so if you are a night owl, you can also keep the party going after. The ratings wouldn’t suffer at all.
  23. If you look at every profession treating the elderly, children, disabled, th percentage of priests as pedophiles is accurate to every other group. I am not in anyway giving a pass to these monsters, but the real crime is the church not either 1, sending him to prison for the person’s acts, or at the very least sending to a monastery somewhere like Portugal to have to pray 16 hours a day for life, and if he does not comply they out him. Being a devout Catholic, it makes me sick the church continued to hide these bastadges, and not punish them for life as well as the payouts. I went to Catholic School my entire young life, and never once did I ever feel a priest wanted anything but to help me. I understand the vitriol as it is horrible what these individuals did, but the church hiding it embarrasses me as a devout catholic. I can only add if anyone, including a priest hurt one of my three children in this manner, God help them, as I will show no mercy. I’m not one to talk tough, but this behavior is repulsive. My prayers goes out to those poor families.
  24. Well said KJ. I hate it too, but Goodell doesn’t dictate the price of the tickets. Goodell is nothing more than employee and his stockholders are the owners. I don’t why so many people want to blame him for everything.
  25. I love Evans and been watching him for years, but Tampa will never, and I mean never let that happen.
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