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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Because all of their skill players are excellent blockers as well and don’t mind dirtying it up.
  2. Why the heck did KC call that time out? They had 14 seconds and would have had only 5-6 seconds. If Kittle didn’t get an OPI, this could have been a 7 pt lead for SF and getting the ball back in the second half.
  3. Wow if the KC player could have pushed that ball effectively at the goal line, this would be going to the half.
  4. I loved his run , but Mahomes has been off on many of his throws. He needs to settle those nerves and he’ll get in a groove.
  5. I’m not saying he should or should not be in the HOF, but he was a DT, so sacks are not the be all, end all for their evaluations. I’m sure if I want to do the homework, which I won’t, other DT’s in the HOF probably had similar sack stats, but it is the other aspects of their play that matters. Anyway, I am truly not advocating, nor not advocating he should be in the Hall. You guys might be right in terms of his media play.
  6. They should be fun, but they were better I think a few years to several years back. There were some years they were absolutely hilarious. I’ll never forget the first time I saw the Bud, Whazzup commercial.
  7. Old manfan- sounds like you’re a good brother in law, and glad she’s fighting as hard as you described.
  8. People knock on KC’s run defense, but their stats are skewed from the first DC. Since Spags took over they ascended to a top 5 run defense. I’m not saying they are as good as SF at their run defense, but they don’t stink either. The biggest issue is can SF contain Mahomes high flying offensive pass game, and can KC stop SF’s run game. Lastly, can the O Line of KC deal with that incredible rush from SF. This game is going to be so much fun to watch tonight I hope.
  9. Stempeded, that is exactly what they are talking about which makes the owners happy as it broadens the brand in Mexico, maybe Canada, or even a game in a large South American Market. We all know about London, but the German teams in NFL Europe had the greatest draw so you could actually see a game in Berlin. As far as pre-season, you shorten to two so the players are happy, and I bet the next step is they try to get in a third wildcard team for each conference so only the #1 seed gets a bye. All of this increases revenue, and those saying it’s a money grab for owners, yes, but the players get basically half the TV revenues so their pie goes up as well. I would add dress all 53. If a team has players hurt they bring up during the injury however many practice squad players they need to maintain equity at 53.
  10. KJ - We can only hope this turns into a Jim /Dan rivalry, or Peyton/Tom as we all looked forward to those games each year. I’d be almost as excited to see the week where Peyton went up against Tom seemed like every year. I’m sure everyone else as well as me rooted for Peyton that week.
  11. You know I didn’t like his SB coaching calls especially in 25, but god bless that man for bringing pride back to our city. He and Polian orchestrated one of the most talented offenses in NFL history. I’m not saying the best, just so impressive. I remember pre married days in and just out of college and we would be down by 6 in a game with little time left on the clock, and you just felt like, “we’re not out of this by a long shot, tHen you’d get a run from Thurmon, an over the middle pass to Andre, and then some deep bomb with that long stride from Lofton, and in one minute we had 7 on the board. For those of you who were too young or very young during those years, I can tell you it was something special, and it wasn’t all offense. We had a balanced team. I finally have that feeling again that we are building something special here, and loving it. Now next year let’s get deeper in the playoffs when we replenish our arsenal with talent between free agency, the draft, and Bills that are here, want to stay here resigning because they BILLIEVE! Go Bills and I hope everyone has a great night tonight. I’d like to see our AFC team win for several reasons, but most important I want to see a last drive effort to win at the last minute of the game by either team, or even more exciting to be an overtime win. That would be fun.
  12. Corkscrew- good catch. This was a nice interview for everyone. He seems completely genuine in his comments.
  13. The only selection I somewhat question is James.
  14. This is what concerns me with a new Bills stadium as so many owners do PSL’s for a new stadium, and many pay it as the team may be doing well, and eventually they default and plan goes away when the team is not doing well, or the economy turns negative. An example is I can’t remember the year, but when Ray Jay in Tampa was built blowing up the Sombrero, one year PSL’s started and was a 10 year investment. At the conclusion of those 10 years, that money would be attributed to the cost of season tickets. This was during the Dungy/Gruden years, and as the economy turned in 2008, and the team was going south, people gave up their PSL’s in droves. Normally Tampa fairs well economically given the increased industry and very low to nothing in corporate taxes trying to get companies to relocate South, and across FL, it worked with low unemployment, but as we all know 2008 hit everyone and hard. Im not trying to make this a political economic strategy, but just giving one of the reasons the PSL’s went from a huge Poster the size of Ray Jay promoting a wait list of 80,000 for PSL’s to them discontinuing the program after people left in droves. They have been at an all time low for years in season tickets without the PSL’s. My concern is for my Buffalo friends who live there and have seasons don’t get out priced with these PSL’s. I just can’t see that working in Buffalo, but many teams building stadiums do it, and even without PSL’s, you can be assured as many are concerned those prices will go up. I love flying up with the kids and with adult family and friends going to two games which is not cheap. I hope I didn’t take this sideways, I just read that article and all I could think about is the impact on Buffalo in two years.
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