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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Yes. You obviously have a tendency to like being a pain in the ars to people just expressing their opinion. I dint attack you, just told you I disagreed with you’re opinion. I know the rules and the positioning does not warrant a call, but that interjects common sense. Feel free to respond in whatever juvenile manner as I will not respond as you’re not worth it. To everyone with common sense, my apologies as I normally do not respond to these juvenile attitudes. No worries as I will not respond again.
  2. There is no one that is worth two first and a second. Maybe a generational QB, but even that is a stretch. We can either sit at 22 or move up slightly to get someone around 16 or so if worth it. We can improve so much with a couple of key FA, and maybe bundle 9 picks to say 5 or 6 if we get trade partners. There are a number of teams in cap hell that would love cheap labor.
  3. It was a bad call Scott, but you have every right to you’re opinion. It’s over so not worth worrying about it. The regular joes out there that donated to an already wealthy young man is silly. I make a good living, and would never donate to this charity? If you want to donate you’re $, give it to a children’s cancer fund, shiners, you’re church, disabled kids, whatever. They are the ones that need it. I was shocked fans donated, and even if he was fined, it goes to charity, so not sure, but he might even be able to write it off. I don’t know nor am I willing to look into tax implications. It sucks he was fined, and glad reduced, but it comes with the game. This is not the first stupid penalty and fine, and won’t be the last.
  4. Augie, can you explain as DTV is owned by AT&T, so they are the same thing, unless you mean you se them for Cel., and DTV. I’m not asking other than confused as I had DTV for twenty years, but can’t now as I’m in a place where we can’t get the right angle to get a signal.
  5. WL- good points, and as Polian said on NFLR six months ago, he evaluated his lifetime history and stated he was at a 57% success rate in the draft and around the same to a little better in free agency. Given he is one of the few GM’s in the HOF, Beane Id say is doing pretty well for a new GM, especially as he was hamstringed by lack of cap and high contracts for previous players. Now he has cap space, a long future of a decent cap situation moving forward, and 9 picks. The key for me and sounds like you are saying something similar is has he and McD learned from the mistakes of holding onto a guy like Peterman too long, or Benjamin. I would feel very encouraged if they cut bait with these two guys, trade up for a young stud TE in FA, and you guys have convinced me maybe it is a good idea to grab Ngokuae given Jax and ATL ‘s cap situation (Hooper). With the Murphy and these two cuts alone we’re looking at almost $99 mil in cap space. We could afford these upgrades.
  6. I seriously doubt anyone is trading for Rosen, but you might be right Alf. As you stated, he is going to be at best a career back up.
  7. I wish they had this when in my 20’s. I’ll have to tell my 21 yr. old son in college. He’s actually pretty responsible, but sure his fraternity brothers would like this information.
  8. GB, now that’s funny. I’m laughing not at the obvious reference, but we adopted my third from China 15 years ago. This is exactly what it’s like over there. We were stuck in this city, Naning, and was described to us this is common over there so you brought back a couple of memories. T Master, not trying to pile on, but I can’t even understand what you were trying to say. I guess some kind of speculation on the Fish.
  9. Lastly, there would be a drop to two pre season games, and probably a competitive practice, but the game day roster would increase probably to 55 or something. I don’t know if they go to a second bye. I really don’t have an opinion and defer to all of you on the second bye.
  10. Mike, it’s most likely going to be both. There will be a push for the 17th game and the extra wildcard per conference. The league will acquiesce on smaller things like marijuana, and sell that both sides make more $. I’m not sure why so many point to business men and women trying to generate a profit, when the players also benefit from 48.5% of the tv revenue. Given that the avg. player has a lifespan less than four years, the additional dollars will help with each person starting their real career.
  11. This is crazy. A year ago, my oldest son came to me in college and he had a full ride in lax. He had his fourth concussion and asked me what I think he should do. I asked him what does he think he should do. He said, he thinks it might be a good decision to hang it up. I told him he knew the answer all along, just wanted confirmation. I thought this was Germaine to the topic. No amount of money is worth you’re health. I’m also shocked a team would continue letting him play with the buzz on CTE.
  12. Bandit, I see you’re point, but isn’t there merit in not offering too much in a deep WR draft. That’s the leverage not to do it, and offering two even what someone else said a 4th next year is cheap labor for a team skinny in cap space.
  13. I’d rather draft someone or pick up a younger role player.
  14. If Allen could just learn to throw into those really tight windows like Kelly made look so easy, we’d be in the hunt for the SB every year. Don’t get me wrong as he is improving with each year, but Kelly was fearless and made it look so easy. Great remembering those days when all of us were a bit younger.
  15. A 2nd and a 6th. I wouldn’t give up a 1st for him, not when you have this deep of a WR draft. I’d still draft another. He’s a proven commodity and Allen with an experienced but still young WR coupled with a TE in free agency would help this offense to be potent this year.
  16. Augie, I understand. I’m of the opinion a longer term solution overall makes us stronger for long term success. I know a number of people are happy with a short term fix. I’d just rather pay for a Hooper or Henry if he were not injured as often as he has been for the last couple of years. As always, I appreciate you’re take.
  17. I’m happy. I never wanted Olsen. It would have been a mistake give; the age and injury history. I’d rather pay more for Hooper. 8-10 years guys. Knox will grow with him and we have a 12 personnel package along with Williams so we now have size balanced with the smurfs of Brown and Beasley.
  18. H2O, consider you’re three guys, DiMarco is cut for Dillon as he could be a hybrid RB battering ram at 6’0” 250lbs. so a Carson from Seattle type guy, plus doubling up for Singletary as a FB for if Spotrac is right another significant savings. If you add to a Murphy, Kroft, and Smith cut, that is around $17 mil extra in cap space so just under $99 mil in space affording Ngakoue, and Hooper. We go to 3 TE’s keeping Sweeney, and Hooper is at the top of the list, a big upgrade at DE and TE, and if we wanted to keep Yeldon or McKenzie as a hybrid pass catching RB or WR for gadget plays, we have more than enough talent added to offense. Then we add you’re guys in the draft so two more WR’s, another edge rusher where we don’t have to keep Lawson, as well as Dillon, and we can keep up against the AFCW, NFCW, and the Pats less Brady. Match made in heaven. Extend who we want, hold back for Milano and White next year, Allen in a couple of years, have a young and growing team, and bye bye Pats as AFCE whipping boys. There will still be $ in the cap to keep this train running for at least a couple of years and I’m not afraid of any AFC team. Make it so Mc Beane. You can still get some economical role players this year. We don’t need 9 picks as they’ll never all make the team. Pick up 5-6 by bundling, and getting better players, and we have replenished starters. Think about a stud WR, RB, TE group, better edge rushing, H Phillips replenishing our interior, and no we can’t have everything, but we don’t go after these 30+ somethings on the decline of their career.
  19. As The Godfather Gil Brandt says the month before the draft is liars month where no staff actually gives any real information, and is only about deception, and I believe that month extends all the way to now for both FA and the draft. I wouldn’t do anything different, and keep a lid as an organization on any leaks with a risk of termination. More leaks happen as lies coming from agents MSU ( making s#$@t up) to get the best possible play for their players. For every 1st rd WR bust in the draft, you can follow up with guys like Julio Jones, Calvin Johnson, OBJ ( even though he’s a pain in the ars). There is risk with any position in RD 1.
  20. Guys, I was skeptical after that Pats debacle, but he made up for it the rest of the year. Why so many people state 30 yds avg. is not accurate. Yr. Long. Avg. Inside the 20 2018. 67 yds. 41.9 yds. 34 2019. 60 yds. 45.1 yds. 22 Career. 67 yds. 43.1 yds. 56 Those are decent numbers. Taking on a problem is not worth it.
  21. DJB - Hooper has been now at least two years removed from the playoffs, and a team a little in disarray, as opposed to a well coached and run organization who has made the playoffs two of the last three years that before we cut Kroft, Smith and Murphy has the third most cap space in the NFL. Add that $15 mil and we have the most so we can afford a nice payday for him, he could be our starter for the next 8-10 years, and can afford one more key player, still extend needed players (which players love seeing teams that extend their own and manage the cap well as opposed to the Falcons who have not), as well as find more economical role players, and pick up four starters in the draft. What’s not to love. Buffalo is now a destination place. This is not the same old Bills, and players, coaches, GM’s, and tv and radio analysts are all talking about the Bills. We probably as much as I personally don’t like them get a minimum of two to three prime time games,a dm if you add 4:30 pm games which are more often than not nationally televised, will be another couple given we play the NFCW, and AFCW. This all adds up to a great place to play. If you add, he would be a top target as he would leap frog ahead of Knox, and with only Brown and Beasley as top targets, he would go to the top three. Even if we add two stud rookies as WR’s, they would be rookies. These are all compelling reasons to come to Buffalo. The weather doesn’t keep players from wanting to play in Green Bay, Pittsburgh, New England and even MN, so that argument doesn’t hold as much weight with a recurring winning team, and a nationally known well run team on the ascension. It’s widely reported we could topple the Pats this year. DJB, not piling on, just trying to give another point of view. I hope these arguments at least has you consider the possibility. I appreciate the dissenting view though.
  22. H2O, I typically like you’re posts, and like the choices. If we can get Dillon in the 5th or later, perfect, and I’m fine with bundling a couple of the later picks to move up for 2 WR’s, and a DE. You’re choices at those positions are solid.
  23. I just don’t understand the floating of these 30+ guys, when you could have a 4 years vet, 25 yard. Austin Hooper and ATL only has $5 mil in cap space. He’s unrestricted and don’t have to give up picks, or big $, or worry about the guy getting hurt or wearing down as much as the guy mentioned above. It’s a business, and whatever he’s done in the past won’t help now.
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